Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
What will it mean?
Published on September 16, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

George Bush gave one of the best speech's of his career last night. He and his speech writers deserve kudos. His address contained some very important statements to include:

We have a duty to confront poverty with bold action. We must rise above the legacy of inequality. We will do what it takes. We cannot allow people to continue to live in poverty.

To hear this from President Bush was a unique experience. He even included some specificity such as tax incentives and credits for businesses, training programs and a homestead plan to provide land to rebuild homes. There are however some glaring omissions in what the president outlined. There was no suggestion of how to pay the cost to rebuild individual homes other than providing some land or low interest loans. Many people already owned the land and even if they do not own a building lot, the greater cost is to build the home itself. Nowhere in President Bush's proposal did he address the cost to actually build the homes. Low interest loans for many who have lost their homes, is not an answer. They simply do not have the money to repay even a NO interest loan. Even middle income residents may have a mortgage for the house that has been swept away by Katrina. Therefore money to rebuild up to 500,000 homes is still an issue. The cost to prevent another flood in the New Orleans area was also not addressed. The states do not have the money given the impact the storm will have on their tax revenue.

The statements Mr. Bush made, seem to make it clear that he now understands the extent of the poverty that exists in our country which was uncovered by Katrina. That same poverty exists in many more places other than in the area destroyed by this hurricane. The issue of health care was discussed this morning on CNN and Fox news. Health care, especially for the poor and lower middle income people, will skyrocket. How can we pay for that health care for the poor given the $40 billion of cuts for Medicaid Bush his proposed? All the Governors have told Bush they can not make up these cuts and now additional Medicaid funding will be needed to deal with Katrina. In addition, if Mr. Bush is going to keep his pledge of, we can not allow people to continue to live in poverty or we have a duty to confront poverty with bold action and must rise above the legacy of inequity will mean additional federal help in the other 47 states not impacted by Katrina.

How does the new Mr. Bush square with his cuts in home heating assistance for the poor? Last year he drastically cut the federal funds available for this program and this year we are facing unprecedented increases in the cost of home heating oil and gas. Where is the money to come from to help feed the millions of Americans who go to bed hungry every night? Beginning January 1, 2006 a NEW entitlement, prescription drug benefit under Medicare, will require an additional $50 billion dollars per year to be spent from Medicare. Not one CENT has been identified to pay for that brand new entitlement. Most of the military equipment that the Army and Marine Corps has, needs to be completely rebuilt or replaced because of the Iraq war.

Where is the $15 Billion we have pledged to Africa to help fight Aids to come from? We have committed billions to the Middle East for Palestine and Israel. No Child left behind, as outlined by President Bush, is underfunded by over $20 billion dollars. How will the cost of health care that is rising many times the rate of inflation and many times the rate of the growth in real income, be paid by the poor and lower middle income American families? Where is the money for all of these things and many more that have not been included in the above to come from? Without the additional expenditures that I have identified, the current federal annual budget is in deficit by more than one half of $1 trillion this year. Every projection shows a significant and ongoing deficit as far out as any of the projections extend. It would be absurd to suggest that we can pay for these things by cutting other areas of the budget. There are simply NO CUTS, that come even come close to providing the additional resources needed to fulfill the statements made last night by President Bush. America needs to wake up and realize that the resources needed, compared with current Federal Tax Revenue are out of balance BIG TIME. We need a Marshall plan for the United States in both the Gulf area as well as many other areas where poverty exists that has yet to be exposed. Simply exposing those needs without adequate resources is not the answer.

Let's see if Mr. Bush and his conservative base is ready to pony up the money required to fulfill the promises he made last night! The poor and middle income Americans do not have the resources required and the state and local governments do not hold the answer. There is only ONE group that has the needed resources. The Base of George W. Bush which are the Haves and Have more, as the President has described those who support him.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 16, 2005
So in other words, all the billions that the worthless waste of human flesh "mayors" and "Governors" over the decades squandered on lining their own pockets and buying off polticians will now be made up for by the federal ... er I mean US.

This is only a great day for ignorant people who are clueless to Emergency Management and those who want the federal government to play mommy and daddy.

However, based on ignorance, idiocy or just plain criminal behavior, the need is there. The people of the U.S. are screaming for Prs. Bush to take the reigns and do something about the problem, so he is. Good on him for that!! Shame on the ignorance that led us to this point.

Quit whining about how it will be paid for, it's people like you who insisted he act. Well, he's acting... So unless you can show anyone on your side of the aisle who is championing a better idea... Shut Your Face, Your kind of stupidity has done enough!

Now Colongene, it's time for the government to change your stinking diaper.
on Sep 16, 2005
Why do you write a whole article about something instead of just saying what you really mean. Raise taxes on successful people and let the government totally support everybody else?
on Sep 16, 2005
The middle class and up already are supporting a great number of the "underclass", one might call them, by paying into the system. What more can we do to alleviate poverty and the suffering of he poor?
But then, throwing money at the poor doesn't raise them out of poverty now, does it? If it did, then the last 40 years would have resulted in a complete end to want and need; but it hasn't. Nowhere near.
No, it doesn't end poverty...all it does is make them less self-sufficient and more dependent on the government to see to all their needs. Is that what you want?

You say Bush had an epiphany--when will you have yours, col?
on Sep 16, 2005
The typical liberal solution to everything, more money.
on Sep 16, 2005
Bush is the one who has promised to deal with these needs. That requires the money to MAKE IT HAPPEN! If we just add it to the debt, we pass this to our children to pay. That is DEAD WRONG. ParaTed 2K you and people like you are what is wrong with this country and why the conditions that Bush acknowledged exist. I guess you do not agree with what Bush said last night. If you do then you need to provide the added money to make the promises Bush made become reality!
on Sep 16, 2005
If you do then you need to provide the added money to make the promises Bush made become reality!

