Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Tomorrow the Minutemen begin doing the job of George W. Bush along the Arizona border with Mexico. President Bush recently sided with Vicente Fox, President of Mexico in calling these brave Americans vigilantes. What a sad comment from the President of the United States who fails to meet his most basic responsibility to defend his country. Year after year millions of illegal aliens come to this country draining our resources, taking our jobs and allowing terrorists to enter our country to kill Americans. President Bush has acknowledge we need 10,000 more border patrol officers and then requests money to hire only 210 of those 10,000. What a sad Commentary to our past presidents and to the members of our military who have died to defend this country. We need more groups like the Minutemen to shame George W. Bush into meeting his most basic responsibility as the President of United States.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 02, 2005
Key phrase here: "past Presidents". This is a problem, some would say UNSOLVABLE problem that goes back way, way beyond the Bush administration. We have had an illegal immigrant problem under every presidency since we considered it a problem.

Does the Col. address that? No. Does he distribute the blame with those DEMOCRATIC Presidents that did nothing when this migrant culture was just beginning? No. Does the Col. offer any solutions other than the usual Democrat band-aid of throwing billions of dollars at the problem and praying it works? No.

Worse, does the Col. stoop to the "terrorism card", and use unsubstantiated fear to provoke political angst? Yes. Is that something that those of his political stance have lambasted the Bush administration over and over and over for doing? Yes. Does the Col. have a shred of evidence that a perfectly sealed Mexican border would have ever prevented a single terrorist attack? No.

You can put a border guard every 100 yards, pay them 50k a year, and put a MINE FIELD between them and Mexicans will STILL get into this country. You can spend literally billions shuffling the ones you catch through the justice system and sending them back and they'd get off the bus and start planning their next trip here.

If jail and fear of death would prevent illegal immigration, we wouldn't have thousands of Cubans and Haitians trying to make it here on innertubes and inflatable kiddie pools.


I'm gonna start a pool on whether, if the Democrats win next time, the Col:

A) writes another book and shifts to slamming that president.


quietly waits for another Republican to be elected and nods a lot in the meantime.
on Apr 02, 2005
Home Land Security is part of the Execuative Branch (remember the three Branches from grade school) and guess who is head of the Execuative Branch Yes - George W.

OMB prepares the budget for Congress and Guess who OMB reports to? Yes - George W. Remenber Truman "The Buck Stops Here" Bush and you Bushies have placed that sign on another desk. I wonder which one?
on Apr 02, 2005
I'm gonna start a pool on whether, if the Democrats win next time, the Col:

I will take a buck on the republican and give 7 to 1 odds.
on Apr 03, 2005
No matter who wins in 2008, they will have to deal with the financial mess created by George W. Bush!
on Apr 03, 2005
Congratulations, COL Gene, you actually managed to write something I would agree with if you didn't include the obligatory attack on Bush. We do need a strong border. As far as being racist if you don't want illegal immigrants in your country, that is nonsense. Are we racist against murderers because we don't tolerate them doing something illegal? Of course not. I care not whether or not they come here, but I DO care whether or not they do it legally.
on Apr 03, 2005
I agree it has NOTHING to do with being racist. That is used by those who want anyone to be allowed into the U S. As far as Bush is concerned, he is the person who is not enforcing our laws. He is not requesting the funding for the new positions he himself claims are needed. He is the one that wants to solve the illegal problem by just making them legal. The vast majority ,80 puls %, do not agree with Bush on his border policy and want our border protected. Why is Bush not protecting our borders? Please give me an answer that makes sense.
on Apr 03, 2005
Reply By: COL Gene Posted: Sunday, April 03, 2005
"I agree it has NOTHING to do with being racist."

Bull-Shit! Who's folling whom? If the so-called "illegal" aliens crossing the border were Nordic blondes with blue eyes, there wouldn't be a prohibition against entry in the first instance. It's racism notwithstanding the use of any song and dance about lawful entry to justify rounding up these heroic journeymen.

