Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 9, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

There was no immediate danger from Iraq in early 2003. Even if Saddam had the WMD that Bush claimed, he had no way to use any WMD against the Unites States. If Saddam had the means to deliver WMD he would never have used it against the United States because of the consequences. Thus, no matter what the truth was about WMD, Saddam did not pose any danger to us and there was NO justification to invade Iraq.

The U N had weapons Inspectors in Iraq in early 2003 and had we allowed them to complete their inspections we would have learned what we know today-Saddam had no WMD.

Bush had intelligence available to him that was NOT available to Congress which contradicted his claim that Saddam had WMD. Bush only used the intelligence that supported his decision to invade Iraq.

The White House told everyone that the war was to be quick and clean. The estimated cost was placed at $40 billion. We were told our troops would be welcomed as liberators. This was 100% incorrect.

Bush ignored the advice of his most senior generals and sent less then half the number of troops needed to control Iraq. That has caused many unneeded American Military deaths and injuries because of the insurrection we did not prevent from developing.

The insurrection that developed because we did not send the number of troops required to establish security in Iraq now threatens the establishment of any stable government and has prevented the rebuilding of Iraq. Unemployment is at about 60% and utility services are not much different then under Saddam.

There is a very good chance that the government that develops in Iraq will be one that is either like Iran or one that will allow terrorist groups to operate and sponsor future attacks against the United States.

We have alienated many of our allies and have enabled the radical Moslem factions to use our invasion of Iraq as a recruiting tool to add to the number of radicals that will be willing to attack the United States in the future.

There was NO “War on Terrorism” in Iraq when Bush invaded them in 2003. That started AFTER we deposed Saddam and disbanded their army. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.

Bush had NO exit plan for the Iraq War.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 09, 2005
Wow, I'm psychic. I knew this byline before I even read the article.

COL, I actually agree with a few of your talking points. But you're working against yourself by repeating the same points without providing solid evidence to back it up.

Maybe your book has the solid evidence I'm looking for, I don't know. But you're poorly advertising it through your blog, and not enticing me, at least, to even take a second look.
on Dec 09, 2005
Wow, I thought you had taken a vacation or had given up or something.

Once again no links to prove your points. It's always up to us to have to Google up your stories to see if they have any validity. If you really were trying to prove a point you would at least make the effort to let us know where do you get your proof from. It would be easier to prove us wrong if you did that, but instead your whole article is more of an opinion than a point.

There was no immediate danger from Iraq in early 2003. Even if Saddam had the WMD that Bush claimed, he had no way to use any WMD against the Unites States.

So you were there to see and prove this?

If Saddam had the means to deliver WMD he would never have used it against the United States because of the consequences.

It was my understanding that he wouldn't exactly use them against us but provide them to those who could and would use them against us no matter the consequences, terrorist to be exact.

The U N had weapons Inspectors in Iraq in early 2003 and had we allowed them to complete their inspections we would have learned what we know today-Saddam had no WMD.

Inspectors that were not allowed to do their job, I gotta wonder why? If he had nothing to hide why all the run around and not allowing them to go where they wanted? Not to mention that there is no proof that he disposed of the weapons that he originally had and was ordered to destroy.

Well it's nice to know your still alive, not that I wished you weren't I would never do such a thing, at least not first. I'm sure TW is gonna have a field day with this.
on Dec 09, 2005
Items 2-6 are established facts. Items 8-10 are likewise established facts. Item 7 is what Bush is afraid could happen. This week Bob Baer a 21 year CIA agent and former Station Chief in Iraq said that our actions in Iraq are not helping the United States become safer. Our troops have become part of the problem and without the Iraqi people taking responsibility for their security there can not be an end to the terrorism. Elections are a first step but without security the elections will mean nothing. DoD claims there are some 10,000 terrorists. Even if that number is low, there are 27 Million people in Iraq. If they can not STOP the attacks and bring the terrorists under control, then HOW can our 150,000 troops be expected to do the job? It is time to turn the security of Iraq OVER to the Iraqi people. If they choose not to accept that responsibility then a civil war will most likely result. The REAL bottom line will be what type of Government results in Iraq when they are on their own. We may find that wat we have helped create will not be to our liking!
on Dec 09, 2005
What a startlingly fresh perspective. No matter how many HUNDRED times you say this col, it's like I've only heard it, well, a few hundred times. It makes me wonder how bad things really are when you are forced to regurgitate the same sad little liturgy over and over.
on Dec 09, 2005
The U N had weapons Inspectors in Iraq in early 2003 and had we allowed them to complete their inspections we would have learned what we know today-Saddam had no WMD.

