Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Tomorrow the Minutemen begin doing the job of George W. Bush along the Arizona border with Mexico. President Bush recently sided with Vicente Fox, President of Mexico in calling these brave Americans vigilantes. What a sad comment from the President of the United States who fails to meet his most basic responsibility to defend his country. Year after year millions of illegal aliens come to this country draining our resources, taking our jobs and allowing terrorists to enter our country to kill Americans. President Bush has acknowledge we need 10,000 more border patrol officers and then requests money to hire only 210 of those 10,000. What a sad Commentary to our past presidents and to the members of our military who have died to defend this country. We need more groups like the Minutemen to shame George W. Bush into meeting his most basic responsibility as the President of United States.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 02, 2005
I find these racist, vigilantes to be utterly repulsive (ever notice how the words repulsive and republican share much in common?). What these goons are doing is not only unconstitutional, but is also utterly immoral: abjectly immoral! It reminds one of one of the abjectly wicked devices - the patrol- used by whites to enforce the Black Codes during this Country's slavery period. The patrols were set up to maintain the continuation of slavery. In slave States, counties were divided into "beats" or areas of patrol, and free white men were called upon to serve for a stated period of time, one, three, or six months. These patrols were to apprehend "Negroes" for return to their masters. The patrol system gave white trash power, and money. As to the present, beware of Congress enacting laws which would in any way compensate these racist, vigilantes for their unlawful and immoral conduct.
on Apr 02, 2005
Scary that people like this are allowed to continue breathing our air.
on Apr 02, 2005
I find these racist, vigilantes to be utterly repulsive (ever notice how the words repulsive and republican share much in common?). What these goons are doing is not only unconstitutional, but is also utterly immoral: abjectly immoral! It reminds one of one of the abjectly wicked devices - the patrol- used by whites to enforce the Black Codes during this Country's slavery period. The patrols were set up to maintain the continuation of slavery. In slave States, counties were divided into "beats" or areas of patrol, and free white men were called upon to serve for a stated period of time, one, three, or six months. These patrols were to apprehend "Negroes" for return to their masters. The patrol system gave white trash power, and money. As to the present, beware of Congress enacting laws which would in any way compensate these racist, vigilantes for their unlawful and immoral conduct.

This post only goes to show your "ignorance" of what these people are trying/going to do. Lets start with they will NOT be apprehending ANYONE! When an illegal is spotted, the "US Border Patrol" will be called in to apprehend them. Are they carrying fire arms? Yes! Why? Self protection. Some of those illegals are not traveling alone (ever hear of coyotes?). And how are they considered racist? Because they won't allow someone access to something they aren't entitled to? Patriots? Most assuredly! Vigilantes? Quite possibly. Racist? NO F.ing WAY! And in NO WAY is what they are doing illegal! Unless you have proof of that, change your stinking tune!

And Col this time I agree with over half of what you said. I just thought you should know that.
on Apr 02, 2005
I'm sure that these people are very law abiding people, who will not hit, touch or go near a person crossing the borders. all they will do is look and kindly pass them water, chocolate bars and wish the immigrants the best.

Vigilante justice is back in. This people have no federal training, have no legal right to do this, but nonetheless they are attempting to do what the government has a whole agency for. We've no need for these people to go around and their need to feel empowered. Thsi is just another attempt by a minority group of americans to impose their will upon others.
on Apr 02, 2005

This post only goes to show your "ignorance" of what these people are trying/going to do.

Moment by moment, the powers that be hoodwink the masses. Wake-up! Wipe the sand man out of your sealed eyes. Why do you object to people- human beings- crossing a "border"? (From Heaven does your God see borders? does he recognize borders?) They cross to improve the quality of their life. What's wrong with that? Why should barriers be erected when the Republican Bible teaches brotherhood?

Or is it that whereas most people spell the word "Justice" as one word, you spell same in two words? That is, "JUST US" good ole' boys down here below the Mason-Dixon Line. BTW, wasn't that part of the country stolen from Mexico in the first place? I believe what is happening now is a form of Montezuma's revenge. I say open the gates. The more illegal the merrier democrats, and them more miserable republicans will be. Sounds exquisite.
on Apr 02, 2005
Any country has the right to control its borders. Why should we make sure who is comming into America? Answer 9/11! It is sad the Federal Government is not doing their job then this group would not be needed!
on Apr 02, 2005
Why do you object to people- human beings- crossing a "border"? (

Because they refuse to do it legally!!!
on Apr 02, 2005
m sure that these people are very law abiding people, who will not hit, touch or go near a person crossing the borders. all they will do is look and kindly pass them water, chocolate bars and wish the immigrants the best.

Vigilante justice is back in. This people have no federal training, have no legal right to do this, but nonetheless they are attempting to do what the government has a whole agency for. We've no need for these people to go around and their need to feel empowered. Thsi is just another attempt by a minority group of americans to impose their will upon others.

No they have no federal training. But I dare you to "show" me what they plan on doing is illegal! As long as they stick to the original plan (look, don't touch, call border patrol agent for apprehension) they are "perfectly" legal. Now the first time they *touch* one of the illegal aliens except for *provable* self-defence they they can and *should* be prosecuted! And since this is happening along our southern borders....all the states down that way are "right to carry" states. So "legally" they can be armed (pistol OR rifle)!
on Apr 02, 2005
"Because they refuse to do it legally!!!"

