Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 10, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Katrina is beginning to uncover some very nasty secrets in the Bush administration. It now turns out FIVE of the TOP FEMA officials got their jobs with virtually no experience in managing emergency situations. Director Brown, Chief of Staff Rhode, Deputy Chief Alshuler were tied to the Bush 2000 election campaign. Two other positions are filled by other political operatives - The Lt. Governor of Nebraska and an official in the US Chamber of Commerce. None of these top five appointees had ANY emergency Management Experience!

In the case of Mr. Brown not only was he not qualified but his background had material lies as to his experience. We have heard over and over again how the president deserves to have the Senate approve positions because he has the right to have the people he wants in his administration. When the Senate questions the background of a Bush appointee, the White House refuses to provide all the information like in the Bolton case. When the Senate refuses to vote on a candidate, the president uses his power with an interim appointment when the Senate is no longer in session to circumvent the Senate confirmation process. Now Bush supporters are saying the Senate approved Mr. Brown because the Senators accepted his resume as correct which was submitted by the White House.

Political patronage is not new with the Bush Administration. But to have used political patronage to populate an agency like FEMA, which has the responsibility of life and death after an emergency like Katrina, is CRIMINAL. Now we see the beginnings of " pin the tail on the donkey " ( or in this case on the elephant) with the recall of Mr. Brown. There is no question that Mr. Brown and the other political hacks should be terminated from their jobs. But the real culprit is George W. Bush because of the way he has forced his political hacks into jobs within his administration for which they are NOT QUALIFIED!. It is time for the Senate, whenever confirmation is required, to insist that the credentials have been thoroughly vetted and that the information requested is provided prior to a vote on any Bush appointee. If the White House continues to stonewall providing information requested by the Senate, they should NOT VOTE on the candidate. Bush has proven his judgment concerning senior officials of the United States government cannot be trusted.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 10, 2005
He should be brought up on criminal charges, depraved indifference to human life would be a good start.

Just another example of why it's tough to take you seriously, dabe. Not a thought goes through your mind, it would appear, that isn't drenched in the "Hate Bush" soup that constitutes your brain. I know you don't care, which makes me wonder why you bother.

On a merely technical point, Brown was appointed to his present position during Ridge's tenure in January of 2003 and was a deputy director of FEMA prior to that, appointed in 2001. Chertoff's only been SDHS since February of this year.

on Sep 10, 2005
Dharma, a good president, a good leader, is largely defined by the people s/he surrounds him/herself with. Bush has been surrounding himself with political hacks and loyalsist from day one. His most loyal followers are given positions of importance, not because of their qualifications, but because they maybe raised money for him during his campaign. Granted, lots of presidents do this. But, bush has taken it to whole new realms of cronyism. I do hold him responsible. He's the boss. He appointed Chertoff, who himself is nothing but a political hack. Chertoff then appointed Brown, and we know what happened then. Yeah, I blame bush. He's a failure from the top down.

I'm glad that you acknowledge that it's not just Dubya that does that.
I understand that you think that the whole Katrina effort was a failure, and I agree with you....it was, and the president is somewhat culpable. However, I have a major, major issue with Gene blaming Bush and Bush alone for the entire mess. The disaster wasn't any one person's fault, it's the fault of many people at many levels. yes, Bush is in charge and ultimately the buck stops at his desk, but i really don't believe that he can carry all the blame for this one.
on Sep 10, 2005
Bush is in charge and ultimately the buck stops at his desk, but i really don't believe that he can carry all the blame for this one.

I have never said he should. God knows, there's blame to go around. But, this is just one more bit of evidence to support his continuing failures as president. His job approval ratings are now at 39% Link so you cannot keep thinking that just COL, Myrrander, me and a few others are outraged at is performance. He's not making much of anyone happy.

Dharma, you're a military wife, aren't you? If so, and maybe particularly so, I may (only because I've never been one) understand your reluctance to take issue with this administration. But, I look around and see so much that this guy and his entourage have screwed up, that I just think it's tantamount to criminal. If I ask what good he's accomplished, I'm sure people will come out of the woodward talking about the economy (which he really tanked), the war on terror (which has cost more lives, money and resources and only made us more vunerable), downsized government (yeah, we feds are struggling with more work and less bodies to do the jobs), etc, etc. And then there is Katrina. His cronyism has only contributed some of the worst political and incompetent hacks in very important and life-dependent positions.