No way to know that, Gene - nothing but your speculative opinion.

Bush had intelligence available to him that was NOT available to Congress which contradicted his claim that Saddam had WMD. Bush only used the intelligence that supported his decision to invade Iraq.

Been over this in many of your other threads - one person's "ignore" is another person's "discount" and there is not a shred of evidence that the administration deliberately withheld from Congress any information it knew to be true in a pre-meditated deception plan - this is what you want to imply, but it is simply not true.

The White House told everyone that the war was to be quick and clean.

This is patently false. Get out the tapes & transcripts - President Bush always said it would be difficult and a long-term effort. In fact, the invasion succeeded in toppling Saddam much faster than any of the planners expected. Further, every significant milepost in the pre-invasion plan has been met on time. That the administration did not correctly anticipate everything has been repeatedly conceded.

The REAL bottom line will be what trpe of Government governs Iraq when they are on their own.

This is the "have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too pre-fense" - the only outcome is failure, whether we succeed or not. Pure hedging and a garbage argument.

on Dec 09, 2005

Items 2-6 are established facts. Items 8-10 are likewise established facts. Item 7 is what Bush is afraid could happen. This week Bob Baer a 21 year CIA agent and former Station Chief in Iraq said that our actions in Iraq are not helping the United States become safer. Our troops have become part of the problem and without the Iraqi people taking responsibility for their security there can not be an end to the terrorism. Elections are a first step but without security the elections will mean nothing. DoD claims there are some 10,000 terrorists. Even if that number is low, there are 27 Million people in Iraq. If they can not STOP the attacks and bring the terrorists under control, then HOW can our 150,000 troops be expected to do the job? It is time to turn the security of Iraq OVER to the Iraqi people. If they choose not to accept that responsibility then a civil war will most likely result. The REAL bottom line will be what type of Government results in Iraq when they are on their own. We may find that wat we have helped create will not be to our liking!

1-4 are "total BS as are 8-10. Note the key word in #10? That would be "had". He's had one all along, it's just that none of you wanted to hear it. And NO one has any idea if #7 will come to pass. 5&6 are possibilities. And the ex-CIA chief? There's a reason he's an ex. Do you know what it might be? Lets put it this way I will not give credence to one mans word when so many others say the opposite.
on Dec 09, 2005
Maybe your book has the solid evidence I'm looking for, I don't know.

The only thing solid that the C.O.L.'s book should be associated with is normally only semi-solid. Given the C.O.L.'s repeated rantings, it's probably much more hot and runny (a bit like the Diarrhea of the mouth/keyboard he seems to have)

Just use the pages for the t.p. most of us know the book must be filled with (given the author).

Lets say it all together


(written in pink as a dose of Pepto-Bismol for those that actually stumble into the C.O.L.'s dung heap of bashin' articles)
on Dec 09, 2005
The UN inspectors had to leave Iraq just prior to Bush starting the invasion. That is a fact.

Bush had Intel that said he was full of BS and ignored it - CIA, DIA and dept of energy.

Bush himself told the Pope that the Iraq war was going to be quick and clean. Cheney told us our troops would be treated as liberators. DoD Ass Sec of Def. said the cost would be about 40 Billion

Bush ignored both the Army CoS and Gen Franks who said it would take 300,000 troops to secure Iraq.

