Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Data shows 80% of Americans with less weekly income in past year!
Published on April 24, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This week the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the average weekly wage data for blue-collar and non-supervisory white-collar workers. This group constitutes 80% of the American workforce and over the past 12 months, from March 2004 until March 2005, the average weekly wage for this 80% has dropped.

The economic recovery has only helped 20% of the American population and harmed the remaining 80%. How can anyone claim the Bush economic policies are helping America? The economic recovery has been in corporate profits and higher wages for supervisory and business executives.

Data on the weekly income of the top 20% was not released but it would show that the top 20% has experienced sizeable increases in their average weekly income in contrast to the 80% that experienced a loss in their average weekly wage. The irony is that many of the Bush supporters are in that 80% percent that have actually been harmed by the Bush policies. The prospect of higher inflation, higher interest rates and higher energy prices hold the promise for even more negative impact on the 80% already injured by the Bush agenda!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 25, 2005
Island Dog

The decrease is 1/2 of 1% . the data comes from "Current Employment Statistics Survey "(adjusted with the Consumer Price Index) I verrified this with Sharon Cohany at the BLS today. They do not collect comperable data on supervisory and executive compensation. You Bush supporters never admit what is really happening. George Bush is like Robin Hood for the rich - he takes from the middle and low income groups gives it to the rich who need nothing more. Face it guys, the Bush policies favor the wealthy. where is this president of all the Americans? It is not in his economic, tax and trade policies. They only benefit a small fraction of the population which just happens to be the wealthy.
on Apr 25, 2005
Island Dog

The decrease is 1/2 of 1% . the data comes from "Current Employment Statistics Survey "(adjusted with the Consumer Price Index) I verrified this with Sharon Cohany at the BLS today. They do not collect comperable data on supervisory and executive compensation. You Bush supporters never admit what is really happening. George Bush is like Robin Hood for the rich - he takes from the middle and low income groups gives it to the rich who need nothing more. Face it guys, the Bush policies favor the wealthy. where is this president of all the Americans? It is not in his economic, tax and trade policies. They only benefit a small fraction of the population which just happens to be the wealthy.

Blah, blah, blah. Your Bush bashing is getting monotonous!
on Apr 25, 2005
The decrease is 1/2 of 1% . the data comes from "Current Employment Statistics Survey "(adjusted with the Consumer Price Index) I verrified this with Sharon Cohany at the BLS today. They do not collect comperable data on supervisory and executive compensation. You Bush supporters never admit what is really happening. George Bush is like Robin Hood for the rich - he takes from the middle and low income groups gives it to the rich who need nothing more.

Bush hasn't "taken" anything from anybody. Your constant class warfare is getting really old. The tax cuts have benefitted me greatly, so save your "tax cuts for the rich" bs, ok. Bush won, get over it.
on Apr 26, 2005
His his trade policies take jobs; his tax policies have created deficits that will require much higher interest payments; his lack of an effective energy policy is impacting all Americans but the low and middle income workers can not afford the higher prices. The fact the his economic policies have resulted in 80% of workers taking a reduction in their income while the wealthy have a windfall is taking from the low and middle income so the wealthy get more. Today polls show 35% approval of the Bush energy policy and a 40% approve of his economic policy. The Americans are waking up just a bit too late. Bush won and the vast majority of Americans LOST! I have proven the failure of his policies and you Bushies refuse to accept the reality. That does not alter the fact Bush is destroying the fiscal operation of America and the loss in jobs from his trade policy will make it impossible to recover in the future! The negative impact of Bush will last for decades!
on Apr 26, 2005
I have proven the failure of his policies and you Bushies refuse to accept the reality. That does not alter the fact Bush is destroying the fiscal operation of America and the loss in jobs from his trade policy will make it impossible to recover in the future! The negative impact of Bush will last for decades!

First off you have *proven* nothing!!! We have "proven" you WRONG so many times it's not funny. Secondly when are you going to wake the f**k up! All your whining and complaining will avail NOTHING! Bush is in Office till 2008, deal with it! You think what you write is going to change GW's mind? You're delusional!
on Apr 26, 2005
Bush has fucked up every thing and in 2008 things will be fixed!
on Apr 26, 2005
Bush has fucked up every thing and in 2008 things will be fixed!

And how will you feel if yet another republican makes it into the office of president?
on Apr 26, 2005
And how will you feel if yet another republican makes it into the office of president?

They said the same thing last year. They still don't get why they keep losing.
on Apr 26, 2005
if a moderate Republican who will balance the budget and and stay out of other countries business runs, I'll be happy to vote for a Republican for president in 2008. If another right winger gets the nomination, I will vote Democratic. the so-called conservatives in Congress and in the White House killing this country. Please look at my last blog which lists the changes in various statistics since George W. Bush became president. None of these are opinions they are simply the changes that have taken place in the last four plus years. What do you think of these changes as reported by the various federal governmental agencies that I have listed after each item?
on Apr 26, 2005
if a moderate Republican who will balance the budget and and stay out of other countries business runs, I'll be happy to vote for a Republican for president in 2008. If another right winger gets the nomination, I will vote Democratic. the so-called conservatives in Congress and in the White House killing this country. Please look at my last blog which lists the changes in various statistics since George W. Bush became president. None of these are opinions they are simply the changes that have taken place in the last four plus years. What do you think of these changes as reported by the various federal governmental agencies that I have listed after each item?

Democrats are just as much to blame as anyone. We all look at your blogs and we all know you are full of bs.
on Apr 26, 2005
The current state of affairs are the Republican fault because they control congress and the white house. It is their policies that are not solving the problems.
on Apr 26, 2005
The current state of affairs are the Republican fault because they control congress and the white house. It is their policies that are not solving the problems.

Many problems have been solved. Republicans keep getting elected and democrats don't. You still don't understand why, do you?
on Apr 27, 2005
The current state of affairs are the Republican fault because they control congress and the white house. It is their policies that are not solving the problems.

They may control the house and senate but they DO NOT have the numbers required to pass anything without DEMOCRATIC help! Get real.
on Apr 27, 2005
the Republicans can pass anything unless the Democrats filibuster in the Senate
on Apr 27, 2005
the Republicans can pass anything unless the Democrats filibuster in the Senate

And democrats would never do that.
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