Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He is not Tone deaf but Stone deaf
Published on February 27, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

President Bush has said he will veto any attempt by Congress to stop the proposed sale of six American Ports to Dubai Ports. Mr. Bush has asked what is the difference between a British company who currently owns and operates the ports and a company from the United Arab Emirates? Let’s take a look Mr. Bush:

The current operator is NOT owned and operated by the British Government.

Dubai Ports is OWNED and OPERATED by the UAE.

None of the 9/11 terrorists were English citizens.

Two of the 9/11 terrorists were from UAE.

England recognizes Israel.

UAE does NOT recognize Israel.

Funding for 9/11 did not go through British Banks.

Funding for 9/11 did go through UAE Banks.

England did not warn Osama bin Laden in 1999 of our intent to capture him which enabled his escape but UAE DID WARN HIM and that prevented his capture by the United States.

England does not support Islamic Terrorist organizations.

Several Islamic organizations have been supported by elements in the UAE. The UAE was only one of three countries in the world that recognized the Taliban as the ruler of Afghanistan.

President Bush tells us that the security at our ports will remain unchanged under this new contract. That means we will continue to inspect about 5% of the containers that come into the United States. That also means Dubai Ports will be responsible to supervise loading ALL these containers and prepare the documentation showing what is in all these containers. This is what Mr. Bush is willing to turn over to the UAE.

Mr. Bush – Congress and the American people DO NOT WHANT THIS CONTRACT APPROVED! Just like Rep. Myrick ® from NC said when she wrote you about allowing this contract to be approved – Not only NO but HELL NO! Mr. Bush - bring on your Veto. Congress - override his veto.

It is time for Congress to insist that George W. Bush begin to meet his responsibilities to FULLY protect our ports and borders. He must request to fully fund the Coast Guard and our military. It is DISGARCEFUL how Mr. Bush has FAILED to fully protect our country. It is time for an American company to own and operate our ports.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 27, 2006
Yeah, Gene... whatever.

One of NPR's expert consultant's (Yes - NPR's) said on Saturday, and I'm paraphrasing a bit, "Never have the facts been so far removed from the public debate on an issue than with the ports issue. There is no security issue here and only one of a dozen security consultants & experts I personally contacted this past week had any concern at all."

This has been my opinion all along - the Republicans who have glommed onto this issue are demaguoging it just as much as the Dems. They have substituted a completely different, indirect at best, issue for the real one. I'm glad, in a perverse way, because container security does need attention, but that has nothing to do with DPW or who manages port operations.
on Feb 27, 2006
You make excellent and intelligent points in this article, that of course, will be ignored or spun away.
on Feb 27, 2006
WRONG. The company that supervises the ports has control of the loading of the containers and prepares the manifests that the Coast Guard relies on when deciding which containers to inspect. This company is OWNED and Controlled by UAE. No 45 day look will change these facts. Given the situation we can not rely of the UAE to supervise what goes into these containers nor supervise the preparation of the documentation. Like Rep. Myrick said Not only No but HELL NO!
on Feb 27, 2006
Yeah, Gene, your bumbling idiot Bush flummoxed the Departments of Justice, Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security and a couple of others, sliding a sweetheart deal for his good buddies in the UAE right past their noses, because, after all, we need an effective outfit like DPW to outfox Customs & the Coast Guard.

You can be so dense, sometimes... no, make that most of the time. What we need is better/more Customs & Coast Guard resources to implement something close to adequate port security, no matter who manages port operations. And, I admit I could be wrong, but I believe those manifests you refer to are prepared at the port of origin.
on Feb 27, 2006
I'm a-gonna buy me a parrot and name it after you, COL. I'll have to see if I can find enough liberal propaganda on the airwaves to feed it, though
on Feb 27, 2006
It seems a little strange that the hardcore right wing Bush administration would have no problem with selling ports to Arabs (who are not famed for their love of America).

The right is split on this, most against but some in favour saying the market should decide whether America is safe or not. Seems to me that if the Democrats supported this Republicans would label them 'terrorists appeasers' and now that they don't some Republicans are using the old "racist" tag on Dems they moan about so much.

on Feb 27, 2006
It seems a little strange that the hardcore right wing Bush administration would have no problem with selling ports to Arabs (who are not famed for their love of America).

Why do you not see the point of this? The point is, if we veto this purchase, we are essentially telling the Muslim world that we will not even deal with their moderate elements, thus giving ammunition to their extremist elements, both inside and outside our country. Col has provided facts about the UAE, and all of them are true, but he has neglected to inform you that the UAE has consistently assisted us in our war on terror, by providing us with bases and by assisting us in the capture of Al Qaeda operatives. There should be CLOSE scrutiny, sure, but the UAE has shown a level of cooperation with us that would indicate we should consider them an ally. Remember, this is NOT a war against Islam, but against Islamic TERROR. Refusing UAE the right to make this business purchase is, in essence, making this a war against Islam, which potentially makes EVERY Muslim our enemy. It would be a bad choice.
on Feb 27, 2006
See how dense these people are? "Selling ports"???? They can't even bother to learn what the issue really is.
on Feb 27, 2006
There is NO VALID reason to ALLOW UAE to operate American Ports.
on Feb 27, 2006
Heh, the hardcore Right DOES have a problem with it, and they are fighting alongside their racist brothers on the Left. Britain has an active terror problem. ALL of the bombers in their recent attack were British residents.

This is just desperate political rhetoric, meant to enflame people who don't bother to think about it. The Dems just think this is a good issue to score "redneck" points with, and it's a little sickening. Outside of corrupt labor organizations the Left in America don't often get to march alongside the trailer park folks.

They're milking it because they know that all they have to do is villify all those "ay-rabs what are tryin to buy America" and score points. It's sad.
on Feb 27, 2006
It's also sickening how some Republicans are trying to rack up more "redneck" points than the Dems, fearing they are somehow being "outflanked" (they obviously read too much of the Washington Press).

Sometimes, I hate all politicians. Let me correct that... I hate all politicians all the time, just less so sometimes.
on Feb 27, 2006
CNN just announced the U S Coast Guard released a document saying they had problems with the Port deal. Homeland Security had earlier said there were NO objections. You ask do I trust agencies that report to the President - well in the past they have had to toe the party line or go away. Examples O’Neil, Whitman, Army Cos, Powell.Please recall that Bush said it was the Coast Guard that was responsible for Port Security!
on Feb 27, 2006
Okay, COL - who would you have operate these ports? Halliburton? How loud would you scream for that one? How about ... Northrup Grummond? Another big defense contractor that would have people screaming "Collusion!!"

As Gideon has said, why not put forth the olive branch that shows that we can work with Muslims that DON'T resort to terror tactics?
on Feb 27, 2006
Okay, COL - who would you have operate these ports? Halliburton? How loud would you scream for that one? How about ... Northrup Grummond? Another big defense contractor that would have people screaming "Collusion!!"

As Gideon has said, why not put forth the olive branch that shows that we can work with Muslims that DON'T resort to terror tactics?
on Feb 27, 2006
Working with them is one thing. Allowing them to supervise what is placed into millions of containers and preparing the documentation as to what is in those containers is very different. Just ONE container with a nuclear bomb would make 9/11 look like a joke. That is TOO BIG a risk!
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