Horrific Attacks as conflicts increase
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was a mistake that has made the world a more dangerous place, but a swift withdrawal would make matters worse, Pakistan's president said this weekend.
"I think it's less safe," Gen. Pervez Musharraf said on CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer."
Asked whether he considered the invasion a mistake, the Pakistani leader said: "With hindsight, yes. We have landed ourselves in more trouble, yes."
The statement of Gen Musharraf that the Iraq War has made the world less safe is coming home to roost. Today General Alston described, "Horrific attacks amid deteriorating relations between the Iraq's largest Shiite religious group and the Sunni Arabs who make up the core of the opposition". The situation after the elections is worse not better and it appears that the wheels are coming off the Bush Iraq adventure.
Some will say that Gen Musharraf's assessment is JUIST HIS OPINION. That may be true but it is the assessment of a Moslem Head of State in a Moslem country in the middle of this conflict. Who better to be able to assess the actual impact? Who better to be able to know how the Moslems in that area are reacting to this war. Add the events that are taking place and it looks more and more that President Musharraf was correct. The Bush invasion was a mistake. The issue of what we do now is not the point. The issue here is that initial decision to invade Iraq. Today we have VERY few GOOD options. Like former Sec. Powell said, "we broke it and it is ours".