Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
and so is the GOP Leadership
Published on April 7, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday, the Washington Post and the New York Times broke two more stories about Tom DeLay’s indiscretions. The stories reviled that DeLay paid his wife and daughter $500,000 from political contributions and his trip to the Bahamas was tied to Russian business interests. This should have been the last nail in the DeLay coffin and he should have been removed from his position of leadership in Congress.

Today the Republican leadership disgraced itself by calling these actions, “ political character assaults”. Paying $500,000 to your wife and daughter from political contributions and going on trips tied to Russian business interests are not "political assaults", they are revelations of conduct that is not proper for a member of Congress. What the GOP leadership did by supporting his unjustified behavior is to demonstrate that their loyalty is to the Republican Party rather than to the Congress of the United States.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 07, 2005
It is a fact of life that Corrupt Politicians WILL ALWAYS EXIST period unless the corrupting influences are removed along with the corrupted officials...maybe.

Removal from GOP leadership sounds fair enough but than again I am neither GOP or in position to change that fact and DeLay is no more corrupt or less corrupt than some of his fellow senators across the aisle.

Democrat, Republican, Whig, Federalist, etc. in each party corrupt politicians will ALWAYS EXIST because to become a politician one must throw their honesty and integrity aside more often than not to exist there in Washington, D.C. and to get policies through Congress because each is playing to their own interest. This exists everywhere in politics in every country.

Calm down, everything will be alright and there will still be a tomorrow for us. The deal is how to eliminate corrupting influences on the Government before one goes on a inquisition to seek out all the corrupt politicians, right?

Of course, people forget not to long that many congressmen/women and senators tested positive for 'drug use', but yet not a SINGLE THING was done about it.

Hmm, makes me wonder if they are high when they think up crazy bills.

Also, it makes me think that if all this stuff is coming out about DeLay but nothing is being done about it than he must have something on his opponents that is much worse than anything they have on him...or not.

- GX
on Apr 07, 2005
The great majority of professional politicians bend the system to their advantage. It is a disgrace. True democracy cannot thrive in such an environment. When American politicians claim to live in the "greatest democracy", I laugh, because it is anything but. In America, it's government by the few for the benefit of the few and their buddies.
on Apr 07, 2005
Where is your reply and your outrage about the same activities by Nancy Pelosi. A thread already exists, yet COL Gene can't be bothered to take the other side -- which is just as damn guilty -- to task.

You are completely hopeless Gene. Admit it. You know one subject and one subject only, and I encourage all sane individuals to just ignore your threads and stop piling on the points with replies which try to educate you and try to bring you into the mainstream. I know for sure I'm done with any such activities, as you have proven completely you are beyond help.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a host of others. You want to tar and feather, make it equal opportunity, and don't just use the excuse that you're taking on the ones in power because you know damn well you'd not do any such thing were Kerry in the White House, and were the Democrats in charge. Far from it, you'd be partying hard and celebrating the fact that everyone was paying higher taxes -- perhaps even your own self, since Democrats never can define "rich".

One other note here -- this was an obvious attempt at point whoring, considering the article by Myrr yesterday on just the same topic. Pat yourself on the back again for being a day late....
on Apr 07, 2005
The idea that all will be well in the future may in fact be the beginning of our undoing. It's like pulling on a string at the edge of a piece of cloth. When you start it has a small impact but as you continue more and more of a cloth is eliminated. There are so many things that are piling up like the obligation to pay interest on the national debt in the future. Our lack of fixing things like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The decaying infrastructure of our country which we are ignoring. Our bridges, roads, dams, electrical grid and our water and sewer systems. Everyone of these are essential for our society and are gradually wearing out. There is no move in this country systematically replaced or rebuild these systems. We ignore the loss of one industry after another because of our trade policy. We choose to solve the illegal immigration that allowed 3 million people to enter our country last year by making them legal. We ignore 90% of the shipping containers that could contain disastrous contents. If you look at any one of these issues you can rationalize that we can deal with it. when you look at the totality of these issues one begins to wonder if we are witnessing the beginning of our demise. It will take a very different attitude by our politicians and citizens of this country to address these issues.
on Apr 07, 2005
Island Dog


500,000 dollars diverted from contributions to personal use via his wife and daughter!

Used Homeland Security to locate demcrats in Texas

Tried to coerce a Congressman for a vote on medicare

Took trip paid for by foreign business intetest

And how many of those was he convicted or indicted?

How the republicans can justify and rationalize the illegal and corrupt behaviors of Delay is beyond comprehension. Mind boggling, even. He has already been santioned three times by the Ethics Committee. So, what does he do? He dismisses those who voted to sanction him, and replaced them with members who contributed to his campaigns. If this isn't a subversion of House ethics, then nothing is.

That is so funny coming from the democratic party. They do more wrong than anybody, but yet it's ignored by the media and all they can do is focus on Delay.

