Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 8, 2004 By COL Gene In Politics
As we move closer to Novemner 2, the polls continue to show a 50/50 split in America. If one were able to step back and look at the facts without the spin both sides use, it would seem to me Kerry should be far ahead.

Polls show that 60% want major changes in our policies and 89 % want some changes. Part of the 50% that are supporting Bush must be part of the 60% and 89% that want change. These Bush supporters must know he will not change in a second term and by voting for him they will get what they claim they do not want - more of the same!

The events in Iraq clearly show the way Bush conducted this war was an error. Even if you supported going to war, few can say he has done the job well. His choices have increased the danger to our military and have turned the Iraq people against the U.S. Why would we want to reward Bush with another term or run the risk of another conflict in which he applied his inept choices.

Look at the economic results:

Job growth that has not produced the jobs needed for our growing population. Bush tells us about the 1.5 million new jobs created during the past 15 months and Kerry tells us about the net loss of 800,000 jobs since Bush took office. What about the over 5 million new workers that enteted the work force in America since Bush took office? Where are the jobs for them? We are 6 million jobs short and the Bush economic policies and tax cuts have not stimulated the economy to create the needed jobs.

We have gone from a national debt of $5.8 Trillion when Bush took office to $7.5 Trillion today. If you turn to OMB and the Bush budget projection, you will find the president predicts that by the end of FY 2008, we will have a national debt of just short of $10 Trillion and never shows a balanced federal budget. His next action is to make all his tax cuts permanent and create even more debt.

Look at the Trade deficit and the jobs that keep going out of this country. What have his policies done to stem that loss?

Look at oil prices. Have we moved away from dependence on foreign oil? NO. Rather then supporting an energy policy that would require increased fuel efficiency, Bush insists on drilling in Alaska that would not produce as much oil as increasing average mileage by one mile per gallon. In addition, drilling in Alaska would take 10 years before any amount of added oil would be produced.

The above are all facts about our situation on October 8, 2004. How can half of America want to continue this by re-electing George W?

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on Oct 08, 2004
Reply By: Patriot_Flamethrower(Anonymous User)Posted: Friday, October 08, 2004Well, "COL Gene", so much of what you have stated is FLAWED, that I really don't know where to start.

Well, I could write a BOOK on all of the errors and lies and political rhetoric and half-truths that you spewed in your RANT, but I am not going to waste any more of MY time on you. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because you are just a typical leftie SHEEP, too lazy to spend the time seeking the TRUTH, and too unintelligent to understand the big picture

sounds like the right's getting a little worried and defensive... if people are so comfortable in their political position, why must they rag on the other parties...are they afraid someone might like what the other parties say?
on Oct 08, 2004
Amazing how much the "fear" strategy" developed and implemented by the Bush administration continues to brainwash a reported 50% or more Americans. If you really want to know what this is about, take a serious look at the 23 some odd companies the George W. Bush ran into the ground before he was Gov. of Texas, how and whom he always got bailed out by, and George W's and his fathers relationships with the Saudi's, in particular, the Bin Ladens, and also which names were crossed out, (censored), by the current administration in the 911 report and in Bush's military records. A hint, the same person in both reports was the principle funds manager for the Bin Laden family and many Saudi's, handeling their investments in the US. These are well documented facts and it is also a fact that Saudi Arabia owns an estimated 6-7% of the US wealth. For those of you Bush supporters out there who think you are being patriotic, I know you think you are right and justified in your cause but you have been duped and continue to be duped.

Even if someone took the time to explain and prove it to you, many of you would continue to choose not to believe. That becomes more and more obvious every time I read these blogs, written by what would otherwise appear to be very intelligent people. The really scary thing about this election is not the politics, that is pretty much the same as it always is. The frightening thing, in my opinion is that people in this country can be so easily brainwashed and spit into the face of fact and truth as if they were doing their patriotic duty.