No, we are not a minority anymore. In fact, even the repubs are asking what the hell is going on. And, the majority of this country thinks he sucks. Obviously, he cannot be impeached unless the dems win control of congress, which of course I hope happens. But, I'd bet dollars to donuts, this guy will be brought up on international war crimes very soon. He deserves it.
on Sep 10, 2005
I have never said he should.

You haven't, no. CG does though....all the freakin' time.

Dharma, you're a military wife, aren't you? If so, and maybe particularly so, I may (only because I've never been one) understand your reluctance to take issue with this administration.

That's part of it. I remember how things were during the Clinton era, and the Democrats traditionally minimize the military...which, in the past, has led me to think that Republican is the side my bread is buttered on.

Having said that, I don't think that Dubya's doing an outstanding job anymore. I used to....but there's some stuff going down that I don't agree with and that I think are just plain wrong.

I imagine that you're familiar with the term 'good ol' boy network'? That's what I see ever day in the infrastructure of the base I live/work on, and that's what I see in the Whitehouse right now too. Took me a few years to get a clue, but I do see it.
on Sep 10, 2005
Took me a few years to get a clue, but I do see it.

on Sep 11, 2005
Bush made a few good selections-- Powell, O'Neil and Whittman. He failed to listed to any of the three and got rid of them. He now has mostly political hacks that tell him what he wants to hear. The problem for Bush is that he came to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with NO real experience or success in his past. The result, in EVERY are, show that in spades!
on Sep 11, 2005
COL, I wish you'd use your blacklist on a few people. They have no desire to debate issues with you. Only to pop in to call you "tard". Who the hell needs that? Use your blacklist. That's what it's for.
on Sep 11, 2005
L, I wish you'd use your blacklist on a few people. They have no desire to debate issues with you. Only to pop in to call you "tard". Who the hell needs that? Use your blacklist. That's what it's for.

And you need to start comprehending what you're reading. Can you tell me how many responders to this post actually agree with col? I can......."ONE"!
on Sep 11, 2005
Bush made a few good selections-- Powell, O'Neil and Whittman. He failed to listed to any of the three and got rid of them

Sorry col but, Powell and Whitman left on their own. Bush didn't get rid of them. Now O'Neill is a different story. He was asked to tender his resignation by the administration.
on Sep 11, 2005
And you need to start comprehending what you're reading.

I comprehend just freakin' fine.
on Sep 11, 2005
Whitman may have left on her own, but she was undermined by dubya. In fact, he made her look like a horse's ass. Who, with any modicum of integrity would put up with dubya's shit? I'm not a fan of Christie Whitless, but I sure don't blame her for leaving. Those who stayed are nothing but useless, unqualified political hacks, appointed for no other reason except their loyalty and the time-honored institution of cronyism.

As for Powell, he is still an apologist for the dubya regime, so god only knows why he left. I think he was asked to leave because he was beginning to question the dubya regime motives.
on Sep 11, 2005
As for Powell, he is still an apologist for the dubya regime, so god only knows why he left. I think he was asked to leave because he was beginning to question the dubya regime motives.

You still don't get it do you? Powell WAS NOT asked to leave. He left on his own. GW "tried" to get him to stay. Or have you forgotten that point?
on Sep 11, 2005
No, it is you that does not get it. Bush and his policieas drove Powell and Whitman out and he got rid of O'Neil. Bush did not allow these three to do what was best but what he wanted. The problem is Bush had no idea what he was doing. Bush has one and only one skill- politics. That has brought us the Katrina response, Iraq War, the deficit, the trade deficit and the loss of American Jobs and the lack of border security for starters.
on Sep 11, 2005
COL, I wish you'd use your blacklist on a few people. They have no desire to debate issues with you. Only to pop in to call you "tard". Who the hell needs that? Use your blacklist. That's what it's for.

If he does, I hope he enjoys the conversations with you, Myrr and hmm, not much else.
on Sep 11, 2005
I like to let them show how out of touch with reality they are with the statement they make.
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