Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 12, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

There are a number of ways of being untruthful. One is to outright lie like President Clinton did about having sex with Monica Lewinsky. Another way is to mask your true intentions. It is clear from the choices President Bush has made in his new budget that he has chosen to lie to the American people by hiding his real intentions.

First, the farm subsidy cuts are going over in the red states like a “lead balloon”. Group after group of farmers, who are responsible for reelecting George W. Bush, feel betrayed by his proposal to cut subsidies. Cotton and corn and wheat growers plan to fight the President.

His cuts in education, police, funding for the poor to heat their homes and pay for medical care have alienated other groups. His cuts in prescription drug funding for our veterans and his proposed changes in Social Security are opposed by veterans and many other groups across America. The most recent poll shows 54% disapprove of the president's job performance. There is an old saying, “be careful what you ask for”. Such is clearly the case in the election of 2004. As time passes, more and more Americans are going to realize what they got by re-electing Bush is not what they WANTED!

If George W. Bush had been honest during the election of 2004, he would be in Crawford, Texas today working on the ranch.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 14, 2005

Yes, police is the basic responsibility of state/local government. The issue is the total dollars available to meet all the needs. Growth is causing great pressure on both local and state budgets. I know that since my last position was the COO of the third largest school district in PA. The impact on local taxes from student growth created large tax increases at the local level. When we look at the needs of our country from the security issues to the growing and ageing population, the problem is we do not have the resources needed to pay the bills. That showes in the problems almost every state budget his showing and the federal deficit. In every past time of war, the American people were asked to pay higher taxes to pay for the war. Bush has cut taxes three times and now wants to cut the long term federal revenue by making the tax cuts permanent in the face of ever increasing needs like Social Security, Medicare , education and national and homeland defense. No one can, over time, spand more than they take in. Bush will not face that reality!
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