Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 4, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

President Bush is patting himself on the back about job creation. Let’s take a look at the truth:

Population growth required 125,000 new jobs EVERY month just to stay even.

During the past three months we have NOT added the 375,000 new jobs.

Since Jan 2001, we have had 1.5 Million MORE people looking for work then jobs created.

Many of the new jobs do not pay a living wage and do not have benefits.

Average weekly wage after inflation is DOWN.

Consumers are increasing their spending by charging it on their plastic. The higher interest rates coupled with the higher credit cards balances are a real problem for the months ahead.

Yes we created more jobs but we are still 1.5 Million short since 2001. Individuals are NOT seeing an increase in the money they have to spend without charging it. For the majority of Americans, the Bush claim of a great economy falls on deaf ears.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 04, 2005

Then, why did Bush tell us that he needed the tax cuts to create jobs? He also told us we had a surplus. Guess he lied. If the executive can not do anything why do we need his office? Why is the $500 Billion (deficit) pump priming not growing the economy so people can find living wage jobs? Who will pay all the added intetrest becaues of the Bush fiscal policy that took the debt from $5.7Trillion to the $10 trillion in 8 years?
on Dec 04, 2005
If the executive can not do anything why do we need his office?

Perhaps a little Constitutional Refresher Course is in order. No link needed.

on Dec 04, 2005
Then, why did Bush tell us that he needed the tax cuts to create jobs? He also told us we had a surplus. Guess he lied. If the executive can not do anything why do we need his office? Why is the $500 Billion (deficit) pump priming not growing the economy so people can find living wage jobs? Who will pay all the added intetrest becaues of the Bush fiscal policy that took the debt from $5.7Trillion to the $10 trillion in 8 years?

Hey clueless one....He HAS created jobs! It's not up to him or within his power to set the wages for the jobs created. How many jobs do you personally know of that pay a living wage? According to what you expect him to do, he must be god!
on Dec 05, 2005
The increase in personal debt and personal bankruptcy is at an all time high. In 1993 the average credit card debt was about $3,300. Today over $8,000.

Good point--we are indeed on borrowed time. It's obvious, however, few make any attempt to seriously attempt to address these issues. Of course, 5% unemployment sounds very good, and at this level there is a greater labor demand, but unfortunately as you say very low paying while many of the good jobs go overseas. Then again the 5% could be bogus because there is no way of telling how many illegal immigrants are unemployed and on government assistance, along with those who have dropped from the rolls and can do better off the books or rely on handouts, let alone the homeless.
on Dec 05, 2005
Of course, 5% unemployment sounds very good, and at this level there is a greater labor demand, but unfortunately as you say very low paying while many of the good jobs go overseas

And why are they going overseas you might ask? Because greedy pecker-heads want so much in wages and benefits that it's a LOT cheaper to ship the job overseas! Corporations exist on profit. No profit....they die. Same with to little profit......they die.

Then again the 5% could be bogus because there is no way of telling how many illegal immigrants are unemployed and on government assistance,

Illegals should not reflect any part of the unemployment rate. Whether they are employed or not is of no consequence. I mean after all they are here illegally aren't they?
on Dec 05, 2005

Speking of clueless

Jobs are going overseas because people can live on lower wages in other countries and companies want to increase profits above everything, even the welfare of our Country.

Every illegal not only takes a job that a legal person could have but adds to the cost of education, health care and all other srevices like police. In addition, they do not pay taxes. These are the people Bush wants to allow to stay in our country.


Yes, the Constitution does require a President. We need one that is able to do the job. We also need a President that meets the oath he takes to enforce the laws. Bush and his administration are NOT enforcing the immigration laws, tax laws (corporations) of this country.
on Dec 05, 2005
Jobs are going overseas because people can live on lower wages in other countries and companies want to increase profits above everything, even the welfare of our Country.

Which if you go back and "read", is EXACTLY what I said! Simple economics 101.....they have to make a profit to survive. The bigger the profit the better off they are. The reason they are willing to make the move and pay lower wages falls right back on the american worker that wants $15-$20 an hour plus bennies. Takes to big a bite out of the bottom line.

Every illegal not only takes a job that a legal person could have but adds to the cost of education, health care and all other srevices like police. In addition, they do not pay taxes

Actually they do in a way. "If" they're not being paid under the table then the employer has NO choice but to take out taxes from their pay check.
on Dec 05, 2005
Bush is too busy colonizing the Middle East with Tony Blair to care about the economy.
on Dec 05, 2005
If they are illegal, they are NOT paying taxes. That is why employers hire them. Lower wages and the employer does not have to pay their share of payroll taxes. The Bush Admin is NOT going after the employers that break the law. States like CA, AZ and TX are paying the price to pay for medical, education etc because these people are in this country and not obeying opur laws. W HY? Bush will not seek the needed funding to hire the guards required to help stop the illegals . His solution is to just make them legal.
on Dec 05, 2005
The main issue is that Bush has razed the Middle East to the ground because he thinks God told him to.
on Dec 05, 2005
You know, at least Col gene seems to be working harder to prove his points and I commend him for it. Still it's like he starts off shooting small bullets, then someone else comes and shields themselves from those small bullets and shoot back bigger bullets but Col seems to like his small bullets and continues to shoot even if with no effect (hope you guys are good with metaphors).

But really, who the hell is this Jimmy (Anonymous user)? Could Col be playing the 2 screen name game or did he find someone who thinks like him and recruited him to help him fight the onslaught of people who contradict everything he says? And I thought one Col gene was one too many.
on Dec 05, 2005
Okay, I admit it. I'm the colonel's brother, soon to become sister if I can raise enough cash for the operation.
on Dec 05, 2005
If you believe not protecting our borders is a Small bullet, you have a strange outlook. If you believe a $10 Trillion national debt is a small bullet then what would you call a large bullet. If you believe the non solution that Bush put up for Social Sceurity is a small bullet again what is a large bullet. If you think the mess in Iraq is a small bullet I guess you must comparing it to WWII.

Now Jimmy has NOTHING to do with me.
on Dec 05, 2005

If they are illegal, they are NOT paying taxes. That is why employers hire them. Lower wages and the employer does not have to pay their share of payroll taxes. The Bush Admin is NOT going after the employers that break the law. States like CA, AZ and TX are paying the price to pay for medical, education etc because these people are in this country and not obeying opur laws. W HY? Bush will not seek the needed funding to hire the guards required to help stop the illegals . His solution is to just make them legal.

Wouldn't making them legal citizens mean that conpanies will not be paying under the table wages, not getting away with not paying taxes and not make more money and that illegals who become legal will have to apply for a job, earn, at least minimum wage, pay taxes and therefor not hurt our medical, educational and security economy? And do you really think that putting more people to secure the borders will change anything? They are using state of the art technology to see them at night and they still get in.

I personally think that we need to control illegal immigration somehow, but those who are already here and hurting our economy, might as well put them to good use.
on Dec 05, 2005
The only bullets that matter are the bullets used to kill Iraqi people and commit a genocide by coalition (of evil) troops.
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