Americans should learn from the tragic death of this woman so that her pain and the pain her family suffered was not in vain.
First, every person should be encouraged to have a clear written directive as to what they would like done should they become incapacitated like Terri Schiavo.
Second, we should consider changing our laws to maintain the life of a person in the event there is no clear written directive. This would mean removing this decision from the next of kin and choosing life when there is no clear written directive to the contrary.
Finally, we must come to grips with the issue of how we pay for the care required at the end of life. It is not enough to choose life if you’re unwilling to provide the resources necessary to maintain those lives. There is no more specific example of this than the proposed cuts in Medicaid. Without having the resources in programs like Medicaid, it is simply not possible for most people to be able to pay for extended care of family members like Terri Schiavo.