Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 12, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

There are a number of ways of being untruthful. One is to outright lie like President Clinton did about having sex with Monica Lewinsky. Another way is to mask your true intentions. It is clear from the choices President Bush has made in his new budget that he has chosen to lie to the American people by hiding his real intentions.

First, the farm subsidy cuts are going over in the red states like a “lead balloon”. Group after group of farmers, who are responsible for reelecting George W. Bush, feel betrayed by his proposal to cut subsidies. Cotton and corn and wheat growers plan to fight the President.

His cuts in education, police, funding for the poor to heat their homes and pay for medical care have alienated other groups. His cuts in prescription drug funding for our veterans and his proposed changes in Social Security are opposed by veterans and many other groups across America. The most recent poll shows 54% disapprove of the president's job performance. There is an old saying, “be careful what you ask for”. Such is clearly the case in the election of 2004. As time passes, more and more Americans are going to realize what they got by re-electing Bush is not what they WANTED!

If George W. Bush had been honest during the election of 2004, he would be in Crawford, Texas today working on the ranch.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 12, 2005
Wow. So, all the Bush supporters in the entire universe only see what they want to see, but not you? You only see the truth (which seems to be very "Bush is the devil").
on Feb 12, 2005
Bush should create jobs... but Bush should tax the crap out of people who create jobs...

Someone told me once that the Dems should have a "golden age" so that people could see how flawed their garbage is, and therefore never opt for it again. Apparently either eight years isn't enough, or they have a really short memory...

I suggest anyone who believes this attitude creates prosperity go back and look at the last couple of years of the Clinton administration and where the economy was headed. COL Gene and the rest like to pin stuff that was already happening on Bush, but in fact 8 years of raping taxpayers wasn't going very far...
on Feb 13, 2005
Juxtaposition First I am not a Bush supporter. What most Bushies do is fail to look at the real results of the Bush policies. Deficits, increased trade deficit, ineffective war, nonsolutions to our energy needs, non solutions for Medicare and Social Security funding etc.

Bakerstreet - No I do not want to tax the "crap out of those who create jobs". I want to return to the tax rates on the wealthy that existed in the 1990's when the rich did better then they ever did and better then the middle class. I want to use that revenue from the tax cutrs to the wealthy to reduce the deficit and invest in America by rebuilding our schools, bridges, water/sewer systems, electric systems etc. Thoes needs Bush had the American taxpayer pay 20 Billion for Iraq with more borrwed money. That investment will create jobs and profits to the companies that would be hired to rebuild these things which need rebuilding. The economic stimulation from the tax cuts to the wealthy are not enough to even replace the lost revenue from thoes tax cuts. As the tax cuts to the wealthy phase in (by 2010) the loss in revenue increases making it more impossible to balance the federal budget! That is why extending the tax cuts to the wealthy beyond 2011 will add to the deficit. The Brookings institute did a study that shows making the Bush tax cuts permanent will add another $2.4 Trillion to the national debt by 2014!
on Feb 13, 2005
Juxtaposition First I am not a Bush supporter. What most Bushies do is fail to look at the real results of the Bush policies. Deficits, increased trade deficit, ineffective war, nonsolutions to our energy needs, non solutions for Medicare and Social Security funding etc.

First off we *know* your not a Bush supporter. You have made that very clear. And all those *non-solutions* that you see are your opinion. Not everyone elses.

that revenue from the tax cutrs to the wealthy to reduce the deficit and invest in America by rebuilding our schools, bridges, water/sewer systems, electric systems etc

These items should be taken care of at STATE level not federal.
on Feb 13, 2005
Juxtaposition First I am not a Bush supporter. What most Bushies do is fail to look at the real results of the Bush policies. Deficits, increased trade deficit, ineffective war, nonsolutions to our energy needs, non solutions for Medicare and Social Security funding etc.

Yes, and you're saying that unlike Bush supporters, you have the ability to see past your biases, your agendas, etc. and see the absolute truth of the matter?
on Feb 13, 2005
Juxtaposition First I am not a Bush supporter. What most Bushies do is fail to look at the real results of the Bush policies. Deficits, increased trade deficit, ineffective war, nonsolutions to our energy needs, non solutions for Medicare and Social Security funding etc.

Yes, and you're saying that unlike Bush supporters, you have the ability to see past your biases, your agendas, etc. and see the absolute truth of the matter?

No, he doesn't!
on Feb 13, 2005
drmillet If you believe the state budgets have the money to rebuild our infrastructure you might as well follow that little white rabbit with a pocket watch down the whole. The Fed. has been pushing off responsibilities to the states which is causing them to increase taxes at the state level. states are doing the very same thing in pushing off responsibilities to the local level. Bottom line were not reducing taxes were merely pushing them down the responsibility level to the lowest possible denominator.

