Um, yeah. What you are neglecting to mention is those SAME polls showed basically the SAME thing before and during the election.
So, by your reasoning, the vast majority of Americans don't want Bush in office. They either A) were too stupid to use a voting machine or Thought Kerry was an even bigger threat.
Either way, he was elected, the polls are meaningless, and while he is in office he is President and gets to make decisions without asking your permission. Maybe if you and the rest want to defeat his replacement, you oughtta get started finding someone worth a damn to run against him.
WHATEVER YOU DO, you most certainly shouldn't thwart the democratic process by denying his legitimacy and trying to undermine the confidence in a President that WON THE ELECTION, and won't be running again.
That's what so insipid about your posts, Col, they are totally wasted effort. They aren't going to taint the next person running like you probably think they will, and you simply cannot effect Bush's actions without undermining the very Democracy you pretend to care about.
Then why do they keep electing him, Col? Where are the riots in the streets? Face it, the people you speak for are LAZY, and really don't care enough to get up out of their chair to change anything. Everyone else you DON'T speak for, and I think it is the majority, polls or not, are fine with the way things are going.
I don't know how someone with a military background can have this kind of attitude toward governent. Once someone is in office, you don't try to undermine their efforts. Your chance to have things the way you wanted them was during the election.
When you got orders that you didn't agree with from a commanding officer you didn't like, did you do your best to sabotage them? Did those who agreed with you band together to undermine his efforts and stall the process? No, it would have been treasonous to do so. How is this different?
Let the man do his job, and save your efforts for the next election.