Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Terri Schiavo case is a perfect example of how the religious right and the conservative Republicans will do almost anything to get their way. I for one favor allowing the parents of this woman to care for her if they so chose. That is not the issue at hand.

The Republican conservatives see this as another opportunity to gain political advantage with people who believe as they do. The Republican “talking points” clearly show how the Republican leadership considered this case an opportunity to enhance their political power. Among the points in this memo that was circulated among Republican Senators are the " pro-life base will be excited" and it is a "great political issue--this is a tough issue for the Democrats". The "talking points" were only disavowed AFTER they became public knowledge and developed into an embarrassment for the GOP.

There’s almost no principal that the Republican right will not trample to get their way. For as long as I can remember the conservatives have argued states rights. This is an issue that has always been in the purview of state courts. When the state courts , after seven years of litigation, did not produce the answer that the conservatives wanted they said the "hell with states rights will put it in the federal courts for another try at getting the answer we want". This is the very same tactic that was used in the 2000 election. When the Florida Supreme Court did not produce the ruling the conservative right wanted they took the issue from the state of Florida to the Supreme Court.

Let me end by saying I wish the Florida courts had allowed Terri’s parents to care for her. There is no one, not state courts, not federal courts, not Congress nor anyone else that knows for sure what this young woman would want to do. So no matter how many courts look at this case we can never be sure the answer they render will be what she wanted for herself. It is shameful however that the Republican right will go to any length to get what they want.

on Mar 21, 2005
So Roe v. Wade and imposing an end to slavery and imposing civil rights legislation in the 50's was "good" imposition, I guess. Bush-haters have the authority to decide, now, I suppose. On the other hand isn't it a bit hypocritical for the folks on the left to be screaming about impositions when they have spent the last century imposing their "morality" on everyone else?

When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. You don't seem to have a very full toolbox, of late, Col.

on Mar 21, 2005
Reply By: BakerStreetPosted: Monday, March 21, 2005So Roe v. Wade and imposing an end to slavery and imposing civil rights legislation in the 50's was "good" imposition, I guess. Bush-haters have the authority to decide, now, I suppose. On the other hand isn't it a bit hypocritical for the folks on the left to be screaming about impositions when they have spent the last century imposing their "morality" on everyone else? When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. You don't seem to have a very full toolbox, of late, Col.

ah gene gene gene you are the perfect example of why I post what I post..

Starve a liberal for a better america.
on Mar 21, 2005
you missed my point. I personally wouldn't like the decision from the state court. I favor allowing the parents to take care of this young lady. What is wrong to have Congress and the federal government become involved. so for in 60 - 70% of the American people have indicated they do not agree with what Congress and President Bush has done to take this matter out of the state courts and place it in the hands of the federal government
on Mar 21, 2005
"What is wrong to have Congress and the federal government become involved."

Then, again, they should have stayed out of civil rights in the 1950's and 60's, and all those laws they imposed on the South were obstructionist and invasive, right? How DARE the Federal Government enforce Roe v. Wade when the majority of people in a state would vote to make abortion illegal... right?

How DARE all those legislators actually LEGISLATE, when Democrats have worked tirelessly to rig the legal system so that judges will make law for them by re-interperating the Constitution.

No Col, I didn't miss your point. We sent these Congressmen to Washington so that we don't have to take a biased poll every time something new happens. A majority of Democrats and Republicans we sent there made this decision, and I defy you to prove that making law isn't their job...
on Mar 21, 2005
For over 200 years this issue was a states right issue. How many other people have been in the same condition and Congress said NOTHING. This is pure politics and the majority of the American People will see it for what it is! The current administration does one thing well- Play Politics. Nothing else and I mean nothing!
on Mar 21, 2005
For over 100 years slavery was a states rights issue. Civil rights was a state's rights issue. Then, when we as a nation decided that we could not accept particular behaviors, we decided to make them Federal issues through legislation.

So, according to you, we should throw Federal civil rights legislation out the window and let each state decide? How many more years would it have taken to desegregate schools in the south had that perspective ruled?
on Mar 21, 2005
P.S. only recently did anyone dare dream of making it legal to starve a handicapped person to death, Col. Do you think we are progressing?

Your argument just shows how convoluted the thinking of political creatures are. You accuse Bush of making political gestures, and the only thing you seem to be able to do with this controversy is to use it like every other one, a way to bash Bush.

You see your little nail, and you bang away at it with the only tool you have. Try and dig up something more sophisticated. Using the efforts to save Terri Schiavo's life as an anti-Bush tirade just shows how thuggish your perspective is.
on Mar 22, 2005
There are currently, what? Three or four articles on Terri Schiavo running on JU?...leave it to a liberal to turn the issue into a rightist-bashing politcal discussion.

Even Modman's post about "starving liberals instead" is actually about the issue itself and not politics.

Way to go, Genie, way to go. Go get fucked.
on Mar 22, 2005
Did you not read the first and last statements in my Blog? I said that I favor allowing the parents to care for their daughter. That is not the issue. There have been thousands of such cases with NO ACTION until the Republican leadership saw a way to use THIS case for their power grab. The Republican " talking points" state that in cold hard facts! I do not favor starving anyone but that is not what is driving the conservatives. It is political power plain and simple. They are using this one case to try and increase their control. So far the vast majority believe this was a political move and do not support Bush and the Congress in their action. Why if that is their conviction was there no action on the thousands of others in the same condition? Because the power brokers did not see the chance to use the other cases to get their way.
on Mar 22, 2005
I know this will fall on ears deafened from standing too close to the nearby mind's one-track, but...

Why if that is their conviction was there no action on the thousands of others in the same condition?

Besides what Baker pointed out (that starving a person to death by judicial order being defined as constitutional and compassionate is a fairly recent devolution), because the thousands of other cases weren't a cause célèbre. The squeaky wheel gets oiled. The mass media and Terri's parents have turned this into a massive squeaky wheel.

Look at it this way -- whenever some little girl gets murdered people come out crying, mourning, and leaving toys and candles in a pile by the thousands. But you don't see those people doing anything about the millions of little girls actually suffering that very moment around the world. Why? Because it's not in their faces. The mass media hasn't forced some false sense of "connection" on them.

This is the first time such a case has been unrelentingly shoved in our faces -- and it wasn't GOP strategists that put it there.

on Mar 22, 2005
Gene Nash

I never said the GOP put this case in our face. What I did say is that they are using it for political reasons to grab power from their base. That was proven by the Republican "Talking Points".
This is what was included in the memo that was circulated among Senate Republicans: "Pro life base would be excited" and that is a "great political issue -- this is a tough issue for Democrats" When this memo became public knowledge (by ABC News) Tom DeLay said he did not know where it came from (Not Likely) and the points are "disgusting" he said. Get real- They are only reason it is disgusting is because the memo became public knowledge.