Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 25, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
A Gallup poll shows only 45% support of Bush. A second poll by CBS News found support for Bush dropped to 43%. These two polls confirm many other polls on specific subjects which clearly indicate that many of the president's policies are not what the American people want. When is Bush going to change his policies to more closely meet the wishes of the people in this country? Where is the democracy Mr. Bush says is so important?
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on Mar 30, 2005

The tax cuts helped create the deficit. For example, to finance the war we should have increased taxes not cut them. That is how we paid for every other war. Bush puts it in the TAB.

The fact is we do have a deficit of about 675 Billion. That means we must have a combination of tax increases and spending cuts the equal 675 Billion.

Another fact- The trade deficit is up by 1/3 since Bush took office and 1/3 is from China which Bush added to WTO.

The Bush prescription drug plan was to cost 400 billion during its first 10 years. Then it was 550 billion and now it is 650 billion. Bush did not have the 400 billion much less the current estimate. Where dio you think the money is to come from starting next year to pay for that plan?
on Mar 30, 2005
Some facts from the Census Bureau:

Between 2002 and 2003:

1.4 Million lost health coverage in ther U S. 45 Million have NO Health Coverage
Real median wages for men - unchanged ; Women down.6%
1.3 million more fell below poverty threshold

Data for 2004 was not yet available
on Mar 30, 2005
Also, polls are not true representations of how things will go. There is a margin of error, and there are always issues with sampling (who they asked, who was willing to answer etc...) It gets especially difficult in a close race.. stats and polls essentially mean nothing.

Unless, of course, they support something the Left espouses; then the polls are the bringers of light and truth. If they show a rise in support for the Right, they're fixed or otherwise misread.
on Mar 30, 2005

Col Gene: You stated that the tax cuts CAUSED the deficit. You were very adament on that point because I was very careful to point out that the biggest causes were increased spending and the weak economy. 

You expressly claimed that the CBO showed that the tax cuts alone caused the current deficit.  Can you not concede even this simple point?

on Mar 30, 2005
I said CBO stated that 270 Billion of the 2004 deficit was caused by the tax cuts which they did. I never said ALL the deficit was because of the tax cuts. The fact remains, the budget is out of balance and the amount so greater no amount of cuts will balance the budget. Thus, without increasing the federal revenue by 500-600 billion, we will continue to go further into debt and the interest we will be required to pay goes UP! In addition to the tax cuts, we have increased spending for things like the War and homeland defense. HERE is another FACT for you guys to chew on. Bush is running around telling everybody that by 2042 Social Security will only be able to pay 75% of the promised benefits. He is further characterizing this is a significant problem. We'll guess what, in 2005 the Federal Government is only able to pay 75% of what it is spending (675 Billion short). If it's going to be a significant problem in 35 plus years for Social Security not to be able to meet its obligations WHY is not a significant problem in 2005 for the Federal Government only be able to pay for 75% of its bills?
on Mar 30, 2005
The rate of underemployed was much lower when Bush took office.

But not lower then the 35 year or 12 year average. Again your comparing unemployment (Ooops, now its underemployment) rates against the best year in 35 years and from a date before 911/Enron/CityCorp/Tech bust. That makes it your opinion that all years from then after should meet the all time high of 2000.

If you want to take that standard lets compare 1945 unemployment rate of 1.9% as the next standard to live by.

The fact is that many of the jobs that have been created pay far less then the jobs that were lost.

But figures that you give for this underemployment rate also shows that those making under a living wage dropped from 10% in 1992/93 (Clinton Era) to now 9.3% (near average). Are you now saying that how we judge the living wage has changed in the last ten years? Again you are using your opinion that we should always judge numbers off of the best numbers only and not look at historical averages.

Sorry for keep beating this same drum, but I have to inform others by what gage your opinion is coming from.
on Mar 30, 2005
The deficit is not my opinion
The trade deficit is not my opinion
Entire industries ending operations in America is not my opinion
The lack of money to pay for the Bush prescription drug plan in not my opinion.
The cost of gas and oil is not my opinion
The creation of individual accounts that does not solve the Social Security Funding issue is not my opinion
12 million illegal aliens in America is not my opinion
1500 dead 25,000 injured and $300 Billion and counting in Iraq is not my opinion.

What excuse can you dream up for these realities?
on Mar 30, 2005
I am not wrong. You will not look at the data that is available. The results of what is taking place will nor go away by your refusing to acknowledge the facts!

Nor will it change by your abuse of the facts! All you accomplish by continuely rubbing our face in *your facts* is to piss us off.
on Mar 30, 2005

They are NOT MY FACTS. LOOK at my last post. They are reality that you will not answer. I did not create the deficit and any of the other facts above.
on Mar 30, 2005
Geez, is it 2008 already
What you Yanks need is good old fashioned MONARCHY, that way no one gets elected, no one gets to moan about who won or lost, everyone's happy, right?
on Mar 30, 2005
They are NOT MY FACTS. LOOK at my last post. They are reality that you will not answer. I did not create the deficit and any of the other facts above

But they're refuting your facts, and are refuting them by arguing from a logical standpoint. You are not; typical liberal that you are, you rage against the machine and are blind to the true nature of the facts you try to use but refuse to understand.
And nothing says "I'm right and you're wrong" by using ALL CAPS TO MAKE YOUR POINT.
on Mar 30, 2005
Go to Google and type in Federal Deficit The results will prove they are not my facts. Go to Google nd type in Trade deficit and the same thing will happen. Not addressing the issues and claiming they are just my opinion does not change anything nor will it alter the results of the Bush policies.
on Mar 30, 2005

Go to Google and type in Federal Deficit The results will prove they are not my facts. Go to Google nd type in Trade deficit and the same thing will happen. Not addressing the issues and claiming they are just my opinion does not change anything nor will it alter the results of the Bush policies.

Addressing the issue won't change it either, will it? So it still falls back to your opinion.
on Mar 30, 2005
Yes, addressing the issues and forcing our elected officials to effectively deal with the issues is the only thing that will help. One thing a congressman understand is to be reelected. If enough people insisted that the members of congress put policies into place that solve issues like the deficit, energy independence, truly fair trade and solutions to the funding of Social Security and Medicare we would get some place. Simply following along with what President Bush has done and is proposing will not meet the needs of our country.
on Mar 30, 2005
Yes, addressing the issues and forcing our elected officials to effectively deal with the issues is the only thing that will help. One thing a congressman understand is to be reelected. If enough people insisted that the members of congress put policies into place that solve issues like the deficit, energy independence, truly fair trade and solutions to the funding of Social Security and Medicare we would get some place. Simply following along with what President Bush has done and is proposing will not meet the needs of our country.

Get it straight. It ain't happening. Bush (according to you) is the problem. You ain't forcing him out are ya? Polices can be suggested to him by Congress, but he is under NO obligation to allow them passage. He still has final say. No matter how you spin this the highlighted section is "strictly" your opinion.
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