Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Data shows 80% of Americans with less weekly income in past year!
Published on April 24, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This week the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the average weekly wage data for blue-collar and non-supervisory white-collar workers. This group constitutes 80% of the American workforce and over the past 12 months, from March 2004 until March 2005, the average weekly wage for this 80% has dropped.

The economic recovery has only helped 20% of the American population and harmed the remaining 80%. How can anyone claim the Bush economic policies are helping America? The economic recovery has been in corporate profits and higher wages for supervisory and business executives.

Data on the weekly income of the top 20% was not released but it would show that the top 20% has experienced sizeable increases in their average weekly income in contrast to the 80% that experienced a loss in their average weekly wage. The irony is that many of the Bush supporters are in that 80% percent that have actually been harmed by the Bush policies. The prospect of higher inflation, higher interest rates and higher energy prices hold the promise for even more negative impact on the 80% already injured by the Bush agenda!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 27, 2005
Only on selected things just like the Republicans when they were not in power. The point was who is responsible for the lack of improvement of things like trade, deficit, loss of jobs. The policies that have been passed are conservative Republican policies that are not resolving the issues that face this country. All this BS about the judges - Only a handfull of Judges were not approved in the Senate. Bush thinks that everything he wants should be approved. That is a dictatorship not a representative democracy.
on Apr 27, 2005
Only on selected things just like the Republicans when they were not in power. The point was who is responsible for the lack of improvement of things like trade, deficit, loss of jobs. The policies that have been passed are conservative Republican policies that are not resolving the issues that face this country.

If it wasn't for the Republicans, we would still be in a recession that started from the previous administration.

Bush thinks that everything he wants should be approved.

Yeah, because it's common practice to want your ideas disapproved.

That is a dictatorship not a representative democracy.

Here we go with the dictatorship talk. You are really pathetic.
on Apr 28, 2005
you better listen to your fearless leader he is telling us we have recovered. The recession is old news the issue is what's happening today. GDP is up just like George Bush says it is. Corporate profits are up. High income Americans are better off. 80% of Americans are making less this year than they did last year. That has nothing to do with Clinton or the 90s or what Bush inherited. It's the results of the last four years of economic and fiscal policy of this administration.
on Apr 28, 2005
you better listen to your fearless leader he is telling us we have recovered. The recession is old news the issue is what's happening today. GDP is up just like George Bush says it is. Corporate profits are up. High income Americans are better off. 80% of Americans are making less this year than they did last year. That has nothing to do with Clinton or the 90s or what Bush inherited. It's the results of the last four years of economic and fiscal policy of this administration.

Why don't you ever respond to the posts that show the good things about the economy, and the posts that debunk your bs?
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