Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 30, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The most basic concept embraced by the conservatives is REDUCED FEDERAL spending. When George Bush leaves office on January 20, 2009, he will leave behind a legacy that will prevent conservatives, for decades to come, from reaching their most basic goal i.e. reduced federal spending.

The reason is quite simple. The national debt by the time he leaves office will be approaching $10 trillion dollars. That will be an increase of $4.3 trillion and will make him the president who added more to the national debt then ANY other President. What is even worse, is there is no chance of a balanced budget by the end of his second term and that $10 trillion will continue to grow as the next president takes office.

Many people dismiss the national debt is just a number. The fact is that it mandates the American tax payers to pay the interest on the total debt. In 1980 the interest on the debt was $90 billion. In 2004, the interest on the national debt was $330 billion. Soon after George Bush leaves office, that number will escalate to approximately $500 billion per year. That means the debt will have jumped $170 billion from what it was in 2004 and will be the largest increase in federal spending ever and will ensure that the conservative objective of reduced federal spending will not take place and in fact federal spending will escalate since the interest payments are mandatory. If interest rates in the future go above the historic average, like in the 1980's, the interest will exceed $500 billion per year. 40% of that interest is paid to foreigners and adds to the fortunes of countries like China and Japan at the expense of the American tax payers.

Great job Mr. President you have not only betrayed your conservative base but have saddled the remainder of the country and its future generations with trillions of dollars in additional federal spending because you refused to equate taxes and spending.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 30, 2005
Thank you, Gene. Nice work. To avoid needless duplication, I suggest you run off now & spend the rest of your life writing that "Why I Hate Bush" book.

on Sep 30, 2005
Thank you, Gene. Nice work. To avoid needless duplication, I suggest you run off now & spend the rest of your life writing that "Why I Hate Bush" book.

Indeed. It's getting irritating.
on Sep 30, 2005
I wonder how many times his book has made the top 10 list at Amazon?
on Sep 30, 2005
What is irritating is the constant defense of a President that has failed to meet the most basic needs of this country. Every day brings more information to light on just how inept Bush and his policies have been over the past almost 5 years.
on Sep 30, 2005
What is irritating is the constant defense of a President that has failed to meet the most basic needs of this country. Every day brings more information to light on just how inept Bush and his policies have been over the past almost 5 years.

What is irritating is that people like you constantly bash Bush with no real reason behind it. You constantly ignore the facts that dispute your arguements, and it all comes down to one thing. Hate Bush.
on Sep 30, 2005
Fair enough, Gene. You've actually touched on my only major problem with this administration.

So I'm stuck with a President I mostly agree with, but who has completely screwed the pooch on one of the fundamental conservative principles: smaller government and less federal spending. That's my problem.

Your problem is that one of the fundamental liberal principles is larger government and more federal spending, and all the Democratic offerings in every election ever will be guaranteed to do exactly the kind of thing you're so mad at Bush for.

Not only are you preaching to the choir, Gene, but you're also doing an excellent job of convincing us to stay true to our conservative principles and elect an even more ruthless budget reformer the next time.

Meanwhile, I'd rather have a conservative president that doesn't always deliver on the ideals of my faction, than a liberal president who does always deliver on the ideals of his faction.

I mean, failure is a given. None of us are perfect, and none of our elected officials are perfect. When conservative presidents fail, I am angered and frustrated. When they succeed, I'm encouraged and excited. But whether liberal presidents succeed or fail, whatever they do I am angered and frustrated.

So, um, thanks, I guess, for helping to reinforce my commitment to conservative principles, and heighten my desire for truly conservative presidents. May our next Executive deliver even more beatings to asshats, cut even more taxes, and spend even less money on social services! Oh, and a positively draconian stance on illegal immigration wouldn't bother me too much either.

on Sep 30, 2005
You are correct none of us is perfect. Tell me one major issue Bush has resolved since comming into office? He has not accomplished a SINGLE thing that needs to be done in America. The debt, trade, border protection, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, the Iraq War, energy. Every one is either worse then in 2001 or are new isues (deficit and Iraq).
on Sep 30, 2005
He has not accomplished a SINGLE thing that needs to be done in America.

