Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 2, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Today the Philadelphia Inquirer has a story by Tom Lasseter about the situation in Iraq which is more accurate and anything we are hearing from the Bush administration. The interview is with two 3rd infantry division snipers serving in Iraq. They described their day-to-day life in this struggle and have come to some very disturbing conclusions.

The bottom line for these two sergeants who have served over 7 years each in the Army including multiple tours in Iraq are as follows: Quote the reason why they are fighting us is not Osama bin Laden. They are fighting us because we are here. They just want us to leave. I guess that would be a victory for them. In past situations you had a good guy and a bad guy and the troops were impassioned, but now troops just want TO GO HOME.

How different is THIS ACCOUNT of the Iraq War from what we are being told by Bush and his minions. The truth, I fear, is MUCH closer to what these two battle hardened soldiers are saying then what President Bush is telling the American people.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 04, 2005
The 2000 election turned on 3,500 votes that were double punched in error and NEVER COUNTED. Had those 3,500 voters requested a new balot when they discovered they had punched the wrong person, Bush would NOT have won Florida.

None of those people thought the risk was worth sending American Military to attack Iraq. That includes George H. W. Bush!

The CIA just recently said there was no al qaeda operating in Iraq until AFTER we removed Saddam from power. Today they are more of a danger, according to the CIA, operating in Iraq than in Afghanistan prior to the Iraq war. We have made the danger greater with MORE terrorists willing to attack us all over the world. Just look at the continued terrorist actions in Iraq and in other countries.
on Oct 04, 2005
The 2000 election turned on 3,500 votes that were double punched in error and NEVER COUNTED. Had those 3,500 voters requested a new balot when they discovered they had punched the wrong person, Bush would NOT have won Florida.

The votes were counted col. Why does this simple fact escape you? And as usual, it's your assumption they would have voted for Gore, not fact. Just imagine if all those dead people didn't vote for Gore, he would have lost his so-called margin.

None of those people thought the risk was worth sending American Military to attack Iraq.

I have showed quotes and interviews from democrats who said Iraq was a threat, and they were producing WMD's. You avoided the question. Were the democrats lying?

The CIA just recently said there was no al qaeda operating in Iraq until AFTER we removed Saddam from power.

You avoided the question again col. What was one of al qaeda's top men doing in Iraq after being wounded in the Afghanistan war? Vacation maybe?
on Oct 04, 2005
The 3,500 votes in Palm Beach County were VOIDED because they were double punched. They were NOT COUNTED. As I have said, if those 3,500 voters who made an error by punching the balot for the third party candidate ( Top Position) and asked for a new balot to correct their vote properly by punching the NEW balot for Gore ( second position), Bush would have lost Florida by just under 3,000 votes.

The Democrats believed the lies about WMD and the danger to the US from Saddam. Had the data that intelligence agents had and were afraid to bring forward, the Senate would never have voted for the war. Knowing what we know today, do any of you Bushies believe the Senate would approved the war resolution today?

The al qaeda leaders travel all over that area. They were NOT operating in Iraq prior to the war and the CIA has said that.. Iraq became part of the war on terrorism AFTER we brought down the Saddam government. Even Powell has said he was mislead about what he told the UN in Feb 2003.
on Oct 04, 2005
Are you saying, Gene, that those were the only voided ballots in the US? Otherwise, we would have to go back and decide somehow what the voter intended on all voided ballots everywhere in the US. And there's the rub - if you screw up your vote, that's it. We can't have committees of people like you guessing what people really meant when they screwed up their ballot. If the reason for that isn't obvious to you, explaining would be a waste of time.

on Oct 04, 2005
The Ugly truth? Col Klink let Hogan escape again!
on Oct 04, 2005
What I am saying is that the number of balots in that one small district that were voided was out of line and was directly traced to a confusing balot design that was only used in that area. What I said, is if it had not been for that confusing balot and the voters of Palm Beach had their votes counted for the person thay intended to be president, Bush would have lost Florida . In addition, Bush got 500,000 fewer votes then Gore in 2000 overall. Thus, we did NOT GET THE PERSON the majority voted for in 2000 - in Florida or in the total votes cast Bush is an mistake no matter how you look at it and we are paying dearly for that error and will be for many years to come.
on Oct 04, 2005
The 3,500 votes in Palm Beach County were VOIDED because they were double punched. They were NOT COUNTED. As I have said, if those 3,500 voters who made an error by punching the balot for the third party candidate ( Top Position) and asked for a new balot to correct their vote properly by punching the NEW balot for Gore ( second position), Bush would have lost Florida by just under 3,000 votes.

Wrong col. Those the recount was done, and included all hanging chads, miscounts, and everything Gore wanted. Bush still won. However, Daiwa has a point. How many votes around the country were "voided". You lost col, get over it.

The Democrats believed the lies about WMD and the danger to the US from Saddam. Had the data that intelligence agents had and were afraid to bring forward, the Senate would never have voted for the war. Knowing what we know today, do any of you Bushies believe the Senate would approved the war resolution today?

Col, I can quote democrats saying Saddam was a threat and had WMD's before Bush was in office. Were they lying then?
on Oct 04, 2005
The Ugly truth? Col Klink let Hogan escape again

"I zee nnnnoth-ink! I hear nnnnoth-ink!" Apple Schtrudel!"
Where did Lebeau get all those apples, anyway? They were in a POW camp!
on Oct 04, 2005
What I am saying is that the number of balots in that one small district that were voided was out of line and was directly traced to a confusing balot design that was only used in that area.

It was not confusing ballot design, it was the stupid people filling them out. Kindergartners filled out the ballots correctly col, that should tell you something. What about the who left the voting lines early because the media called Florida early. How many thousands of votes would you like to speculate was lost for Bush. It's really sad you can't let go and get over this. Bush won col, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Thus, we did NOT GET THE PERSON the majority voted for in 2000 - in Florida or in the total votes cast Bush is an mistake no matter how you look at it and we are paying dearly for that error and will be for many years to come.

Col, you just don't get it do you. You are so out of touch it's not even funny anymore. There was no error col. Bush was elected twice. The people had a chance to correct your so-called mistake, and they voted for Bush again. That should tell you that you are in the minority in this country. You only represent the left wing that nobody cares about.
on Oct 04, 2005
And did you ever notice that it was always winter at Stalag 13? Hmmm...doo, doo..doo...hmmm...
on Oct 05, 2005
Col, you just don't get it do you. You are so out of touch it's not even funny anymore. There was no error col. Bush was elected twice. The people had a chance to correct your so-called mistake, and they voted for Bush again. That should tell you that you are in the minority in this country. You only represent the left wing that nobody cares about.

MAJOR point there col. showing you wrong once again. If what you say is/was true about the 2000 election then why was he voted back in for a second term by a majority in 2004?
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