Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 10, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Katrina is beginning to uncover some very nasty secrets in the Bush administration. It now turns out FIVE of the TOP FEMA officials got their jobs with virtually no experience in managing emergency situations. Director Brown, Chief of Staff Rhode, Deputy Chief Alshuler were tied to the Bush 2000 election campaign. Two other positions are filled by other political operatives - The Lt. Governor of Nebraska and an official in the US Chamber of Commerce. None of these top five appointees had ANY emergency Management Experience!

In the case of Mr. Brown not only was he not qualified but his background had material lies as to his experience. We have heard over and over again how the president deserves to have the Senate approve positions because he has the right to have the people he wants in his administration. When the Senate questions the background of a Bush appointee, the White House refuses to provide all the information like in the Bolton case. When the Senate refuses to vote on a candidate, the president uses his power with an interim appointment when the Senate is no longer in session to circumvent the Senate confirmation process. Now Bush supporters are saying the Senate approved Mr. Brown because the Senators accepted his resume as correct which was submitted by the White House.

Political patronage is not new with the Bush Administration. But to have used political patronage to populate an agency like FEMA, which has the responsibility of life and death after an emergency like Katrina, is CRIMINAL. Now we see the beginnings of " pin the tail on the donkey " ( or in this case on the elephant) with the recall of Mr. Brown. There is no question that Mr. Brown and the other political hacks should be terminated from their jobs. But the real culprit is George W. Bush because of the way he has forced his political hacks into jobs within his administration for which they are NOT QUALIFIED!. It is time for the Senate, whenever confirmation is required, to insist that the credentials have been thoroughly vetted and that the information requested is provided prior to a vote on any Bush appointee. If the White House continues to stonewall providing information requested by the Senate, they should NOT VOTE on the candidate. Bush has proven his judgment concerning senior officials of the United States government cannot be trusted.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 10, 2005
FEMA has always been a Political Patronage Dumping Ground.
on Sep 10, 2005
FEMA has not always been a political patronage dumping ground. In fact, James Lee Witt turned the agency around, and made it a highly professional organization. Duh-bya and company moved into the humongous beaurocracy they created, known as the Department of Homeland Security, wherein FEMA just lost its mission to respond to natural disasters. As for DHS, it is a huge mechanism for the duh-bya regime to distribute port. Obviously, they cannot do much else, as Katrina has demonstrated.
on Sep 10, 2005
to distribute port

Oops! Should read "distribute pork"
on Sep 10, 2005
this is an interesting article from the Washington Post about the FEMA brain drain since 2003 when it got subsumed into DHS.

on Sep 10, 2005

Moreover, this appointment requires Senate confirmation. I have not been able to locate the transcript of Brown's confirmation hearings, but the transcript of the confirmation hearings when he became deputy Director are here. That someone so unqualified was confirmed by the Senate for such an important job also says a lot about the state of congressional oversight of the executive branch at present, and none of what it tells us is good.

Why does the administration have to provide backround? Do not each and every senator have their own staff exactly for this kind of thing?
on Sep 10, 2005
FEMA just lost its mission to respond to natural disasters.

Exactly. i know people who work for FEMA, and their biggest complaint is that since they got engulfed by DHS they've lost sight of their primary function.

FEMA had NO business being part of Homeland Security.

I don't see how you can say that it's a dumping ground and keep a straight face, gene.
on Sep 10, 2005

Because it is the Presiden who is appointing the person. In addition, when the Sanate has asked for information in the past, the White House has not provided ALL the information requested. The retort has been, "the President should be able to have those he wants in his administration". Now that we see that Bush does not have the judgement to make qualified appointments, the Senate must DEMAND all the information they want. When Bush does not provide the information requested by ANY and ALL Senators, there should either NOT be a vote or the Senate should vote NO without the requested information. Lets start with Judge Roberts!
on Sep 10, 2005

You are the one that said Brown was confirmed by the Senate. What I do know is that Bush appointed Brown and the others that HAD NO EXIERIENCE. There would not have been a Senate vote if Bush had not appointed them!

As for forcing people from their homes. Some people live an sectuions that are NOT flooded. Why are they being forced out of their homes? The people in the flooded area may be able to live knowing the danger. People smoke and that causes Cancer. Do we stop them?
on Sep 10, 2005
People smoke and that causes Cancer. Do we stop them?

Yes we do.
on Sep 10, 2005
Yes we do.

