Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 4, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Voter turnout in Iraq, which created euphoria in the Bush administration, could turn out to be a nightmare for this country. Although it is too early to have the final results from the election, it appears that the Shiite clerics hold a commanding lead.

The net result of the Iraqi election could be the creation of a government similar to the type of government in Iran. We have been unable to deal with the Iranian government for decades and if what results in Iraq is similar to the government in Iran, George W. Bush may have succeeded in turning an evil dictatorship into another Islamic regime that poses an additional threat to the United States and the West. If that is the result of this election, it is certainly no way to enhance the security of the United States or other nations plagued by the violent Islamic insurrection that is taking place.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Feb 06, 2005
If anyone thinks the Iraq people look at us as anything by occupiers, they are kidding themselves. I have given you specific examples and the opinion of the experts (CIA) and the reporters that are living these events. The election shows the people who voted want a government similar to the one in Iran. How that shows they side with our policy or want us in their country is NUTS! The type of attacks that are killing our troops could not happen without the support of the civilian population. If they supported us, thay would identify the people that are killing our troops. The fact is that the people responsible for this killing live among them and are sheltered by them.
on Feb 06, 2005
The New York Times has an article on its site right now, called "Leading Shiite Clerics Pushing Islamic Constitution in Iraq" Link The fact that the 2/3 majority voted for these clerics, and support an Islamic state, similar to Iran, is 1) an indication of how much they have embraced our "democracy" NOT, and 2) a total slap in the face to the Dubya administration. Two thirds majority, folks. That can be called a mandate, unlike the 1-2% majority Dubya won with here in the US, which is no mandate at all.

Get real, folks. Time to wake up and smell the odor of victory. But who won? I don't think it's us. One thing that was very clear from the beginning of this fiasco invasion was the possibilty of an American defeat should Saddam's dictatorship be replaced by an Islamist regime. Apparently, that's what the Iraqis want. That's what they voted for. I sure isn't democracy. And, it sure isn't a government that will allow the US to stay and suck up Iraqi oil, which I do believe was the US agenda from the get-go.

on Feb 06, 2005
Here is a question I would like to see answered (I know, I most likely will not get an honest answer, but stilll):

If John Kerry would have won our election in Nov, and then the elections were held in Iraq on Jan 30.....and the exact same results came up......

Would the dems (most notably, here on JU, Dabe and Col Gene), still be saying that democracy in Iraq is a failure? Or, would Kerry be the "hero" that saved the Iraq situation, by making sure that Iraqis could vote?

Just wondering.....I think I know the answer, wether I get that answer or not....but, just wondering
on Feb 06, 2005
Uh, folks - the media are trying to spin this "OMG, they might want to be like Iran!" shit. It's Sistani's party that has the majority. Sistani is Iranian-born, but wants nothing to do with a theocracy - he' been there, done that. It's Sistani's party which has called for the Sunnis to participate and promised their involvement. It's Sistani's party which has remained calm and steadfast, even when some of it's high clerics were murdered by Sunnis. It's Sistani's party that has repeatedly said it wants a secular democracy. The only thing they have in common with Iran is Shia.

Hypervenitlation is unbecoming.

on Feb 06, 2005
Give us the list of new enemies.

What were those 8 million Iraqis doing on January 30th?

on Feb 06, 2005
If John Kerry would have won our election in Nov, and then the elections were held in Iraq on Jan 30.....and the exact same results came up......

This is a hypothetical that is very hard to answer. First of all, had Kerry won, he would still have the Iraq debacle to clean up that dubya got us into. I'm not so sure the election in Iraq would have been the same, mostly because I do not think that Kerry would be lying about it every step of the way. But, given the same set of elections, taking place on Jan. 30th, I'd think I would still be saying the same thing. After all, it was the dubya dickwad that got the US into this mess in the first place. And, if the Iraqis voted for an Islamist constitution, even under a Kerry presidency, it still would have been a failure, as the Islamists (Al Qaida) are the ones who attacked the US in the first place, not Iraq.

Bottom line, in my opinion, the invasion from the get-go was one of the biggest foreign policy blunders made by US in modern times. A kerry election would not have changed that.
on Feb 06, 2005

The eight million were not voting for the United States. The guy we are backing is getting 18% of the vote and the most likely governmnet will be like the one Bush is blasting every day- Iran.


My answer would be the same. The Iraq war was not correctable by anyone including Kerry. It was a error in two ways. From the concept ( making us safer) and the way it was conducted. I wanted Kerry to win so our government would have a balance. The problems I see with our foreign and domestic policies is they do not benefit the majority of Americans. Many of the Republicans who voted for George W. will be harmed by his policies. All they see is Republican or Democrat. The most important issue are the policies helping the majority of Americans over the long hall. Such is not the case with the Bush/conservative agenda. That policy provides the vast majority of the benefit to the wealthy (top 5-10%) ; a little help to the middle income and NO help to the bottom 25%. Thus, his policies only benefit the wealthy Republicans; the table scraps to middle income Republicans and nothing for the poorer Republicans. Great choice!
on Feb 06, 2005
All they see is Republican or Democrat.

What arrogance. AFO.

on Feb 06, 2005
No Truth!
on Feb 06, 2005
All they see is Republican or Democrat

What ignorance.
on Feb 06, 2005
You want new enemies? Try the, in your estimate, 20,000 Iraqi insurgents. Try the opinions of the Turks (heavily against the war). Try that the entire world has turned its opinion on us (we, along with England, were the only adamant supporters of the war).
on Feb 06, 2005
You want new enemies? Try the, in your estimate, 20,000 Iraqi insurgents. Try the opinions of the Turks (heavily against the war). Try that the entire world has turned its opinion on us (we, along with England, were the only adamant supporters of the war).

I wouldn't count the entire world as our enemies. After all, we've always done things that pissed them off and vice versa, and we didn't go to war over it. The Turks too.

So, there's 20,000 Iraqi insurgents, who were probably not originally friends of the US anyway (remember, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq, so it's not as if we didn't have enemies before then).
on Feb 06, 2005
new (nü, nyü), adj., adv., n. -adj. 1 never having been before; now first made, thought out, known or heard of, felt or discovered:...

en|e|my (en'e me), n. pl. -mies, adj. -n. 1 a person or group that hates and tries to harm another; opponent; adversary:...

on Feb 06, 2005
Tell me how many Americans were being killed in Iraq or injured in Iraq before Bush attached them? By the death toll and injuries we are worse off now than before the war. drmiler talks about being shot at when we flew over Iraq under saddam. How many people did we lose during the fly overs? How creating another country where terrorists operate every day has improved our security? How will another country with a government like Iran improve our security? Have our actions in Iraq brought us closer to eliminating the people that caused 9/11?
on Feb 06, 2005
Did more Americans die after we declared war on Japan, or to the attack on Pearl Harbor?
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