The deficit, the trade deficit ,Social Security and Medicare are all national issues which Bush is not solving. He is made Medicare worse by approving a prescription drug plan with no money to pay for it. He is proposing a non- solution (private accounts) to ensure funding Social Security. He is proposing to expand further the free-trade policies that are responsible for the $600 billion trade deficit we currently have. These are results which you and the other Bush supporters simply will not recognize. That however does not solve these unresolved problems that are going to face this country in the future. Your children and grandchildren will pay for the Bush policies with higher taxes and higher interest and fewer needed services.
on Feb 13, 2005
The deficit, the trade deficit ,Social Security and Medicare are all national issues which Bush is not solving. He is made Medicare worse by approving a prescription drug plan with no money to pay for it. He is proposing a non- solution (private accounts) to ensure funding Social Security. He is proposing to expand further the free-trade policies that are responsible for the $600 billion trade deficit we currently have. These are results which you and the other Bush supporters simply will not recognize. That however does not make an unresolved problem that is going to face this country in the future. Your children and grandchildren will pay for the Bush policies with higher taxes and higher interest in a weakened economy.

Once *again*, *your* opinion!
And just an FYI the things on the list (schools, etc) where taken care of by the states LONG before Bush or Sr. came into office. Of course there were federal subsidies to help out.
on Feb 13, 2005
I was talking about rebuilding the older schools not paying for the day to day operation which is a state/local responsibility. SS/Medicare, Trade, the Federal budget are Federal issues which has nothing to do with opinion.
on Feb 13, 2005
The federal government shouldn't be involved in schools at all IMO.
on Feb 13, 2005
revisionist history. COL Gene also forgets that there are actually THREE branches of government. He takes the tech boom and results of a Republican Congress and turns it into "Clinton's Legacy", when in reality it could as easily be said that Clinton's policy of leeching new prosperity pounded the brakes on the economy in the late 90's and crushed the economic upturn.

Dems refuse to see that the disparity between rich and poor exploded during the Clinton years, something they convienently see now but were oblivious to then. They ignore the record $400b trade deficit and utter failure in international trade Clinton left behind.

They ignore the fact that it was Clinton that made an enemy of the EU, fostering trade war after trade war, and foiled the Seatle trade talks in 1999; something we are still feeling to day. He basically told the world to kiss his ass and handed the result to Bush.

Dems ignore that it was Greenspan in charge of micromanaging the economy, a Republican Congress in charge, and it was really Clinton, chasing tail around the oval office, that was responsible for our lush 90's.

Granted, it wasn't lush for the poor, but they only care about the poor during Republican Presidential administrations...

I would add that Clinton left us also with a handcuffed Iraq and rogue North Korea, doing nothing but appeasing for 8 years.

That is Clinton's legacy, imho. Do little, take advantage of whatever good news there is, and blame the next guy for all the weeds.
on Feb 13, 2005
I was talking about rebuilding the older schools not paying for the day to day operation which is a state/local responsibility. SS/Medicare, Trade, the Federal budget are Federal issues which has nothing to do with opinion.

Old, new, whatever makes no difference. The feds should NOT BE involved in schools in any way.
on Feb 13, 2005
Given the shift in responsibility from the Fed to the states, states are not able to fund rebuilding anything. Bush is now proposing to further cut help for police and Medicade which will place even more fiscal strain on the states.

I agree the trade policy Clinton followed did not work. That is the same policy that Bush is following including placing China into the WTO which is responsible for 1/3 of our trade deficit. Then tell me why is Bush proposing to further expand that policy that has failed for 12 years? Is this part of his Strong Leadership to "say the course" even though the course we are taking is leading us further into trouble. The Trade deficit was over 600 Billion this past year up from 400 billion under Clinton!
I never said Clinton has solutions but Bush is now President ans has been for the past four years . During those four years the debt, trade deficit, jobs, foreign affairs, oil prices all have gotten worse. The fact remains, the Bush policies have not been effective in dealing with any of these issues and all he wants to do is continue the same policies that are not working.
on Feb 13, 2005
"The fact remains, the Bush policies have not been effective in dealing with any of these issues and all he wants to do is continue the same policies that are not working."

Sometimes fixing a mess isn't as easy as making a mess...
on Feb 14, 2005

Given the shift in responsibility from the Fed to the states, states are not able to fund rebuilding anything. Bush is now proposing to further cut help for police

Well lets start with the police are a "STATE/MUNICIPLE" agency not a federal one. And as such should not require federal aid. And if states can not afford to fund such things then why do I pay federal, state AND municiple income tax?
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