Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 30, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The most basic concept embraced by the conservatives is REDUCED FEDERAL spending. When George Bush leaves office on January 20, 2009, he will leave behind a legacy that will prevent conservatives, for decades to come, from reaching their most basic goal i.e. reduced federal spending.

The reason is quite simple. The national debt by the time he leaves office will be approaching $10 trillion dollars. That will be an increase of $4.3 trillion and will make him the president who added more to the national debt then ANY other President. What is even worse, is there is no chance of a balanced budget by the end of his second term and that $10 trillion will continue to grow as the next president takes office.

Many people dismiss the national debt is just a number. The fact is that it mandates the American tax payers to pay the interest on the total debt. In 1980 the interest on the debt was $90 billion. In 2004, the interest on the national debt was $330 billion. Soon after George Bush leaves office, that number will escalate to approximately $500 billion per year. That means the debt will have jumped $170 billion from what it was in 2004 and will be the largest increase in federal spending ever and will ensure that the conservative objective of reduced federal spending will not take place and in fact federal spending will escalate since the interest payments are mandatory. If interest rates in the future go above the historic average, like in the 1980's, the interest will exceed $500 billion per year. 40% of that interest is paid to foreigners and adds to the fortunes of countries like China and Japan at the expense of the American tax payers.

Great job Mr. President you have not only betrayed your conservative base but have saddled the remainder of the country and its future generations with trillions of dollars in additional federal spending because you refused to equate taxes and spending.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 03, 2005
If the election were held TODAY, BUSH WOULD LOOSE. Polls have been shown to be able to reflect the opinion of the population overall within the error set by the construct of the poll. If you think Bush and Rove don't believe the polls show the lack of support, why do you see Bush is EVERY PHOTO OP possible?
on Oct 03, 2005
If the election were held TODAY, BUSH WOULD LOOSE. Polls have been shown to be able to reflect the opinion of the population overall within the error set by the construct of the poll.

In Oct 04 (just before the election), Bush's approval rating was at 47%.Linkand people said he would lose then too.

His rating is only 2% less then it was then.

Again, I will say it one more time. It was not Bush that people voted for, it was the Democrats that the people was voting against.
on Oct 04, 2005
If the election were held TODAY, BUSH WOULD LOOSE.

Col, I have already showed you a poll that showed Bush would still beat Kerry. I guess that poll isn't "credible" for you.

Understand col that you are not the majority in this country. That's why democrats keep losing, do you understand that?
on Oct 04, 2005
The polls, which you claim prove nothing, show support for the Bush policies in the 35% range. Iraq, Social Security, Economy, Trade, Energy, Border security. No one in the right mind would elect someone to lead the country that diagreed with all their major policies.
on Oct 04, 2005
Once again the Col is spot on. The Federal Government has become bigger, the spending has become more reckless and even Bill Buckley has said that the Iraq war is wrong. What is left to defend Bush for.
on Oct 04, 2005
Multiple polls - Bush Job Ratings

The most appropriate question for people here is, not "do you feel Bush is doing a good job as president," or how ever you want to word it, but Is Bush doing a good job as president? Then explain your reasons why.

The title of this article is completely wrong. Bush is not a conservative, so it's hard for him to betray conservatives.
on Oct 04, 2005
The polls, which you claim prove nothing, show support for the Bush policies in the 35% range. Iraq, Social Security, Economy, Trade, Energy, Border security. No one in the right mind would elect someone to lead the country that diagreed with all their major policies.

We have already explained to you that polls are inaccurate and biased. You seem to ignore and discredit any poll that doesn't fit into your "blame Bush" mentality. And col, Bush was elected......twice. No mistakes, no fraud.
on Oct 04, 2005
What is irritating is the constant defense of a President that has failed to meet the most basic needs of this country.

What is more irriatating is your refusal to see facts placed in front of you by other posters on the polls issue. We voted him in, he is here to stay until the next election so "suck it up and drive on", I am sure you have heard that before in your military career. Is he the perfect president? No he isn't but he is far better than Kerry would have been. Yes he has made mistakes, show me one president who hasn't. I know when I cast my ballot it is for who will do the best job , not who will be a perfect fit for all Americans.

on Oct 04, 2005
Good Point Bush in his news conference today said, HE IS A CONSERVATIVE.

Island Dog Had the 3,500 voters who double punched their balots asked for new balots, Bush would have lost Florida by about 3,000 votes.

Since most Americans no longer support what Bush wants, thay need to elect members of Congress in 2006 that will pass laws that WILL do what the majority want and not continue with the Bush agenda.
on Oct 04, 2005
The polls, which you claim prove nothing, show support for the Bush policies in the 35% range.

So because the polls I provided above no longer say 35%, but now say 45% prove nothing? Please provide me a resent poll that says 35%.

I will (one more time) provide the link to multipe polls that both me and Good Point has provided before: Link
on Oct 04, 2005
Island Dog Had the 3,500 voters who double punched their balots asked for new balots, Bush would have lost Florida by about 3,000 votes.

You don't know that col. That is an assumption not fact. Bush won col, get over it.

Since most Americans no longer support what Bush wants, thay need to elect members of Congress in 2006 that will pass laws that WILL do what the majority want and not continue with the Bush agenda.

Col, the democrats aren't offering anything. People like you think you can win off "we hate Bush", but you have been wrong many times.
on Oct 04, 2005
Dear ColGene,

After observing your writings for a couple of months, I respectfully suggest that you seek psychiatric help for your obvious obsession with George W. Bush. Your hatred of him is tainting everything. If one were to believe you, G.W. Bush is respinsible for every bad thing that ever happened to anyone, ever. According to you, Bush crucified Christ, caused Vesuvius to explode and bury Pompeii, Bush started the Napolenic wars, arranged for the Titanic to sink, was responsible for the Irish potato famine...you see where I'm going with this? I sure hope so. Bottom line is this: nobody takes your seriously anymore. You really do make some good points at times, but you discredit any headway you may have made as soon as you play the 'six degrees of Dubya' game and find a way to lay blame at Bush's feet.

Please, ColGene.....please consider talking to someone about this issue before it robs you of what's left of your sanity.

Respectfully yours,

on Oct 04, 2005
Good Point Bush in his news conference today said, HE IS A CONSERVATIVE.

What the hell? You, of all people, using the "Bush said it so it must be true" line? What's in the water down where you live? Where you one of those old senile retards who double punched a ballot too? I agree with you that Bush sucks and the War in Iraq is a huge mess, but Jesus, you employ some really retarded logic sometimes.
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