Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

President George Bush has said he will veto legislation that would allow Federal funding of new stem cell research. Proponents of this research want to use embryos that have already been created by couples seeking to have children through in vitro fertilization. Bush argues that we should not create human life and then destroy it to save human life. His argument is understandable except that to prevent the use of embryos that already exist and will be destroyed anyway makes no sense. The legislation could be written to limit Federally funded stem cell research using embryos that are to be destroyed from the in vitro fertilization process so long as the donors agree to their use. For the president to prevent Federally funded research using existing embryos will prevent possible medical breakthroughs that could relieve the suffering of millions of people.

The president's inflexible position on stem cell research using existing embryos is another example of how he and the religious right are attempting to push their religious convictions on everyone and prevent medical science from relieving the suffering in this world. To prevent the use of human embryos that will be destroyed anyway is not logical and is counterproductive!

on May 20, 2005
Hardly COL bene, the current use of older stem cells has been adequate to successfully treat over 70 illnesses. The extraction of a stem cell result in the death of a living being. I think that Bush not funding might have come a little too late, but it is not stopping the rest of the world including the Koreans who successfully extracted their stem cell, at a heavy price. I was chatting to freind who is Hare Krishna, in person, not bloggland, and she wondered what all the fuss is about, as the stem cells could be extracted from the placenta, I have never heard of this before. I think that genuine Science has to work within the perimeters of morally correct behaviour. So much of what is going on in our world lacks the propers sense of morals and ethics. Killing ulimately is against the true plan of Science. How many times do you think old Einstein replayed his mistake. Making the same mistake of killing embryo's that are actually little one's will eventually attract the wrath of God. I think you Mr Bushhead is just doing what any moral being would to make sure that there is hope for some of he 35 000 000 babies that have been aborted over the last 25 years, in the USA...not a good statistic for a country that is supposed to be mainstream Christian......?
on May 20, 2005
I suggest you reread my blog. The stem cells I am talking about are from existing embryos that result from couples attempting to have children through in vitro fertilization. These cells are what is left over after the process of in vitro fertilization has been completed and will be destroyed at some point in the future. Therefore using an existing embryo which is to be destroyed is immoral - how? we are not talking about creating new embryos for the purpose of stem cell research. We are talking about using existing embryos that are about to be destroyed anyway.
on May 21, 2005
Another misleading post.
on May 21, 2005
Island Dog

No another BS Reply