Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

As the polls show support for Bush and Cheney falling to about the same levels as for Nixon and Agnew, I wonder the reasons for the remaining support for Bush. I have been clear as to my rational for not supporting Bush and his policies. I would be VERY interested in learning specific reasons why those of you that support Bush continue to defend him and his policies.

I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 06, 2006
Nice, Col, so these past couple of years when I have been challenging you to offer better alternatives you've just been saving them up for your book, huh? Oh, I bet I have to buy it to find out...
on Mar 07, 2006
No I have used some of them in my past Blogs. Just a few examples:

Save Social Security from GWB Jan 6, 2005; Let's Fix Social Security Feb 16, 2005; Solve the Energy Crises Feb 5, 2005.
on Mar 07, 2006
Gene, you shameless slut.

I told you months ago, his blog does nothing but sound out his talking points.

COL, you're just like Bill O'Reilly. (Betcha love THAT comparison!)
on Mar 07, 2006

I was just answering a question about ALTERNATIVES with the Press Release.
on Mar 07, 2006

Better read the three Blogs I sighted above. They contain specific Alternatives.
My Blog of Feb 5, 2005 is especially comprehensive and I am not a former oil company executive!
on Mar 07, 2006
For example, the funding problems with Social Security existed long before GWB took office. When I look at the way in which Bush has dealt with this issue I see NO progress and we are moving closer to the day of reckoning. He did make a suggestion that failed to solve the issue at hand which was HOW to FUND the Baby Boomer retirements. He wanted to convert the system to something different for the generation that followed the Baby Boomers while making the current problem worse.

Col, it will be another 30 years before this actually starts to take effect so chill out dude. And the only reason his idea failed is because everyone else disagreed with it but I have yet to see any other ideas.

Medicare was also an issue that existed long before Bush took office. In this case Bush took something already in serious financial trouble and added the largest single new entitlement program to Medicare WITH NO WAY TO PAY FOR THIS NEW PROGRAM - Part D. That made the fiscal problems of Medicare MUCH worse and will bring the date of reckoning sooner.

I don't get you, you complain that he does nothing about it but when he does you also complain where the money is gonna come from. Where do you think anything that you want solved will be paid from. Your problem is that whether he fixes it or ignores it you will be mad anyways. That's why no one here takes you serious Col.

The Annual Budget deficit was finally in balance after 20 years of being out of balance. Bush turned it into a HUGH problem that has no reasonable prospect for solving it under his tax and spend policies.

You do realize that you are blaming him for something that had problems for many years where the only way to solve it was for us, the American people, to pay for it when Clinton decided we should cough up the money for all the spending done by the Gov't from previous years till his presidency and now Bush's.

I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him.

This is the most funniest and hypocritical statement I have seen you post yet. You claim you will not use our answers to attack Bush and yet it is the first thing you do, then you say you just wanna understand but you chose to ignore and rant about what you want. I thought this was for you to hear about what he had to say but instead you have been trying to make us understand you. This could be considered false advertisement and make you as much of a lier as you consider Bush to be. See how you and have so many things in common? That would be a good reason for you to hate him so much, you see a lot of yourself in him, things you probably don't like about yourself.
on Mar 07, 2006
For example, the funding problems with Social Security existed long before GWB took office. When I look at the way in which Bush has dealt with this issue I see NO progress and we are moving closer to the day of reckoning. He did make a suggestion that failed to solve the issue at hand which was HOW to FUND the Baby Boomer retirements. He wanted to convert the system to something different for the generation that followed the Baby Boomers while making the current problem worse.

Col, it will be another 30 years before this actually starts to take effect so chill out dude. And the only reason his idea failed is because everyone else disagreed with it but I have yet to see any other ideas.

Medicare was also an issue that existed long before Bush took office. In this case Bush took something already in serious financial trouble and added the largest single new entitlement program to Medicare WITH NO WAY TO PAY FOR THIS NEW PROGRAM - Part D. That made the fiscal problems of Medicare MUCH worse and will bring the date of reckoning sooner.

I don't get you, you complain that he does nothing about it but when he does you also complain where the money is gonna come from. Where do you think anything that you want solved will be paid from. Your problem is that whether he fixes it or ignores it you will be mad anyways. That's why no one here takes you serious Col.

The Annual Budget deficit was finally in balance after 20 years of being out of balance. Bush turned it into a HUGH problem that has no reasonable prospect for solving it under his tax and spend policies.

You do realize that you are blaming him for something that had problems for many years where the only way to solve it was for us, the American people, to pay for it when Clinton decided we should cough up the money for all the spending done by the Gov't from previous years till his presidency and now Bush's.

I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him.

This is the most funniest and hypocritical statement I have seen you post yet. You claim you will not use our answers to attack Bush and yet it is the first thing you do, then you say you just wanna understand but you chose to ignore and rant about what you want. I thought this was for you to hear about what he had to say but instead you have been trying to make us understand you. This could be considered false advertisement and make you as much of a lier as you consider Bush to be. See how you and have so many things in common? That would be a good reason for you to hate him so much, you see a lot of yourself in him, things you probably don't like about yourself.
on Mar 07, 2006
First, it was Bush that sounded the warning about a need to solve the Social Security Funding issue. As I said, he did not provide any solution to the problem he said needed to be solved.

Medicare which is a much bigger and much sooner problem Bush said nothing about. What he did was to add another massive cash drain to something that was already in very real trouble. That made the issue of Medicare worse.