What rubbish! That's hogwash and you damn well know it. Slavery was legal, but it was inarguably immoral. More often than not, morality and legality are not one and the same. Is not this the truth by which pro-life activists justify breaking laws that either permit or in an way facilitate abortion? You have to do much better than simply saying because it’s illegal to justify imprisoning millions of human beings behind a border. America has made Mexico into one big ghetto, much the same way the nazis turned Warsaw into a ghetto of death for tens of thousands of Jews. Now get down to the border and break out as many bottles of water needed to assist any illegal that you see crossing; Jesus Christ would, why wouldn’t you? You know, it gets dam hot in them parts, and its only itching too get hotter. Go on get going!
on Apr 02, 2005
Sorry, but as usual, COL Gene has put forth a subject line and premise that are entirely wrong.

I don't recall a damn place in the constitution or otherwise that indicates that the President is a border agent.

The President of the United States is the President. He's not a border guard, is not directly in charge of the Immigration department, etc.

The COL can rant all he wants (as usual), but (as usual) the COL is as wrong as a 3 dollar bill.

Nice try COL. If you want to complain about Immigation, go for it, but TONE DOWN THE BUSH BASHING HEADLINES as it shows you for the one trick phoney poney you are.

Oh, lest I forget, I recall articles in the news this last week indicating that 500 agents will be hitting the borders very soon, in time in fact to be there when the Minutemen will be. Where's your commentary about that!?? I'd ask where you intend to get the money from to pay for 10,000 more border guards and agents, but I think we already know that you are leading the charge to raise taxes to pay for everything else, never mind the conflict with your also stated desire to balance the budget and eliminate deficit spending. Just more demands for more taxes to spend on more programs, all to be gotten from anyone not named COL Gene.
on Apr 02, 2005
"Because they refuse to do it legally!!!"

What rubbish! That's hogwash and you damn well know it. Slavery was legal, but it was inarguably immoral. More often than not, morality and legality are not one and the same. Is not this the truth by which pro-life activists justify breaking laws that either permit or in an way facilitate abortion? You have to do much better than simply saying because it’s illegal to justify imprisoning millions of human beings behind a border. America has made Mexico into one big ghetto, much the same way the nazis turned Warsaw into a ghetto of death for tens of thousands of Jews. Now get down to the border and break out as many bottles of water needed to assist any illegal that you see crossing; Jesus Christ would, why wouldn’t you? You know, it gets dam hot in them parts, and its only itching too get hotter. Go on get going!

No, what YOUR spouting is rubbish! We have LAWS in this country. And if your NOT willing to obey them then stay the hell out! I have absolutely NO problem for those that want to enter the country legally! But I take exception with those that don't care enough or give a sh** to go about it in the correct fashion! Grow a brain little girl.

And BTW slavery has absolutely NOTHING to do with illegal aliens! Neither morally OR legally! America made Mexico a ghetto? You better do some research before you run your mouth. Corrupt law enforcement and government officals made it a ghetto. Have you ever "been" to Mexico? I have. Probably more times than you have hairs on your head.
on Apr 02, 2005
"Have you ever "been" to Mexico? I have. Probably more times than you have hairs on your head."

Yes, I have been to Mexico on numerous occasions; as a matter of fact, I first entered your redneck Country by crossing the border. Since bribing my way into American citizenship, however, I now only cross (lawfully, I might add) at designated spots. N.G.. Arizonian is a good border town through which I have gone many times, for a variety of reasons. One reason was to secure Rogaine at a considerably reduce price for my balding illegal brothers who cannot lawfully cross in order to restock. Many a hair follicle has been lost by this inhuman treatment of the legally challenged. Stop the discrimination now, and send donations in lieu of flowers.
on Apr 02, 2005
The most basic responsibility of the President is to insure the safety of the U S . Without that we have NOTHING. It is not possible to insure the safety of the U S without controllong who comes into our country. The border guards fall under Homeland Defense which reports directly to the President. Thus terphan 1980, you are WRONG AGAIN! It is the direct responsibility of Bush .Over 80% of Americans want Bush to safeguard our borders in poll after poll. You should look at Lou Dobbs each night to get some idea how important this issue is with Americans!
on Apr 02, 2005
repeat after me gene..... Bush good, liberals eat do-do, Bush good Liberals stupid, Bush good, liberals moronic, chant this 3 times on arising in the morning and soon you will be a much better person.
on Apr 02, 2005
The most basic responsibility of the President is to insure the safety of the U S . Without that we have NOTHING. It is not possible to insure the safety of the U S without controllong who comes into our country. The border guards fall under Homeland Defense which reports directly to the President. Thus terphan 1980, you are WRONG AGAIN! It is the direct responsibility of Bush .Over 80% of Americans want Bush to safeguard our borders in poll after poll. You should look at Lou Dobbs each night to get some idea how important this issue is with Americans!

Show me again where in the constitution it shows that Bush is director of Homeland Security? Immigration? State?

He delegates, normally to incompetent pencil pushers like you've proven yourself to be.

You can blame him for under funding too if you want, but CONGRESS allocates spending, not the President.

Continue showing what a moron you are. It looks good on you.
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