Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

As the polls show support for Bush and Cheney falling to about the same levels as for Nixon and Agnew, I wonder the reasons for the remaining support for Bush. I have been clear as to my rational for not supporting Bush and his policies. I would be VERY interested in learning specific reasons why those of you that support Bush continue to defend him and his policies.

I will not use your answers to further attack Bush. I just want to understand why anyone continues to support him.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 06, 2006
Seems like there are NO reasons to support Bush!
on Mar 06, 2006
Seems like there are NO reasons to support Bush!

Because the United States Constitution establishes him as the head of the executive branch, and because the power of impeachment resides in Congress, NOT in the court of popular opinion. Bush has committed no provable "high crimes or misdemeanors" to merit a standard of impeachment, and as he retains that office, he deserves the respect that should be afforded that office.

I support Bush because if we support impeachment on every political whim, we will make the presidency a highly unstable office, and that instability will trickle down to the rest of America.

I have a question for YOU, Col, a sincere one: Why do some of you constantly ATTACK Bush? Don't you realize that your constant barrage of attacks and partisanship are a barrier to getting anything done? Civility does not only belong in politics; it is ESSENTIAL to politics, and when it is consistently lacking, our ability to make positive change is equally lacking.
on Mar 06, 2006

Seems like there are NO reasons to support Bush!

Wrong. Maybe noone feels compelled to bother commenting on a Bush Basher's blog.

Gid, well said.
on Mar 06, 2006
I can not speak for anyone else. I comment of the issues that face our nation that need resolution. I have tried to show the change in things like the Medicare, Social Security, budget, trade, energy, education, border security etc. When I show the change in these important areas over the past five years, the retort I hear is that I am Bush bashing. What I have done is shown the impact on these issues that has taken place since January 2001.
on Mar 06, 2006
#2 by Gideon MacLeish

Here, Here..

I conpletely agree.
on Mar 06, 2006
What I have done is shown the impact on these issues that has taken place since January 2001.

And that is where your problem originates Col, everyone here knows that these problems have been problems for longer that 2001 and those before Bush did little or nothing about it but you only place blame on a single man. You should be man at all Americans, not just Bush. We are all responsible for what goes on in this country. Business owners are responsible for using illegal immigrants to do their work so that they don't have to pay a lot and pay taxes. We are responsible for the energy problem such as fuel because we just have to have those big SUV's that eat gas like in was cotton candy. We waste energy by leaving lights on in every room where there is no one in. We are responsible for spending money when we should be saving. Buy too many unnecesary items because we are ambitions and envious of everyone else who has it like movie stars.

We, the American people are the ones who need to take responsability for our actions. You need to be mad at the American people for getting lazy and letting the Gov't do all the work for them. That is why the Gov't is the way it is today. We have no one else to blame but ourselves.

I don't go by polls because they use people who are ignorant in politics and are easily swayed by the media and all the stories they report in their own words. I follow Bush, not blindly but cusiously, because I believe he is doing the right thing by making us face our fears, by letting everyone know that we are not to be messed with and if violence is what they want, that's what they will get.

Their may be things that still need work in the US but there is still time. Money is already been giving for the border pratrol problem and more is on the way so I don't see why you keep pointing that out. It's the business owners who we should focus our arger towards.

Defending the Homeland. Government-wide, non-defense homeland security funding, including fee-funded activities, increases by more than 8 percent. The Budget also provides resources to strengthen our borders with funding for 1,500 new border patrol agents, 6,000 new detention beds, 560 detention and removal personnel, and 257 attorneys to expedite removal of illegal immigrants.

from :http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/budget/2007/index.html Link
on Mar 06, 2006
You comment to hear yourself, best I can tell.
on Mar 06, 2006
Many of the issues did exist when Bush came into office. Several issues developed during his tenure.

For example, the funding problems with Social Security existed long before GWB took office. When I look at the way in which Bush has dealt with this issue I see NO progress and we are moving closer to the day of reckoning. He did make a suggestion that failed to solve the issue at hand which was HOW to FUND the Baby Boomer retirements. He wanted to convert the system to something different for the generation that followed the Baby Boomers while making the current problem worse.