Shut off your televisions, open your eyes and read some history... double and triple check your facts and use some common sense. It's amazing what happens. In the mean time the oil keeps on flowing and innocent people die every day. I guess ignorance and a stubborn resistance to opening you eyes and mind is to tasking and it's much easier to repeat what the media has taught you. I am saying this as a ex - Bush advocate, (I was completely duped too), and a not to crazy about Kerry average Joe. But I definately will be voting for Kerry this time around. Bush and his gang are the most dangerous game going and I want nothing more to do with them other than vote to get them the hell out of my life. That's what I consider my patriotic duty.
on Oct 08, 2004
Reply #32 By: Silver_and_Jade_Tears - 10/8/2004 5:47:31 PM
Reply By: Patriot_Flamethrower(Anonymous User)Posted: Friday, October 08, 2004Well, "COL Gene", so much of what you have stated is FLAWED, that I really don't know where to start.

Well, I could write a BOOK on all of the errors and lies and political rhetoric and half-truths that you spewed in your RANT, but I am not going to waste any more of MY time on you. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because you are just a typical leftie SHEEP, too lazy to spend the time seeking the TRUTH, and too unintelligent to understand the big picture

sounds like the right's getting a little worried and defensive... if people are so comfortable in their political position, why must they rag on the other parties...are they afraid someone might like what the other parties say

Excuse me the *left* is NO better!
on Oct 08, 2004
"Amazing how much the "fear" strategy" developed and implemented by the Bush administration continues to brainwash a reported 50% or more Americans."

ANd yet even after Bush stated that if he was re-elected he WOULDN'T reinstate the draft, the majority of college aged males polled on campuses around the country stated they believed if Bush were re-elected they'd face a draft.

I don't think Republicans have the market cornered on scare tactics. Not by a long shot...

"For those of you Bush supporters out there who think you are being patriotic, I know you think you are right and justified in your cause but you have been duped and continue to be duped.

Even if someone took the time to explain and prove it to you, many of you would continue to choose not to believe. "

You realize that is the same logic used by people who preach about Trilateral commission/Zionist conspiracies and alien abductions, right? Hell, if it makes you feel more normal, I guess...

"Shut off your televisions, open your eyes and read some history... double and triple check your facts and use some common sense."

NO offense, but if you think you are that much more well-informed than the rest of us then YOU are the one that is brainwashed...

on Oct 08, 2004
Excuse me the *left* is NO better!

LoL...I didn't say it was. But you don't find many of the "left" bloggers on here calling people boogers and such, as Patriot has. *rolling eyes* this election has gotten way out of hand.

I believe I will be disenfranchised, and vote for a third party. Then I don't have to worry about being labeled left or right, as I am finding them both to be disgraceful.
on Oct 08, 2004
Hey Bakerstreet, you just proved all my points. Not necessary, but thanks I guess. And yes I am very well informed thank you. That a problem for you?
on Oct 08, 2004
I love the statistics that come out every presidential election regardless of whose running. It’s always the same thing, see how many poor we have without jobs, see how the economy has grown, but clearly not enough to supply jobs for everyone. Its facts of life people, its human nature to better oneself, and as it is with every developed nation, and every developing nation, and most of the others too, one does that through $$. Even if we split everything we have evenly, even if there weren’t greedy and needy, even if we got rid of all the people who would take advantage of situation, everyone would have to do without. It’s sad but true. I'm not saying this in defense of Bush, though I admit he's currently my candidate, I say it because to think everything is going to be peachy keen is just silly and juvenile.

If things were really bad (and they’re not, things are really pretty good relatively and comparatively speaking), and you can point out exact reasons why such things are a presidents fault, then by all means vote against him. Remember hind sight is 20/20 though, its easy to point fingers after the fact, and its easy to listen to the flowering speeches of others of how they could do better, but unless I've been living in a perfect world, and haven’t known it, things don’t always work out the way we plan, just look at Kerry, how many of his bills have made it into law.

I personally think Kerry is an over-inflated bag waiting to pop. He makes promise after promise, half of which contradict previous statements, and seems to be living in a reality of his own. Dealing with real problems if he were to be president is an entirely different matter, he’s going to have to deal with a government that is going to oppose him frequently, he’s going to have to deal with unforeseen circumstances, and he’s not going to be able to deliver everything he’s promised. That’s just the way it is, with every president.