Most senior Generals not admit the conduct of the war and the lack of troops allowed the terrorists to operate. The disbanding of the Iraq Army was another error and now we are trying to rebuild the Iraq Army from nothing.

We have alienated most of the world and have given the radical Moslems a tool to get more radicals. That is what Bob Baer said this week. He believes the Iraq war has made us less safe not not more safe.

The CIA has admitted there was no terrorist operations in Iraq under Saddam. They have also admitted that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

Bush still does not have a way out of Iraq.

There are the facts even though you Bushies do not like them. The only lasting thing will be what type of government developes in Iraq in the future. If we wind up with another Iran or a country that allows terrorists to operate in Iraq, We have lost!

on Dec 09, 2005
Bob Baer is entitled to his opinion. That he has one doesn't make things so, any more than you having an opinion makes it so (or me, for that matter).

However, if anyone is bending events & facts to fit their pre-conceived notions and acknowledging only selective reality, it is you, Gene. The opinions of those who are in a position to know and who feel things are going better (Lieberman?) than the media portrayals would have us believe mean nothing to you.

on Dec 09, 2005
ALL that I have stated in this Blog is TRUE with the exception of the type of Government that develops in Iraq. Only time will answer that issue. Bob Baer has spent 21 years in the CIA and is considered an expert on Iraq. His opinion is of value.
on Dec 09, 2005
Col why do you constantly bring up the same liberal talking points. You aren't going to get Bush out of office. I see good things are happening with the economy so you have to go back to the usual Iraq bs.

Col, why don't you go fight with the terrorists? You obviously want them to win like they do, you hate Bush like they do. You have so much in common.

Just to go through some of your bs.

They have also admitted that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

Bush never said Iraq was responsible for Sept. 11. Why do you keep repeating this liberal lie?

Bush still does not have a way out of Iraq.

To be honest col, you don't what Bush has. Just because he doesn't personally call you and update you on the "plan" doesn't mean anything. Get over it.
on Dec 09, 2005
If Joe Schmo said "Tony Blair is actually a Muppet, controlled by Karl Rove," and you came here on your blog and said "Joe Schmo said Tony Blair is actually a Muppet, controlled by Karl Rove," you could claim that what you said on your blog was absolutely "true" and be correct.

However, Tony Blair would still not be a Muppet.

on Dec 09, 2005
Well if Bush knew that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 then why did he attack them? That means that Bush knew Iraq had NIOTHING to do with the War on Terrorism. Then why did we kill over 2,100 Americans to invade a country that had nothing to do with those that attacked us? These are not Lberal ideas they are basic questions that the Bush never answers.

We brought the War on Terrorisn into Iraq when we deposed Saddam and dismantled their Army. If Bush had a way out of Iraq, why are we still there getting our troops killed every week?

Bush did screw up by first going into Iraq and then by the way he choose to fight the war. He is a looser and it is our military that is paying the price of his failure!
on Dec 09, 2005
If Joe Schmo said "Tony Blair is actually a Muppet, controlled by Karl Rove," and you came here on your blog and said "Joe Schmo said Tony Blair is actually a Muppet, controlled by Karl Rove,"

No, the headline would read "Blair a Rove-Controlled Muppet" and would not mention Joe Schmo at all. Because then COL Curmudgeon would be providing a reference for this completely cockamamie statement. Just like every other unsubstantiated, cockamamie statement that issues from COL Johnny One Note's keyboard.

And then he would swear to his dying breath that the original statement was true.

on Dec 09, 2005
Diversionary. Why did it need to be about terrorism? Hussein had voided the cease fire he agreed to. He had fired on our aircraft. He had paid $10k a head to the family of Palestinian suicide bombers. He was stealing billions from the oil for food program and starving thousands of Iraqi children.

YOU need for this to be about WMDs and 9-11 to make your point, but that doesn't mean that is what it is about. Again, it's sad to the point of making you look deranged that you have to come back and reiterate drek like this after you have hashed it out a hundred times and received the same answers over and over and over. Seek help.
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