380 Tons of missing explosives is the last straw!
The failure to provide security in Iraq has added to American Casualties and injuries. Bush has not provided the troop levels required to secure the borders and prevent outside terrorists from comming into Iraq. He has not secured the explosives from getting into terrorists hands which are being used to kill and injure American military members or to control the populated areas where terrorists are operating from and planning attacks on our soldiers. The latest revelation that 380 Tons of explosives are missing from a known site is but one of a long list of our failures to secure Iraq and limit American casualties.
Bush made the decision to understaff the military which has resulted in our inability to establish order. Reguardless of whether you agree with the decision to attack Iraq, no one can believe Bush has acted responsibly in the way the war was conducted after Saddam was removed from power. Bush and Cheney are running around telling us how many tons of explosiives we have destroyed not how many tons of explosives we have allowed to fall into the hands of the terrorists that have been used to kill and injure our brave military .
Bush is the where this buck stops and he should be removed as Commander-in-Chief for failing to protect the military he has placed in harms way!