Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 30, 2004 By COL Gene In Politics
The reception President Bush received today in Canada is a true embarrassment to the United States of America. We have a president who was despised by our closest neighbor and by the people of most of the European nations.

I cannot remember a time when the world had so little regard for our nation. The story is the same no matter were you turn with very few exceptions -- the United States is not trusted and our president is looked upon as an arrogant go it alone leader. It is hard to see how the next four years will benefit the people of our country or mend the huge rifts that exist between the United States and much of the rest of the world.

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on Dec 01, 2004
HAHA. Yes, you're not bombing the people of Iraq, just the "insurgents" - which really means, you're not bombing the people of Iraq, just the people of Iraq that don't like being bombed. YOU GET A GRIP. Everyone in Iraq are people of Iraq. That's very basic reasoning for you.

When you think about it, that's a good argument against any war, particularly the war the UN is waging in the Ivory Coast. The people the French kill are native to the land, and therefore, it is wrong for them fight against them, right?

Of course other countries shouldn't dictate what you should do, but when they are so overwhelmingly against it, can you stop and reflect? If America is so keen on democracy then what about a little world democracy. Even though you have democracy and are spreading it, your leader acts as a dictator, and even wishes he was by his comments. He is an enemy of democracy. - Here's where you go -"ya but you're an idiot, stick it where...". Mature dialogue.

True. You're the mature one here.
on Dec 01, 2004

Thanks. I can take a compliment, or a reasoned response, not ridicule.
on Dec 01, 2004

Reply #48 By: mismos - 12/1/2004 3:47:46 PM

Thanks. I can take a compliment, or a reasoned response, not ridicule.

You don't like being ridiculed? Then I apologize. I expect the same from you. I'm not going to let you talk bad about "my" country, my president or me and my fellow americans and not say anything about it.
on Dec 01, 2004
Reply #46 By: Citizen mismos - 12/1/2004 3:29:17 PM

HAHA. Yes, you're not bombing the people of Iraq, just the "insurgents" - which really means, you're not bombing the people of Iraq, just the people of Iraq that don't like being bombed. YOU GET A GRIP. Everyone in Iraq are people of Iraq. That's very basic reasoning for you.

Only one problem with your comment and your logic -- most of these "insurgents" are not from Iraq originally. They found their way there only in the last year, mostly since the war. They've imported themselves from Syria, Egypt, Iran and other places.

If we are dropping bombs on those people, we're bombing combatants and insurgents.

If we drop bombs on Iraqi citizens, then we are bombing the people of Iraq. Though it could be argued that the people that are having bombs targetted at them are perhaps giving up their citizenship because they've taken up arms against the provisional government and/or against the defenders of the peace there (us).
on Dec 01, 2004
You don't like being ridiculed? Then I apologize. I expect the same from you. I'm not going to let you talk bad about "my" country, my president or me and my fellow americans and not say anything about it.

Were you such a stickler for ridicule about your president when your president was Bill Clinton?
on Dec 01, 2004
Get a grip! We are not bombing the people of Iraq, just the insurgents

You're kidding, right? No, you're freakin' serious. I suppose it's the martians that have killed upwards of 100,000 Iraqis, according to some estimates. That may be high, but the point is that the insurgents have not killed nearly as many Iraqi civilians as the Americans have. But, then again, this administration doesn't count Iraqi deaths. Therefore, they haven't occurred, right? Oh, wrong again..........

You need to get a grip and face some reality, bro. You're living in la la land.
on Dec 01, 2004
Helix the II

As with every issue about Bush and the choices he has made- Are they resolving the issues that face America? Bush is saying it is results not the effort that counts. I guess we will have to see the results of things like:

What type of government develops in Iraq and what it will mean to us.
What will happen to the National Debt and the interest it will cost us all.
What will happen with trade and the falling Dollar.
Will we make Social Security and Medicare financially secure
Can we prevent another attack on America
Can we overcome the world wide Muslem actions aginst America.
Can we resolve the Middle-east conflict
Can we prevent nuclear weapons from ending up in Iran etc.