It took 20 years to finally bring Federal Expenditures and Federal Revenue in balance in 2000. Bush CUT tax revenue while increasing spending resulting in yet another round of deficits that has taken the cumulative National debt from $5.7 Trillion to $8.3 Trillion.

This is NOT BUSH BASHING they are FACTUAL statements of what has taken place with these three issues since January 2001.
on Mar 07, 2006
First, it was Bush that sounded the warning about a need to solve the Social Security Funding issue. As I said, he did not provide any solution to the problem he said needed to be solved.

Uh, yes he did but it was not approved. That doesn't make it a bad solution.

Medicare which is a much bigger and much sooner problem Bush said nothing about. What he did was to add another massive cash drain to something that was already in very real trouble. That made the issue of Medicare worse.

So he tried to do something about it and that bothers you. Are you stupid or something Col. How did you think Medicare was to be fixed, with magical money? The money had to come from somewhere Col. Man you are thick.

It took 20 years to finally bring Federal Expenditures and Federal Revenue in balance in 2000. Bush CUT tax revenue while increasing spending resulting in yet another round of deficits that has taken the cumulative National debt from $5.7 Trillion to $8.3 Trillion.

The Gov't will always spend money, Clintons idea was to make us pay for the money the Gov't spends. In other words I have to pay for all those rediculous Gov't programs that exist, for all those people getting welfare illegally, for every steak every president ate. Get the picture or are you so full of hatred that you even ignored your own words in you article and have been attacking Bush since the begining?

You are a boring broken record who can't even follow the rules of your own article.
on Mar 07, 2006
The Bush Social Solution was NOT a SOLUTION. Even the Social Security Trustees stated that to allow younger workers to divert some of their taxes to private accounts not only did not solve the problem at hand which was HOW TO PAY THE Baby Boomers retirement but made the Social Security funding problem worse.

If you are unable to meet you obligations do you solve you financial problems by taking on more obligations? HELL NO. That is just what Bush did with Medicare by pushing Part D with NO WAY TO PAY FOR IT!.

No government or person can spend more then their income indefinitely. As the Comptroller General said, the fiscal policy the United States can not be sustained! What does Bush want to do? Make his tax cuts permanent which adds further to the defect.
on Mar 07, 2006
Which poll? The one CBS issued last week that said his rating was at an "all-time, rock-bottom" low of 34%?
Or the one ABC issued THIS week, that says his popularity is "only" at 41%?

I don't like everything he does; only a totally brainwashed, robotic idealogue likes everything their leader does.
I personally like him, what can I say? I see a certain rough honesty in him, or at least as honest as a politician can be. He'll tell you how it is if he can, and not just what you want to hear.
I see a man who stands behind his decisions, no matter what the polls say, and no matter what the media says about him. That's leadership, Col. That's what he's supposed to do, and what he was elected to do; what he sees as best for the nation and it's interests, and to not waver in that goal according to what the numbers say.
Why do you think he got re-elected despite his supposed "declining popularity"? He's a leader with qualities that many of us, in the aftermath of the responsiblity-dodging, bobbing and weaving to keep everyone happy of the Clinton years, find refreshing.
on Mar 07, 2006
You do not know what leadership is. A leader is one who will get people to go to a place they would not otherwise go. That is NOT Bush. He continues to move down a path where the VAST majority does NOT WANT TO GO. That is stubborn. He continues down a path even when it does not solve our problems. That is NOT a leader. The vast majority of Americans do not agree with ANY of his policies and have rejected them no matter how often Bush tell them his way is right. He thinks if he uses different words or tells us over and over again that people will agree. That is simply not true. People can see that the issues that face America are not getting better. Trade, jobs, education, border security, energy, deficit, health care and Social Security and the ability of the poor and middle income American family to improve their lives are not being resolved. They see a president that does not secure our borders and ports. The see a president that is turning his back on the people in the Gulf despite his statements ten days after the storm in New Orleans. They see a president that cuts funding for health care for the poor. Increases the cost of student loans and reduces help for the poor to heat their homes. A president that has cut funding for food to the poor and children of America. At the same time he defends BIG OIL when the overcharge ALL of us and generate a massive profit and wants to make tax cuts to his wealthy base permanent despite the massive Federal Budget deficit. They see a looser! They see a man that has turned his back on the vast majority and only cares for the Haves and the Have-Mores!
on Mar 07, 2006
What I see, Col., is a man who spends to much time listening to liberal rhetoric.
Where is this "vast majority" you're always pointing to?
It's in the minds of all the lefties who still feel hurt because they LOST.
That's all it is! They had their Clintons for eight years and thought the Glory Days were going to continue with Gore.
They were wrong, and they were pissed because they were wrong.
They were wrong again four years later, and now they're even more pissed because mainstream America (the REAL "vast majority") elected their boogeyman again! How impudent of us!

Col., you asked why I still support Bush. I told you.
I told you very calmly and clearly, with no recrimination, and you berated me in your usual manic fashion, just like you do everyone else who doesn't see things your way.

This looked like a nice, easy topic to discuss, so I discussed. It turned out just like all your other Bush-hating rants. I won't be fooled again.
on Mar 07, 2006
I can hardly wait for GWB to be out of office so we will not have to listen to your hate Bush rants, you are a single issue blogger with no other writing on your mind.

I pity you and your blind hatred.
on Mar 07, 2006
The sad part is that even after Bush has retired to Texas, the harm he has done to this country will linger on for a LONG time to come. The next President will inherit a big pile of Bush Dung.
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