No we don't. We just tell them they have to go elsewere.
on Sep 10, 2005

The very first thing a leader does when looking for someone is to determine their ability to do the job. Their past experience is the way you determine if that are likely to meet the job requirements. When the top 5 people in one agency have NO EXPERIENCE, dumping ground is just what FEMA has become. The resilts are clear-- FAILURE! Even Bush has said that!
on Sep 10, 2005
. When the top 5 people in one agency have NO EXPERIENCE, dumping ground is just what FEMA has become

I'm not stupid, you know. I'm very well aware what 'dumping ground' means and what the qualities of a good leader are. I simply don't understand why you insist on blaming bush for everything. he's not the only one who has a hand in appointing people to positions in FEMA y'know.

You're letting your hatred taint your reasoning.
on Sep 10, 2005
You're nuts already, but if you think GW personally reviewed & vetted each of those appointments, Gene, you're even crazier than I thought. You know perfectly well how the process works and pretending otherwise is just par for the course for you.

There was a logic to incorporating FEMA into DHS. It may be that the parent agency's focus on terrorism response was what caused FEMA to take its eye off its former primary mission, but it makes some sense for the mass-casualty emergency response system to be well-integrated into a DHS, if you're going to have a DHS. We should also not forget that FEMA performed admirably with all the Florida hurricanes after being absorbed into DHS, even under Brown. And reports indicate that FEMA operations outside NO have gone very smoothly. The overwhelming extent & severity of the damage done by Katrina coupled with the failure of NO's levees would likely have been a problem for any FEMA director, but this is a political discussion and the Genes of the world are going to take their shots at all targets of opportunity whenever possible. The inexhaustible hatred & disdain Gene has for Bush clouds and distorts every thought passing through his brain, so we just need to take that into account.

The ultimate lesson from Katrina will be, IMO, that NO needs category 5 tolerant levees, maybe even rampant-runaway-fully-loaded-cargo-barge tolerant levees. Since we can't unring the bell, the main focus should be on preventing a recurrence, not figuring out how to better mobilize for an overwhelming problem, though streamlining that process would also help. Everywhere else affected by Katrina, there was catastrophic property damage but little loss of life and far less in the way of a mass "refugee" problem because the displaced were, for the most part, able to return to their communities once the storm passed & begin rebuilding their lives. Looks like the loss of life even in NO is going to be far below the numbers initial feared. Were it not for the horror of the flooding and subsequent lawlessness in NO, this would have been a really bad but otherwise not-unexpected natural disaster in an area unalterably vulnerable to them. And we wouldn't be having repetitive silly discussions about Bush's high school grades, National Guard (non)service, yada-yada, because of it.

on Sep 10, 2005
Yes we do.

No we don't. We just tell them they have to go elsewere.

Oh REALLY smart-alek? Just get caught smoking in your car in DelMar, Ca and see what happens! Or even on the street of the beach of the same city.
on Sep 10, 2005
I simply don't understand why you insist on blaming bush for everything. he's not the only one who has a hand in appointing people to positions in FEMA y'know.

Dharma, a good president, a good leader, is largely defined by the people s/he surrounds him/herself with. Bush has been surrounding himself with political hacks and loyalsist from day one. His most loyal followers are given positions of importance, not because of their qualifications, but because they maybe raised money for him during his campaign. Granted, lots of presidents do this. But, bush has taken it to whole new realms of cronyism. I do hold him responsible. He's the boss. He appointed Chertoff, who himself is nothing but a political hack. Chertoff then appointed Brown, and we know what happened then. Yeah, I blame bush. He's a failure from the top down.

Damn, if you're going to appoint loyalists, then at least find a few that have the credentials to do the jobs they were assigned to. Fact is, I don't think anyone with any qualifications would stand by bush and his fiascos. That's why they either resign or are fired. Therefore, Bush's appointees are either totally unqualified, or were members of Reagan's court, thereby having their backgrounds steeped in the cold war. Guess what? We have a new cold war, complete with nucular weaponry. No surprise there. But, I digress........ sort of. All I am saying is that not only do credentials matter, but so do qualifications and proven apptitude for dealing with current affairs.

Bush has been spending his entire presidency diverting blame for screwed up ventures onto low level staffers, rather than to the idiots he appointed. His presidency is nothing short of one lacking in foresight or responsibility. It's never his fault with him. But, where the hell does the buck stop? I dont' think we've ever had a president (maybe Reagan) who was so capable of deniable plausibility and utter lack of personal responsibility. He should be brought up on criminal charges, depraved indifference to human life would be a good start.
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