The morning after seems to indicate George W. Bush has been re-elected President. Although it may be possible for Senator Kerry to win the popular vote in Ohio and win the Electoral College, it is an uphill battle. It is essential however, to complete the count in Ohio and settle the issue before George W. declares victory!
If, after the votes are counted in Ohio and if that confirms that George W. has won, he needs to begin working on bringing America together. This is something, even he admitted, that he failed to accomplish during the past four years.
The President must move toward the political center. He needs to truly compermise and show he is President of ALL Americans not just continue with policies that only please the conservatives. If he does not adopt policies that meet some of the needs of moderates and liberals, he will continue the bitter split that is destroying our country.
George W. Bush would do well to look at what Abraham Lincoln said in 1858, "The House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"