Medicare was also an issue that existed long before Bush took office. In this case Bush took something already in serious financial trouble and added the largest single new entitlement program to Medicare WITH NO WAY TO PAY FOR THIS NEW PROGRAM - Part D. That made the fiscal problems of Medicare MUCH worse and will bring the date of reckoning sooner.

The Annual Budget deficit was finally in balance after 20 years of being out of balance. Bush turned it into a HUGH problem that has no reasonable prospect for solving it under his tax and spend policies.

These are just three examples of how his policies either failed to resolve problems he inherited or problems he either made worse or created with his approach to running our country!
on Mar 06, 2006
I suspect except for the first response you have no specific reasons for supporting Bush.
on Mar 06, 2006
I will not use your answers to further attack Bush.

on Mar 06, 2006
I will not use your answers to further attack Bush.

on Mar 06, 2006
Bush has pretty much been a single-issue president: focusing what insight and competence he has on the war on terror. All of the other long-standing structural and institutional problems that face this country, he's been letting them sort of just muddle along, same as it ever was.
on Mar 06, 2006
a) He is the duly elected President and has the power to do what he is doing. If he exceeds that power, it will/has been investigated.
You can support someone and not agree with everything they enact. I supported Clinton's presidency, and even some of his policies, and thought he was an utter dolt.
c) I'm not a serial whiner with a messiah complex and a penchant for futility. I know that we have a President, not an emporer, so there's no reason to incite some sort of revolution. He'll be gone in a couple of years and the next schmoe will be pissing people off.
d) He stands in opposition to policies I despise, and I know he'll veto any attempt to put them into law.
e) Because no matter how many Chicken Littles whine about this and that, they never, ever have any suggestions that are better than what the President is doing.

Like you, Col, someone who endlessly criticizes and offers no alternatives. Someday maybe you'll see how many years you wasted on this vendetta foolishness.
on Mar 06, 2006
Section two of my new book offers the Alternatives to the policies we are following. this is the Press release :


EDITORS: E-mail: genep0041@earthlink.net
Tel: (239) 541-5799

Change the Bush policies to protect our future?
What have the Bush policies done, suggested alternatives and insightful Blogs

CAPE CORAL, FLA. - You can not turn on the TV, radio or read the news paper without politics hitting you in the face. There are many books that have blasted President Bush and the Congress for their failure to address some of the most important issues facing America as we begin the 21st century. WHY should you read, George W. Bush Robin Hood for the Rich? To look at alternate suggestions to solve the issues the current policies are not solving.

The Author has drawn from more then 40 blue ribbon sources to write his book. The first section documents the impact of the policies President Bush and the GOP have enacted since January 2001. The results are clearly stated and documented without the SPIN. The second section offers alternate policy suggestions to solve many of the issues that our current policies have failed to address. Topics such as Medicare, Social Security, Energy, the Federal Deficit, Taxes, Spending, Trade, Illegal Aliens and the loss of American Jobs. The third section is a sample of the Author’s Blogs that take issue with current news stories. The Author has used specific news stories to create his Blogs in order to illustrate the impact of the Bush policies on the average person and the country overall. This section will in some cases be humorous while at other times provocative. In all cases they will grab the reader’s attention.

To learn the truth about what is happening in America and to look at some different solutions you MUST read, George W. Bush Robin Hood for the Rich.

The Author has used his successful business and military careers combined with an outstanding number of expert sources and federal agencies to prepare his analysis of the Bush policies and offer alternatives to effectively deal with the problem areas that have not been resolved by the current policies. The Author is in total agreement with President Bush that WE NEED TO JUDGE BY RESULTS! Let’s look at the results and possible alternatives so we can pass on a BETTER America to our children! We should not,” stay the course” when that course leads us over a cliff.
on Mar 06, 2006
Gene, you shameless slut.
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