Our lack of fixing things like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The decaying infrastructure of our country which we are ignoring. Our bridges, roads, dams, electrical grid and our water and sewer systems. Everyone of these are essential for our society and are gradually wearing out. There is no move in this country systematically replaced or rebuild these systems. We ignore the loss of one industry after another because of our trade policy. We choose to solve the illegal immigration that allowed 3 million people to enter our country last year by making them legal. We ignore 90% of the shipping containers that could contain disastrous contents. If you look at any one of these issues you can rationalize that we can deal with it. when you look at the totality of these issues one begins to wonder if we are witnessing the beginning of our demise. It will take a very different attitude by our politicians and citizens of this country to address these issues.

This country isn't as half as bad as you make it out to be. Most of those problems have been around for a lot longer than Bush, but you can't focus on anything but blaming him.
on Apr 08, 2005
The increase in the debt and the trade deficit has grown to epidemic levels under Bush. The total of the issues that Bush is not dealing with is the problem and will impact America long after he is out of office. Why after the economy has improved should we be running a deficit of $675 Billion? Because he has cut the federal revenue to the point that we have a structural deficit that is out of control. What is worse, there is no plan to balance the budget and then pay down the debt that will stand at about $10 Trillion by 2008. He has no plan to stem the loss of jobs and industries like the clothing industry. He wants to further expand the failed trade policy and destroy the sugar industry as well. He not only does not solve existing problems but follows policies that make them worse.
on Apr 08, 2005
I love it when Miler does the massive "Cut and paste". Trying to spin the conversation away from DeLay. Well, Reid has never been investigated for crimes such as the ones Tommy boy is being accussed of. Not once. Using someones voting record to avoid discussing alledged crimes by DeLay is not only weak, but moronic as well.

And dog? That's a pretty naive thing to say given the state of the nation. But then again, it's not suprising in the least. According to the right everything is "sunshine and rainbows" in the USA. When nothing could be further from the truth.

Last time i checked...The economy was still shaky, the war wasn't over, the debt keeps growing, Osama is still out there, and Tom Delay was manipulating the system to hide serious crimes. How anyone can even TRY to justify giving half a mil to family from a PAC and calling it "pay" is a freakin joke. I have also seen reports that Nancy Pelosi has been doing the same things. If that's the case, she should be investigated as well.

I do agree with the statement that there will always be crooks in government, no matter what the party affiliation. That's the price we pay for democracy. The trick is to make examples of those we catch in the act. Like Tommy boy. I say it should be turned over to the DOJ and let them take a look at his antics.

But i'm sure dubya will do everything he can to prevent that from happening. Them Texas boys take care of each other!
on Apr 08, 2005

Bubba was investigated for alledged financial shenannigans. He came out clean. All the right could get him for was getting a hummer from a fat chick.
on Apr 08, 2005
The fact that the GOP controlls Congress and the White House is why nothing will happen. I am convinced that we need a split in the power between the Republicans and the Democrats to have any semblance of a responsible government.
on Apr 08, 2005
Bubba was investigated for alledged financial shenannigans. He came out clean. All the right could get him for was getting a hummer from a fat chick.

"Bubba" was indicted for lying to a grand jury.

The fact that the GOP controlls Congress and the White House is why nothing will happen. I am convinced that we need a split in the power between the Republicans and the Democrats to have any semblance of a responsible government.

Democrats will never regain power until they realize liberalism is not for America. When they stop pushing their hate filled liberal agenda, maybe they will start winning elections again.
on Apr 08, 2005
"Hate filled?" Were not the ones practicing diplomacy at the tip of the gun dog. Or is that "compassionate conservatism" in action again? Also, for the record, Bubba's lie was about GETTING a hummer from a fat chick.

Nice try.
on Apr 08, 2005
"In America, it's government by the few for the benefit of the few and their buddies."

Amen! JUST US (cronies, insiders, and rednecks, etc.) The hypocrisy sickens one's soul.
on Apr 08, 2005
"Hate filled?" Were not the ones practicing diplomacy at the tip of the gun dog. Or is that "compassionate conservatism" in action again? Also, for the record, Bubba's lie was about GETTING a hummer from a fat chick.

Liberals don't practice diplomacy, they just let terrorists and dictators do what they want as long as they don't offend Europeans.

And for the "record", Clinton was indicted for lying.
on Apr 08, 2005

"Also, for the record, Bubba's lie was about GETTING a hummer from a fat chick.

Nice try."

Right you are, sir. It is unchristian for a JoeUser Christian to pretend that he does not have a closet full of skeletons, lest as suspected he is not a human being but a ghoul! I dare the puritan-conservative to open his closet for full viewing of his skeletons.

Besides which, it seems conservative-puritans overlook that Buba, as only a good Christian would, repented for his sins in front of the whole congregation, nay the whole Country. Can hypocrite that be you say same?
on Apr 08, 2005
What does this Blog have to do with Clinton? It was about DeLay.
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