Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

George W. Bush finally came out of the closet on how he wants to fund his private accounts within Social Security. He wants to cut the benefits for 70% of Social Security recipients! It is one thing to consider cutting Social Security benefits for the wealthiest 5 or 10% of retirees but it is quite another matter to propose cutting benefits to 70% of retirees. This revelation should be the last nail in the private account coffin of George W. Bush.

Although Bush does not have to worry about being reelected, picture ANY congressman or senator up for reelection explaining that they voted to cut benefits for 70% of American retirees. The president’s plan to create private accounts not only doesn’t solve the existing funding problem with Social Security, it makes the problem worse. This is because it would remove trillions of dollars from the trust fund which is needed to pay for the baby boomer retirement. In other words Bush’s solution to a system that does not have enough money is to take even more money from the system. President Bush just doesn’t get IT- the vast majority of Americans do not want what he is selling. If he strong arms the Republicans in Congress to vote for his plan and cuts benefits for 70% of future retirees, we are going to see a power shift in Congress very very soon.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 29, 2005
i dont know why anyone hadda difficult time confirming what col gene said.

i dont expect many of you to admit he's just taken the next step towards being able to dump ss by making it unpopular with 70% of the country.
on Apr 30, 2005

If you contend that the Social Security Trust fund does not exist because it consists of U S Trearury Bonds, then you are saying that U S treasury obligations are not assets? The federal government debt is worthless. A lot of Americans and foreign investors will be surprised and a bit upset by that argument!

The issue is not that the President runs on Polls. However, any government that is a democracy (Republic) that does not meet the overall wishes of the majority is not either a democracy or a republic. Nether Bush or Congress should change something as basic as Social Security unless the majority agree. Finally, the individual accounts DO NOT solve the funding issue of Social Security. Why are we talking about something that does not resolve the issue at hand?
on Apr 30, 2005
i dont know why anyone hadda difficult time confirming what col gene said.

i dont expect many of you to admit he's just taken the next step towards being able to dump ss by making it unpopular with 70% of the country.

Why? Because what the *col* is saying is flat wrong. It is NOT what President Bush said. See reply #22.
on Apr 30, 2005
Because what the *col* is saying is flat wrong. It is NOT what President Bush said

in #22 youre trying to deny something col gene didnt say. nobody said bush is gonna cut ss benefits by 70%. jeez luiz
on Apr 30, 2005
drmiler you are the one that is the wrong. Every news program has said the same thing the proposal Bush is making will reproduce benefits from what has been promised for 70% of American retirees. It is true that no one that is currently retired will be subject to a reduction but future retirees will NOT receive what Social Security has promised except for the bottom 30% and it will be done on a sliding scale based on income. That is what the proposal is and your BS about me being wrong is itself wrong. the problem you and the others who support Bush have is that you can never accept some of the things he is doing make no sense and are ineffective. Your failure to recognize that does not change the basic results of his policies. There are three reasons why the individual accounts for example should be dropped:

They do not solve the funding problem that exists in Social Security.

Adding individual accounts compounds the funding problem because you must raise the money for not only the current funding issue but also for money that is diverted from the trust fund to create the individual accounts.

The majority of Americans do not want the structure of Social Security changed.
on Apr 30, 2005
Because what the *col* is saying is flat wrong. It is NOT what President Bush said

in #22 youre trying to deny something col gene didnt say. nobody said bush is gonna cut ss benefits by 70%. jeez luiz

Oh REALLY? Are you blind? Go reread the title!
on Apr 30, 2005

drmiler you are the one that is the wrong. Every news program has said the same thing the proposal Bush is making will reproduce benefits from what has been promised for 70% of American retirees. It is true that no one that is currently retired will be subject to a reduction but future retirees will NOT receive what Social Security has promised except for the bottom 30% and it will be done on a sliding scale based on income. That is what the proposal is and your BS about me being wrong is itself wrong. the problem you and the others who support Bush have is that you can never accept some of the things he is doing make no sense and are ineffective. Your failure to recognize that does not change the basic results of his policies. There are three reasons why the individual accounts for example should be dropped:

Try again *col*. This is from the Washington Post.

"I believe the reformed system should protect those who depend on Social Security the most," he said in a nationally televised news conference. "So I propose a Social Security system in the future where benefits for low-income workers will grow faster than benefits for people who are better off."

AGAIN proven wrong!
on Apr 30, 2005
Because what the *col* is saying is flat wrong. It is NOT what President Bush said

in #22 youre trying to deny something col gene didnt say. nobody said bush is gonna cut ss benefits by 70%. jeez luiz

And while your at it? Try rereading replies 3,8,10,13,25 and 35.
on Apr 30, 2005
drmiler - not true The Bush plan would only provide the promised benefits to 30% at the bottom of the income scale. All others would receive less than promised under crrrent Social Security benefits on sliding scale based on their income. No matter how many times you deny it that is what he proposed . He wants to pay for his individual accounts by cutting the benefits for 70% of future retirees!
on Apr 30, 2005
Are you blind? Go reread the title!

there are times i wish i could type in braille just for you doc. the title is (ill go slow here...and if you get lost just swing your cane): bush cut social security to 70% of americans!. that is NOT bush cut social security by 70%.

youre diggin a hole from which you'll never emerge.

on second thought...
on Apr 30, 2005

drmiler - not true The Bush plan would only provide the promised benefits to 30% at the bottom of the income scale. All others would receive less than promised under crrrent Social Security benefits on sliding scale based on their income. No matter how many times you deny it that is what he proposed . He wants to pay for his individual accounts by cutting the benefits for 70% of future retirees!

So your saying the Washington Post is lying?
on Apr 30, 2005
there are times i wish i could type in braille just for you doc. the title is (ill go slow here...and if you get lost just swing your cane): bush cut social security to 70% of americans!. that is NOT bush cut social security by 70%.

After rereading #22 I now realize I did not type what I was thinking. The post is worded all wrong. Ain't no sense in arguing over that.
on May 01, 2005

What about The New York Times, The News-Press, CNN, CBS, ABC and Earthlink on the Web? They are ALL lying? I can understand sometimes getting your fingers on the wrong keys, but in reading your blogs I think the problem is more between your ears.
on May 01, 2005
..... but in reading your blogs I think the problem is more between your ears.

Ya think????
on May 01, 2005
Drmiler et al

Fox News Sundey (Fair and Balanced) and Meet the Press covered the Bush proposal to CUT Social Security benefits to furure retirees. This is what the Chief Actuary from the Social Security Administration calculated would be the impect of the Bush proposed cuts:

Futurer retirees making $25,000 or less in 2005 dollars - NO Reduction in Social Security benefits ( about 30% 0f American workers)

Future retirees making $59,000 - 30% reduction in Social Security benefits.

Future retirees making $90,000 and above - 40% reduction in Social Security benefits.

I want to see who in Congress will support the Bush Plan!
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