Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He is not Tone deaf but Stone deaf
Published on February 27, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

President Bush has said he will veto any attempt by Congress to stop the proposed sale of six American Ports to Dubai Ports. Mr. Bush has asked what is the difference between a British company who currently owns and operates the ports and a company from the United Arab Emirates? Let’s take a look Mr. Bush:

The current operator is NOT owned and operated by the British Government.

Dubai Ports is OWNED and OPERATED by the UAE.

None of the 9/11 terrorists were English citizens.

Two of the 9/11 terrorists were from UAE.

England recognizes Israel.

UAE does NOT recognize Israel.

Funding for 9/11 did not go through British Banks.

Funding for 9/11 did go through UAE Banks.

England did not warn Osama bin Laden in 1999 of our intent to capture him which enabled his escape but UAE DID WARN HIM and that prevented his capture by the United States.

England does not support Islamic Terrorist organizations.

Several Islamic organizations have been supported by elements in the UAE. The UAE was only one of three countries in the world that recognized the Taliban as the ruler of Afghanistan.

President Bush tells us that the security at our ports will remain unchanged under this new contract. That means we will continue to inspect about 5% of the containers that come into the United States. That also means Dubai Ports will be responsible to supervise loading ALL these containers and prepare the documentation showing what is in all these containers. This is what Mr. Bush is willing to turn over to the UAE.

Mr. Bush – Congress and the American people DO NOT WHANT THIS CONTRACT APPROVED! Just like Rep. Myrick ® from NC said when she wrote you about allowing this contract to be approved – Not only NO but HELL NO! Mr. Bush - bring on your Veto. Congress - override his veto.

It is time for Congress to insist that George W. Bush begin to meet his responsibilities to FULLY protect our ports and borders. He must request to fully fund the Coast Guard and our military. It is DISGARCEFUL how Mr. Bush has FAILED to fully protect our country. It is time for an American company to own and operate our ports.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 27, 2006
Any member of Congress who allows Bush to go ahead with this deal that is up for election in 2006 should be voted OUT OF OFFICE!
on Feb 27, 2006
You've come completely unhinged, Gene. My condolences to you.
on Feb 27, 2006
They, they, they. Ross Perot said "you people" and got tarred and feathered. How sadly transparent all this trailer-park outrage is. I can't wait for people to start condemning Republicans for fear mongering after this.
on Feb 27, 2006
The UAE has been an active and cooperative participant in the War on Terror.

As a major shipping management entity, they're already involved in the international Secure Container Initiative, where they have also been very cooperative. They already supervise container security in ports throughout the world.

The UAE plays host to our naval forces on a regular basis. We have never had cause to complain about their security or cooperation in these matters.
on Feb 27, 2006
Show where any of the statements I made in my Blog about UAE is untrue. You want to give them control of what is placed into the shipping containers coming into this country? You are NUTS!
on Feb 27, 2006
Does anyone remember the Trojan Horse? How about millions of UAE horses per year coming into America.
on Feb 27, 2006
" Show where any of the statements I made in my Blog about UAE is untrue."

That's kind of facetious considering none of the statements in your blog are really reason for concern. It's like me saying "The Sky Is Blue" and then demanding that you either prove it wrong or agree with my politics.
on Feb 27, 2006
There is NO VALID reason to ALLOW UAE to operate American Ports

There is also no valid reason for them not to, even if they were actually "running the ports", or as some blinkered idiot said, buying the ports (because the US is "selling" them).
Everything you said about the UAE is true, though unflattering. They are an ally on the war on terror and they have every legitimate business reason to be in the shipping business. C'mon, COL MBA.

How about millions of UAE horses per year coming into America.

Man, you are paranoid. You don't think they've been coming in for years, from more places than just the UAE, who could give a rat's a$$ about the US. All they want is to do business.
But I echo (I think it was) Daiwa, who said that the increased scrutiny of port security on the whole was worth this tempest in a teapot.
on Feb 27, 2006
The anti-Bushites have screwed themselves with this, though. They're going to have a hard row to hoe the next time they want to scream about our lack of diplomacy. It would be a shame if the Col backs himself into a corner and has to actually AGREE with the Bush administration later about dealing with nations that don't recognize Israel and all this fearmongering.
on Feb 27, 2006
Any member of Congress who allows Bush to go ahead with this deal that is up for election in 2006 should be voted OUT OF OFFICE!

And that is the agenda machine behind this complete non-issue.
on Feb 27, 2006
The UAE is already actively involved in the Security Container Initiative, a worldwide activity involving all the major players in shipping, port administration, and port security.

Hundreds of thousands of UAE-supervised containers pass through our ports every year already.

The UAE has consistently been a cooperative partner in the SCI, so not only have they been a part of the problem for longer than COL Gene has been aware of the problem, but they've also been a part of the solution that whole time as well.

UAE administration of these particular ports doesn't actually change the container security situation in any significant way.

(Especially on account of the UAE management company not actually being in charge of port security for these ports anyway.)
on Feb 27, 2006
How can Bush state that the principal agency to protect our ports is the Coast Guard and then learn they have serious problem with this contract? Look at the lack of funding for the Coast Guard. The stories are coming out how over stretched they are and Bush says they are the main defense for our ports. Why then are they not increasing the manpower levels and providing the resources needed for this essential element of our homeland defense? It is the same issue as the size of the Army and the lack of border guards. It is a JOKE that Bush is effectively providing leadership to defend this country.

It is time to take control of the operation of our ports. It is time to insure the containers are safe BEFORE the containers arrive in our ports. It is time to provide the needed resources for the Coast Guard, Army and the Border guards. WHY is BUSH FAILING TOP DO HIS JOB in these areas?
on Feb 27, 2006
You are NUTS!

Does anyone remember the Trojan Horse? How about millions of UAE horses per year coming into America.

I think those speak for themselves.

What does Nostradamus tell us about the operator-sale-morphed-into-port-security issue, Gene?
on Feb 28, 2006
What did the U S Coast Guard Say.? What did the 9/11 Commission say about UAE?
on Feb 28, 2006
It is time to insure the containers are safe BEFORE the containers arrive in our ports

Here's a silly question, Gene. How does having US interests operate US ports make this happen? Better question - How does having UAE interests operate these ports ensure that the containers AREN'T safe?

Last time I checked, the containers are loaded and sealed at the port of embarkation (ie, foreign soil). When they get to our ports, they're offloaded from the ship and the internal cargo broken down to smaller transhipments (if necessary). That's it. No loading involved.

The only loading involved at the ports where stuff would be going INTO the containers - is outbound cargo. You know, stuff leaving the country?
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