Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

George W. Bush finally came out of the closet on how he wants to fund his private accounts within Social Security. He wants to cut the benefits for 70% of Social Security recipients! It is one thing to consider cutting Social Security benefits for the wealthiest 5 or 10% of retirees but it is quite another matter to propose cutting benefits to 70% of retirees. This revelation should be the last nail in the private account coffin of George W. Bush.

Although Bush does not have to worry about being reelected, picture ANY congressman or senator up for reelection explaining that they voted to cut benefits for 70% of American retirees. The president’s plan to create private accounts not only doesn’t solve the existing funding problem with Social Security, it makes the problem worse. This is because it would remove trillions of dollars from the trust fund which is needed to pay for the baby boomer retirement. In other words Bush’s solution to a system that does not have enough money is to take even more money from the system. President Bush just doesn’t get IT- the vast majority of Americans do not want what he is selling. If he strong arms the Republicans in Congress to vote for his plan and cuts benefits for 70% of future retirees, we are going to see a power shift in Congress very very soon.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 01, 2005
Drmiler et al

Fox News Sundey (Fair and Balanced) and Meet the Press covered the Bush proposal to CUT Social Security benefits to furure retirees. This is what the Chief Actuary from the Social Security Administration calculated would be the impect of the Bush proposed cuts:

Futurer retirees making $25,000 or less in 2005 dollars - NO Reduction in Social Security benefits ( about 30% 0f American workers)

Future retirees making $59,000 - 30% reduction in Social Security benefits.

Future retirees making $90,000 and above - 40% reduction in Social Security benefits.

I want to see who in Congress will support the Bush Plan!

Try again *col*. The links are from fact check. org. Tell *them* they don't know what they're talking about.



You want to complain about someone? Try Greenspan:

And unlike you *col* I try to provide links for my backup. Something I have yet to see you do.
on May 01, 2005
your are links are fine but they do not change the fact that if Bush policies are implemented the middle income Americans will receive last in social security payments in the future then they will without those changes. The actuary of the Social Security Administration should know what they're talking about a hell of a lot better than you. This was the source for both Meet the Press and Fox Sunday news. How would you provide LINKS to two TV shows?
on May 01, 2005

I tried to add a link (New York Times Story) and nothing happened. I got the box and entered the URL hit OK and the Link did not appear in my reply.
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