The Defense Department Inspector General has finally asked the Justice Department to join the investigation of Hilliburton about the massive overcharges the Pentagon discovered. This began in December 2003 with the initial $1.2 billion overcharge for fuel sales in Iraq. In January there were the disclosures of $6.3 million taken by two other employees. In February another 16 a million-dollar overcharge for for meals was disclosed. In February 16th another hundred and $140 million in food billing services were suspended.
It is encouraging that the inspector general at the Defense Department has now sought the assistance of the Justice Department who has significantly greater powers in dealing with these overbillings. It's disappointing is that neither the president nor the secretary of defense said anything about this issue. Another very strange issue is why we continually contract with a company who was so flagrantly overcharged the American public hundreds of millions of dollars. Would any of you continually deal with a business that overcharged you time after time? I'm well aware that the vice president's payments from Halliburton are from prior employment, however I also believe the vice president and president have associates and contributors that are key figures in Hilliburton. I cannot believe if this continues to simmer and why is DoD dealing with the company? It is time that Halliburton he forced to comply with the law and that we seek alternate contractors that will deal honestly with the American taxpayer.