In time we will be able to see just how well Bush and his policies handled the major issues we are faced with today.
on Dec 01, 2004
You're kidding, right? No, you're freakin' serious. I suppose it's the martians that have killed upwards of 100,000 Iraqis, according to some estimates. That may be high, but the point is that the insurgents have not killed nearly as many Iraqi civilians as the Americans have. But, then again, this administration doesn't count Iraqi deaths. Therefore, they haven't occurred, right? Oh, wrong again..........

So, the American army is bombing innocent Iraqis? For what reason?
on Dec 01, 2004

Reply #53 By: dabe - 12/1/2004 7:50:31 PM
Get a grip! We are not bombing the people of Iraq, just the insurgents

You're kidding, right? No, you're freakin' serious. I suppose it's the martians that have killed upwards of 100,000 Iraqis, according to some estimates. That may be high, but the point is that the insurgents have not killed nearly as many Iraqi civilians as the Americans have. But, then again, this administration doesn't count Iraqi deaths. Therefore, they haven't occurred, right? Oh, wrong again..........

You need to get a grip and face some reality, bro. You're living in la la land.

The american army is bombing innocent Iraqis? Show proof!
on Dec 01, 2004

Reply #53 By: dabe - 12/1/2004 7:50:31 PM
Get a grip! We are not bombing the people of Iraq, just the insurgents

You're kidding, right? No, you're freakin' serious. I suppose it's the martians that have killed upwards of 100,000 Iraqis, according to some estimates. That may be high, but the point is that the insurgents have not killed nearly as many Iraqi civilians as the Americans have. But, then again, this administration doesn't count Iraqi deaths. Therefore, they haven't occurred, right? Oh, wrong again..........

You need to get a grip and face some reality, bro. You're living in la la land.

The american army is bombing civilians? Show proof!

Reply #52 By: whoman69 - 12/1/2004 7:49:59 PM
You don't like being ridiculed? Then I apologize. I expect the same from you. I'm not going to let you talk bad about "my" country, my president or me and my fellow americans and not say anything about it.

Were you such a stickler for ridicule about your president when your president was Bill Clinton?

I was until after the Lewinsky incident. After that I lost "all" respect for the man.
on Dec 01, 2004
Anyone notice that Bush called the Canadian PM, Mr Premier?
on Dec 01, 2004
So, the American army is bombing innocent Iraqis? For what reason?

The Bush administration doesn't really want to talk about the Iraqis that have died as a direct result of coalition airstrikes, but when they do, they call it "collateral damage". Tell that to the Iraqis. Following is an excerpt from one report, with a link, along with other links, if you care to actually read up on this rather disturbing issue.

"The survey indicated violence accounted for most of the extra deaths seen since the invasion, and air strikes from coalition forces caused most of the violent deaths, the researchers wrote in the British-based journal.

"Most individuals reportedly killed by coalition forces were women and children," they said.

The report was released just days before the U.S. presidential election. The Lancet routinely publishes papers on the Web before they appear in print, particularly if it considers the findings of urgent public health interest. "
Link ABCNews

Link Iraq Body Count

Link Taking Stock of Iraqi Deaths

These are just a few..................

on Dec 01, 2004

-- most of these "insurgents" are not from Iraq originally

according to the latest reports ive seen, the number of insurgents captured and still being held after the most recent battle for fallouja is about 1000; of those 30 were third-nation foreign fighters.  that doesnt take into account the dead found in possession of copies of the qu'ran printed in countries other than iraq and no other identification but to say most insurgents are not iraqis is far less than accurate.

Though it could be argued that the people that are having bombs targetted at them are perhaps giving up their citizenship because they've taken up arms against the provisional government and/or against the defenders of the peace there (us).

as it could be argued that the american revolutionaries were traitors having taken up arms against the colonial government and the defenders of the king's commonwealth.

on Dec 01, 2004
see replies #56 and 57.  yall got the good dr so riled up hes quoting his own responses now.
on Dec 02, 2004

Reply #61 By: kingbee - 12/1/2004 11:39:51 PM
see replies #56 and 57. yall got the good dr so riled up hes quoting his own responses now.

Sorry for the double post. Don't know how I missed it.
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