We already do, Col, as I said....it's called taxes!
After all, Bush isn't going to reach up into is buttcrack and pull out the cash and start handing it out.
If it was anyone but Bush making these statements, say....Kerry, would you be so vehement in your views here, and making such a big deal out of it all?
on Sep 16, 2005
COLON Gene you lying panty waste, you have been crying like a baby for Prs. Bush to federalize every aspect of the response since day one!!! Now that he has done it, you whine like a stuck pig. Did you think that all the federal troops and aid that you shreiked about was free?

I agree with a lot of what Prs. Bush said last night, but most of it is fixing something that only you ignorant know-nothing jerks thought was broken.

News flash to the witless, Liberals like you have run New Orleans for half a century. Billions of dollars have been spent there, and your sort of puke has nothing to show for it. What did the liberal government there do for any poor people in New Orleans. Even your own snotty self didn't care diddly for them before the press told you to.

Nixon lied less than you, you stinking bit of rat vomit!
on Sep 16, 2005
Nixon lied less than you, you stinking bit of rat vomit!

Rats don't vomit.

Calm down, PT2K----he's not worth having a stroke over, you know.
I guess he just doesn't know what he wants....like so many of his allies and buddies on the Left (oh, that's right---he's a MODERATE REPUBLICAN...sorry).
on Sep 16, 2005

Bush is the one who has promised to deal with these needs. That requires the money to MAKE IT HAPPEN! If we just add it to the debt, we pass this to our children to pay

What's the difference? Whether we pay it or they pay it? I mean really, are they not also benefiting from what's being done?
on Sep 16, 2005
I think its a BIG difference if WE pay NOW or pass this to our children to pay later. If we put this into the deficit, we pass it to the future generation to pay for us! That is not right or fair!

Papa Ted2K

You are a complete ASS!. It is too bad we have Scum like you in America. I hope you never need help!
on Sep 16, 2005
I think its a BIG difference if WE pay NOW or pass this to our children to pay later. If we put this into the deficit, we pass it to the future generation to pay for us! That is not right or fair!

YOU PAY NOW, and even better, pay all of us by shutting the f--- up.

If you want to pay the bill so badly, then let the government have all of your income in taxes. Give it all to them, and they'll give you back what they think you need. That is exactly what you espouse. Hand all to the government, and the government will take care of you. It's called communism, and it failed miserably in the U.S.S.R. because fat lazy b-stards like you sat on their failed miserable butts and did nothing but gripe about not getting enough for free. People that have no profit motive to work better/stronger/harder don't. People that see other people who have more, live better lives, etc., get jealous -- as you are (it comes out in every one of your lame articles that repeat the same old tired liberal mantra, even as you claim to be a moderate and a republican. Again, you want to be a success so badly, run as a democrat. Take their money, run for office. Your ideas are right up their alley. Let them elect you so you can screw up the local offices as badly as you so desperately desire. Loser, with a big fat capital L.)

Same old tired Gene. Too bad for you though, check one of my newest articles because the news ain't gonna make your tax raisin' carpin' butt happy at all.

And again, you want the government to get more money NOW, you give it to them. You had your money over and live off social security (another corrupt program for people like you, and which you and yours continue to try to keep from even being partially privatized). Just keep asking for more, and more, and more until there's no one left to tax because everyone that was making money quit so they could take advantage of the freebies like you. And when that happens, you'll realize capitalism isn't bad, high taxes weren't the answer, and perhaps we'll get back to where we are now where we balance the revenues we ask people to contribute with the needs of everyone.

Meanwhile enjoy more trolling points with your lame replies.

You are a complete ASS

You looking in the mirror again Gene?
on Sep 16, 2005
I think its a BIG difference if WE pay NOW or pass this to our children to pay later. If we put this into the deficit, we pass it to the future generation to pay for us! That is not right or fair!

If you are so worried about the cost, then quit insisting the federal government do everything, you hypocritical whale's butt hair! From the beginning of this disaster, you have been screeching out like nails on a blackboard for federal everything.

Now that you get your wish you whine and wimper like the infant you are. Quit licking your crap covered fingers and learn to think just once! One original thought would be a breath of fresh air to replace the rotten stench from your moss laden tongue!

Rats don't vomit.

Calm down, PT2K----he's not worth having a stroke over, you know.
I guess he just doesn't know what he wants....like so many of his allies and buddies on the Left (oh, that's right---he's a MODERATE REPUBLICAN...sorry).

Colongene is living proof that they do. That or he is what happens when the foam from a rabid rat's mouth is raised as a son. Btw, who isn't calm? ;~D
on Sep 16, 2005
Anytime liberals start talking about "pass debt to our children", you know they are just reading off the DNC daily talking points.

Col, Ted is right. New Orleans is a great example of how liberal economics don't work. More money, more government assistance, and what does it get you, more poor people. I think that's what you really want col. A country full of poor people who live off the government.
on Sep 16, 2005
Ooh, so much personal invective. Methinks someone located a sore spot among the right.
on Sep 16, 2005
Furry, did you ever think to ask yourself why socialism is such a sore spot on the right?

Or does the "why do they hate us?" thing only apply to people who don't agree with you?

And while we're on the joint topics of socialism and personal invective, wasn't it Lenin who called Western apologists for socialism "useful idiots"?
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