Last night Lou Dobbs had a segment about the totalization agreement between United States and Mexico which George W. Bush has agreed to with the President of Mexico. I listened in disbelief to what was being said. I could not believe the president would approve such a provision. In essence this totalization agreement allows U S Social Security benefits to be paid for work performed while Mexican workers were illegally in the United States.
This morning I searched Google to see if I could confirm this story. Unfortunately it is true. President Bush made an agreement with Mr. Fox and directed the U S Commissioner of Social Security to sign a totalization agreement with Mexico on June the 29th 2004. This agreement becomes effective 60 days after President Bush submits it to Congress unless either the House or Senate rejects the agreement. This agreement would in essence allow payment of the U S Social Security benefits on the basis of work performed while the recipient was illegally in this country. In addition, it allows for benefits to be paid with as few as 6 quarters of work while United States citizens must work 40 quarters to receive any Social Security benefits.
The Social Security administration has estimated that cost of this agreement would be approximately $525 million dollars during the first five years after enactment to Social Security.
It is time to demand President Bush explain why he would have agree to a provision with Mexico that would pay benefits to workers while there were illegally in this country and why we would give them benefits in 6 quarters when American citizens are required to work 40 quarters to get benefits. We need and notify our representatives and senators to oppose this change if in fact President Bush as the unmitigated gall to submit such a provision to Congress for approval. How can any president agree to pay Social Security benefits to people who are violating our laws? How can Bush propose paying millions of additional dollars from Social Security to illegal workers when he is running around the country telling us that the Social Security system is in financial crisis? It is time to force Mr. Bush to explain himself and to make sure Congress does not allow such a thing to happen to the Social Security system of the United States of America.