BTW, your precious cracker Pilgrims did not lawfully enter the land they subsequently swindled from the Native Americans. Redneck crackers, such as Austin, Col. Gene, and W, made Mexico into one enormous shanty-town, so as to exploit and extract the Mexican workers' labor value; without this cracker economy could not survive.
on Apr 03, 2005

I don't give a rats ass what color they are, all must obey the law. Terrorist can be any color or race, We need to control our borders to all foreigners and it has nothing to do with white, black ,brown, yellow or what ever. You're just full of BS trying to to stop something that must be done and that the vast majority of Americans want to have done. Since America is a democracy, you are overruled!
on Apr 03, 2005
"You're just full of BS"

If you must know my scatological state, I am full of pig shit.

"the vast majority of Americans want to have done. Since America is a democracy, you are overruled!"

If it is true that I am overruled, well so were the freedom fighters who made up the underground railroad; so were the few good Germans who opposed Nazism; so were the Christians who the Romans feed to the Lions; and so on....
on Apr 03, 2005
obeying the laws of this country are basic to our system. We are a country of laws and the people who were coming across the borders in violation of the law need to be stopped.
on Apr 03, 2005
"We are a country of laws and the people who were coming across the borders in violation of the law need to be stopped."

Whose laws? I had no hand in devising laws that violate human rights, human dignity. The inhumane laws that you seem to support- even tout- amount to a system of quasi-slavery; the only way a 'capitalist' economy can run is by exploiting (stealing) the worker's labor value, so as to generate profit to feed the Captialist machine. Wake up and disconnect yourself from the Capitalist matrix that enslaves humanity's soul. The truth is Col. that on this one both you and Bush are partners in crime. Sad.
on Apr 03, 2005
"We are a country of laws and the people who were coming across the borders in violation of the law need to be stopped."

Whose laws? I had no hand in devising laws that violate human rights, human dignity. The inhumane laws that you seem to support- even tout- amount to a system of quasi-slavery; the only way a 'capitalist' economy can run is by exploiting (stealing) the worker's labor value, so as to generate profit to feed the Captialist machine. Wake up and disconnect yourself from the Capitalist matrix that enslaves humanity's soul. The truth is Col. that on this one both you and Bush are partners in crime. Sad.
on Apr 03, 2005
Why is Bush not protecting our borders? Please give me an answer that makes sense.

Applying COL Gene logic:

Pres. Bush is the "boss" for the departments that are employed to do this job, therefore Pres. Bush is responsible (directly) for this problem.

Applying the logic further:

Taxpayers are responsible for Pres. Bush, COL Gene is a tax payer, therefore COL Gene is responsible for this problem.

Therefore COL Gene, why are you not fixing this problem??!!?

Why are you not fixing all of these problems you constantly bitch about, they are all your fault, you are a tax payer, and you employ the people doing these jobs.

I hold COL Gene directly responsible for everything. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

New slogan: Blame Gene.
on Apr 03, 2005
I did my part by not voting to keep Bush in Office. Thus I did my part plus I publish Blogs and a book that points out how the Bush policies are not solving our problems. Better try some new logic!
on Apr 03, 2005

#26 by Tsarantula-X (Bob's devoted daughter) (Anonymous user)
Sunday, April 03, 2005

"We are a country of laws and the people who were coming across the borders in violation of the law need to be stopped."

Whose laws? I had no hand in devising laws that violate human rights, human dignity. The inhumane laws that you seem to support- even tout- amount to a system of quasi-slavery; the only way a 'capitalist' economy can run is by exploiting (stealing) the worker's labor value, so as to generate profit to feed the Captialist machine. Wake up and disconnect yourself from the Capitalist matrix that enslaves humanity's soul. The truth is Col. that on this one both you and Bush are partners in crime. Sad.

I smell a DSH rat in this!
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