He stood up against terrorism col. Something no other President, especially a democrat one never did. There are more but you will just start with the usual rhetoric about the deficit. And Bush won Florida.
on Sep 30, 2005
Tell me one major issue the Democrats have backed the president on.

Hell, getting a fully-qualified non-liberal supreme court nominee approved is be a major accomplishment in Washington these days.

Anyway, so what? You're still just arguing that I should make sure to elect a conservative with more backbone next time.

Let me put it this way: To the extent that he gets things done, I like what Bush does. I only wish he'd get more things done. I surely do NOT wish that the Democrats would get more things done!
on Sep 30, 2005
Here is a fine list of what Bush has accomplished:

Started a war in a place that was no imminent threat to the US. On top of that, it was on a lie. This has made things even more unstable in a place that was horribly unstable to start with. This is the equivolent to throwing a rock at a beehive your friend is sthanding by.

He is spending money like a drunken sailor. (no offense to the U.S. Navy) Please do not compare him to a Democrat, because they spend money for a benevolent purpose.

He does things like: cuts funding to states. This comes to the states in an annual report. A little 400 page book. For years this has been the case. When the Governors start trying to find out what happened to their funding, he calls and ceases publication of the book. Huh?

His administration turns a blind eye to constant tax evasion by major corporations, but hires 600 new IRS agents to pursure un-reported TIPS by low income waiters and waitresses.

He agrees to rebuild the south with the help of his corporate friends.

Hires unqualified people to fill important posts.

Has made three seperate cuts to the Homeland Security budget. So much for the fight on terrorism.

He has cut education funding.

We won't even get to the sins of omission, like failure to act on our current energy crisis. And on top of all of that, with spending at an all time high, with a defecit that our grandkids will be paying for, he will still stay with his ridiculous tax cuts.

Anyone else from the party, except for a couple of moderates, including McCain, will force feed morality. While the Democrats are trying to find their spine, the Republicans are suffering the ill effects of gluttony.
on Sep 30, 2005
All Americans are aginst terrorism. The problem is that we have sent our military off fighting a war that had NOTHING to do with terrorism. Saddam was a evil person but was not part of what attacked this country. It is a lie to say the war in Iraq was to fight terrorism. We have now created a country where terrorism is now operating but was not operating in Iraq before Bush attacked it. We have created a lot of new enemies in our war aginst terrorism by attacking Iraq and have NOT made this country safer

The conservatives are lucky if they represent 30% of Americans. Most Americans are toward the center NOT to the right or left. When people say Bush must play to his conservative base they are dead wrong. He is the president of all Americans not just the conservatives. His policies only reflect what the conservatives want and ignore everyone else. That is reflected in all the polls that clearly show the vast majority do not support him or the policies he is forcing on this country with the help of the conservatives that control the GOP in Congress.
on Oct 01, 2005
Please do not compare him to a Democrat, because they spend money for a benevolent purpose.

What arrogant bullshit.

on Oct 01, 2005
The conservatives are lucky if they represent 30% of Americans. Most Americans are toward the center NOT to the right or left.

Remember col, the "center" voted him in.

That is reflected in all the polls that clearly show the vast majority do not support him or the policies he is forcing on this country with the help of the conservatives that control the GOP in Congress.

You mean the majority of 1000 Americans in a biased media poll. Please start making that clear col.
on Oct 01, 2005
All polls show the same thing Bush is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans TODAY. If the election were held this November, he would not come close to being elected aginst Gore or Kerry.
on Oct 01, 2005
All polls show the same thing Bush is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans TODAY. If the election were held this November, he would not come close to being elected aginst Gore or Kerry.

Col, a poll of 1000 Americans does not represent the entire Nation. Why is it when a poll showed people didn't blame Bush for Katrina, you dismissed it?

Also, almost every poll showed Kerry was going to beat Bush. That's how reliable they are.
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