Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

As the polls show support for Bush and Cheney falling to about the same levels as for Nixon and Agnew, I wonder the reasons for the remaining support for Bush. I have been clear as to my rational for not supporting Bush and his policies. I would be VERY interested in learning specific reasons why those of you that support Bush continue to defend him and his policies.

I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 07, 2006
The next President will inherit a big pile of Bush Dung.

Better than Clinton Cum. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

What, pray tell, did Clinton leave us that was so far-reaching and grand? When he left office, the economy was already starting to rot.
The USS Cole attack---unanswered. The attacks on the African Embassies---unanswered. Troops left in Eastern Europe, under UN "leadership" with no real exit strategy (Hmmm...THAT has a familiar ring, no?)....
Oh, well, yeah.....a few rich criminals who paid big bucks to the Clinton campaign got Presidentially pardoned, but.....

"Bush's Recession", as the Dems called it, of early 2001, was getting started well before he officially took office. Some of the Clinton Cum, I guess.
He'd had the benefit of 12 years of top-notch Republican leadership when he came in. Bush had eight years of Democrat screw-ups.
Sad that Clinton was able to undue 12 years hard work in less than eight.
on Mar 07, 2006
Clinton left a balanced Budget and better employment then we have today. He also left a decade of the greatest economic growth in our history. He also had an overall policy that was more toward the center more like the majority of Americans.Do not forget that Reagan did the very same thing that Bush did with the very same results-- Cut taxes and increased spending that resulted in major increases in the National debt. It took 20 years to balance the budget after Reagan.
on Mar 07, 2006
Better read the three Blogs I sighted above.

The only post I want to read right now is your first one:

I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him.

Liar liar, pants on fire...
on Mar 08, 2006
I have not referred to ANY of the reasons given for supporting Bush. I responded to questions posted. I was told I did not offer an alternative suggestion which is untrue.

I stated Facts and did not take issue with ANY OF THE REASONS given for supporting Bush. All you do is SPIN everything to something it is NOT!
on Mar 08, 2006
Clinton left a balanced Budget and better employment then we have today. He also left a decade of the greatest economic growth in our history.

Let's correct that to the truth:

The economy left a balanced budget and employment levels equal to what we have today, thanks to a decade of unsustainable growth (irrational exuberance, etc.) culminating in the tech stock crash followed shortly thereafter by 9/11 and a recession which was blunted largely due to the succeeding president's dogged efforts. You should be thanking Bush, not bashing him. Clinton had the good fortune to catch one of the better waves to come along in awhile. He deludes himself if he thinks his policies were responsible for it, as do you.
on Mar 08, 2006
Bush is a great ChristianPresident. Itsno wonder theleftistmedia slams him. They hate anything conservativeor Godly.
on Mar 10, 2006
Col, you're one of those short-sighted people who expect instant gratification, aren't you?
You think that, when policies are instituated, including economic policies, that stuff just starts to change, or not, right away. It doesn't; sometimes the effects take years to show.
Reagan warned the nation, in the early 80s, that times ahead would be tough, but that they would get better. This wasn't just a hopeful prophecy. He had the vision to know that what he was doing would be hard in the short-term, but great later on, and that was exactly what happened.
The great economic"wave", as Daiwa put it, that Clinton rode, had as much to do with his efforts as 9/11 did with Bush.
So you hated Reagan, too, huh?

You know, I remember back when you used to claim to be a conservative Republican who was simply disappointed in Bush.
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