I think Kerry is going to win, and that’s all right, even if we had a great president the wrong circumstances could deal out a horrible four years, and the opposite is true for Kerry. When someone gives me a crystal ball then I'll spew out prophecies of a bleak or prosperous future, but until then, all values out the window, I’m going to vote for the person I think interferes with my life directly and indirectly the least. Last 4 years have been great, and with the way things are going the future is only brighter.
on Oct 08, 2004
i like getting my tax money back as much as the next guy, but this is somewhere where what we want conflicts with reality. If you'll remember the times when we built a strong economy on credit, without fail, there was an economic crisis. After the "Roaring Twenties" with their great spending and the attempted "trickle down" affect, we built so much off of credit that we ended up in a net debt after the crash of 1929. I want my money too, but we have to behave responsibly with it and can't just spend money we don't have.
on Oct 08, 2004
"Hey Bakerstreet, you just proved all my points. Not necessary, but thanks I guess. And yes I am very well informed thank you. That a problem for you?"

Pfft. You made the point that people who disagree with you are misled, brainwashed, ignorant, get all their information from TV yap, yap, yap.

Fine, you pick then. You're either paranoid or intolerably egotistical. You either believe that somehow you are better than 50% of the nation in that you weren't brainwashed, or somehow the dark, brainwashing conspiracy didn't get around to you.

I think if you open your eyes you'll see a LOT of very noteworthy people who are vastly well educated and well informed support Bush. When you come here and pretend that people vote Bush because they are ignorant or brainwashed you just turn scrutiny toward your small-mindedness...
on Oct 08, 2004
Sandy 2 The things you say you want will never come about with Bush

I spent a lot of time researching the policies we have been following under Bush . I took that info and combined it with my experience as a business executive and retired Army Colonel to write my book. I also included the thinking of many experts and site about 30 world noted sources. I cover 10 policy areas and at the end of my book, I ask the reader 15 questions to help them decide where we are going under the Bush policies.

Read, "Four More For George W?" if you want the truth that about President Bush and his conservative cohorts. Look at the comments of some who have read my book. Go to www.amazon.com, type in the title, Four More For George W? and look at what they have to say.

If you can not stand to learn the facts, than just listen to the sound bites of the useless campaign Ads!
on Oct 08, 2004
Sandy 2 The things you say you want will never come about with Bush

I know... who said I ever wanted Bush?

on Oct 08, 2004
In response specifically to Patriot_Flamethrower: I am a tad appalled at your remarks. As someone who has grown up knowing Col. Gene, your comments about his character are uneducated and imflammatory. As an attorney, I fully support these discussions and debates when opinions about facts are expressed. By making your arguments personal you only demean yourself. Please provide us with your fact sources and I would be more than willing to listen ("read") to your viewpoint.

Carry on, Col. I'm enjoying your Blog site!
on Oct 08, 2004
and how can the other half of Americans convince themselves that Kerry is really going to change all of this?So it's better to do nothing at all, right? Give change a chance and maybe you'll get it.

I AM giving change a chance, and that's why I will not vote for either party.

Change for the sake of change is a fool's errand. Especially in a time of war. The economy is in pretty good shape, the nation hasn't been attacked again since 9/11, and America's two biggest enemies are either in jail or have had their organizations largely taken down.

forgive me, but that's just horrible logic. We didn't get attacked by a foreign party under the terms of say Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or many other presidents but I don't think that was necessarily to their credit. My God! reminds me of a Simpson episode where Lisa pulls out a rock she claims repels tigers. When her father asks how it works she replies "it doesn't work, that's the point I'm trying to make, but you don't see any tigers around do you?" to which Homer replies "Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock." I could go on and on about this, but it's too rediculous if you can't see how much error can stem from your reasoning in this comment.

on Oct 08, 2004
You know what really annoys me about Kerry supporters? And I think it translates into a lot of lost support for Kerry: Kerry supporters, the most vocal ones, seem to think that they're somehow smarter, more informed, more enlightened than Bush supporters.

And that's just nonsense. Is anyone here really going ot argue that I'm not informed? Not educated?

I understand why people want Kerry to win. I don't agree with their positions but I understand their point of view. It really gets on my nerves to read time and time again Kerry supporters acting like conservatives are a bunch of mindless Jesus bots or something.

So excuse me "Col's Daughter", it's your father who is writing posts impugning the character of half the population.
on Oct 08, 2004
And, frankly, insulting people is a poor way to advertise your book, which, frankly, is the whole point, isn't it?
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