Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 17, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
Less then 24 hours after the fine speech of President Bush, we hear the same old BS. We must cut spending to pay for the largest reconstruction project in history! Even Republican conservatives in Congress are saying that is NOT POSSIBLE!

What Bush is telling us is that he plans to add the cost from Katrina to the national debt and pass it on to our children to pay. Americans can not allow that to happen! Write Congress and say NO. Restore taxes to the pre 2001 rates except for the cuts that benefit middle income tax payers!

on Sep 17, 2005
I cannot agree with you more. And, on top of his proposal, the dubya dummies have already contracted a lot of their work to their insider friends, ie Halliburton, without bid. In other words, Halliburton, et al, will make a mint off the New Orleans reconstruction, the same way they are making money off the Iraq debaucle. Billions of dollars just get "lost", but that doesn't stop them from getting no bid contracts. I hate these guys. With every tragedy, they are like pigs at a trough.
on Sep 17, 2005
selective taxation gene? hmmmmmm sounds like a bad idea. Try to remember Bushes tax cuts has actually increased revenues..more money going into the gov, not less.
on Sep 17, 2005
Halliburton, et al, will

you do know halliburton is run by a democrat right> one of goerge soros closest friends?
on Sep 17, 2005

The tax cuts that went to the middle income taxpayers has increased demand and was spent. Most of the tax cuts to the wealthy has not resulted in increased spending and has actually caused a net loss in Federal revenue. That is why we should retain the tax cuts that go to the middle income tax payer and restore the tax rates to pre 2001 levels on the wealthy. The tax cuts were to repay a surplus that Bush claimed existed. There was no Surplus and there is simply no justification for the tax cuts. We are borrowing money and paying intetest on the borrowed funds to give it to the wealthy in the form of tax cuts.
on Sep 18, 2005
Its brilliant. I think its quite possible to cut government programs especially those that don't make sense.
I am sure that we can find a couple of Billion of waisted money from special interest that we can use to accomodate Louisianna.

And if its not possible, well then thats good too, because who the fuck wants to rebuild a city that remains under sea level?

on Sep 18, 2005
Yes billions can be cut. That will not produce the amount needed and that port serves the entire US.
on Sep 18, 2005
If that port serves the entire U.S. then once the first few billions get it jumpstarted, shouldn't the massess of wealth passing through its engines of commerce generate enough profit to continue improving it?

Or has New Orleans customarily operated at a loss for all these years? If that's the case, why are we rebuilding it?

Once the basic facilities are restored, I'd expect to see the shipping companies themselves pay to improve the infrastructure, since such improvements would improve their profits.

First you scream that we should cut spending, then you scream that cutting spending won't help--only taxation will solve the problem.

And you never take into account the effect of profitable business activity on the economy, nor its contribution to the available reconstruction resources.

New Orleans wasn't built on tax dollars the first time around. I don't see why it must be built on tax dollars the second time around.

If it's an engine of commerce, it should fuel itself once we get it jumpstarted.

And if it isn't an engine of commerce, then why are we rebuilding it? For sentimental reasons? Let those who feel sentimental invest in the project, then. I don't ask for a government subsidy to pay for my wedding photos.