Fahrenheit 9/11 is over the top in some areas however, much of the material is factual and Bush 41 or others storming that Michael Moore is "this or that" does not change these facts.
Bush 41 did use his influence and his friends to get George W. into the National Guard and out of the Guard early with an Honorable Discharge that George W. did not earn! The Bush 41 connections got people to invest in the businesses of George W. that failed. It is also true that many of these investors are connected to the Saudi Royal Family and were Bush family friends. It is true that about 140 Saudi citizens were allowed to leave America days after 9/11 when Americans could not travel. It is also true these Saudi citizens were allowed to leave BEFORE law inforcement officials had a chance to fully question them. WHY? How did George W. become Governor of Texas when had accomplished almost NOTHING of note prior to becomming governor - The Bush 41 family connections.
How does someone with almost no successful business, military or governmental experience gain the endorsement for President by the GOP over people like Senator John McCain? How does a student with a "C" average in undergraduate school gain admittance to Harvard Graduate School?
George W. is a perfict example of a mediocre son who benefitted from the success of his father and the connections his father made during his life. If you were to take away the privlidge George W. had all his life, NO ONE WOULD KNOW THE NAME of George W. Bush!