Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on November 29, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

There have been reports of hundreds of Sunni civilian killings largely by the new Shiite Iraqi security services over the last several weeks. Today the New York Times and has an article that confirms this is taking place by the security forces that we have trained and put into place.

The very same types of killings and abductions are taking placed today as took place under Saddam Hussein. The only difference is that it is now the Shiite forces are killing the Sunni population. This is taking place while we have over 150,000 military in Iraq. Just think what will happen after we complete our training of the Iraqi police and army and leave Iraq.

We are creating very same evil as we deposed by invading Iraq. It is even more sad to realize that our actions in Iraq have cost over 2,100 American lives, 35,000 injuries and $ 300 billion dollars. The Bush policy in Iraq is dead wrong.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 29, 2005
Dave -

Would you really want to read a book who's title question was answered a year ago? Thought so.

on Nov 30, 2005
Iraq after Saddam is less secure, less civilised, and there is reign of terror in place in Iraq. Torure Chambers are now located in ministerial offices ans if the trend is not checked, Sunnis in Iraq will soon become victims of organised killing squads consistings of Shiaa miliamen. The USA occupation has destroyed the civil society in Iraq and sectarian violence has taken root. After the inevitable US withdrawal, Iran will be the dominant force in Iraq.
on Nov 30, 2005
do yall remember the brits having to attack a prison in basra to retrieve 2 members of the sas? at the time, an iraqi commander refused to intervene.

what do you think is gonna happen when the troops we've trained are ordered to take down al sadr's militia?
on Nov 30, 2005
Sorry to go off-topic, but...

Would you really want to read a book who's title question was answered a year ago?

But I know that Amazon.com has a "Surprise Me!" feature that allows me to start on a random page and read until I reach a limit of pages (which I have never reached). I read pages 13-15 of "Four More for George W?" regarding Bush fiscal policy and how the "charge and spend" conservatives are intentionally causing a fiscal crisis.

Same song, COL Johnny One Note. "Charge and spend conservatism"? That is a new one.

on Nov 30, 2005

If you had read my book you would not have made such a statement. My book did look at the impact of returning GWB to the White House . It examined 10 major policy areas. It documented the impact on these 10 areas since 2001 and then looked at the impact of continuing these policies for another four years. As we approach the 2006 elections, the reader can see if it is time to change the control in Congress and thus alter the policies Bush has been able to enact into law with a GOP majoity. One very key factor is the tax and spending policies. Questions of the tax cuts that will be phased out betweem 2008 and 2011. The spending including the impact of the manditory increase in the interest caused by the increasing national debt are but a few issues. More then 40 experts or organizations were used in my book and it documents, with sources, the FACTS about what has taken place since GWB took office. It alsio adds some historical perspective of the period before Bush took office.
on Nov 30, 2005

Better read more. I did use "Charge and Spend" That is just what the Bush policy has been. That policy is worse then the old "Tax and Spend" because with charge and spend you are stuck with the debt and the intetrest that must be paid EVERY year until the debt is repaid. Since 1980, the American taxpayer has paid $6.5 Trillion in interest on the growing national debt. The debt in 1980 was $909 Billion. The inietest was about $90 Billion. Today the debt is $ 8Trillion and the intetest is moving toward $400 Billion EVERY YEAR. The incease in the interest for ONE year could totally rebuild EVERYTHING in the Gulf from the storms this year! The interest on the debt when Bush took offoce was about $230 Billion per year. By the time he leaves office the debt will be $10 Trillion and the interest per year will be about $500 Billion or an increase of $270 Billion ( more then doubled) every year until we repay the debt. We can not begin to start repaying the debt until we begin generating a surplus. The Bush fiscal policy NEVER comes to even a balanced budget much less a surplus to repay anything.
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