Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

There is a gross misunderstanding of a democracy. Some believe ANY form of government that is put into place by a popular vote is a democracy. To be a democracy, EVERYONE must be given certain BASIC rights under the government formed. The right of FREE SPEECH. THE RIGHT TO VOTE. THE RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and THE RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS at a minimum. If in an election the majority selected a Dictatorship, a Communist form of government or a Monarchy, the resulting government is not a democracy. In fact the most likely consequence of the voters choosing a Theocracy, Dictatorship, Communist government or a Monarchy is that if in the future the majority wanted a different form of government, they would be prevented from selecting that new government by another vote. It would require a popular uprising to effect a change in the type of government.

The form or government that has resulted from the Bush policies in the Moslem world so far has created governments where the rights are predicated on a religious creed which in the case of Moslem countries is Islam. Any laws passed by the legislative body and all judicial rulings must conform to Islamic Law. If there is a conflict between the secular laws and the religious law, the religious law is supreme. That is true in the case Abdul Rahman in Afghanistan. It is true in the government elected in December in Iraq and it is true in the government elected in Palestine.

There is a basic conflict for Bush who is now faced with a dilemma. Even if he is able to get Rahman freed, the issue is not settled so long as Islamic law is the controlling principal in these countries. What we have accomplished is created three new governments like the government in Iran. In no way has the Bush policy in the Moslem World created free democratic governments that have reduced the danger to America!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 26, 2006
I do not sell out anything to any World Body. I support our constitution and it is the world body that is agreement with our constitution which existed a lot longer then the UN. You can all BS all you want. Just listed to your argument- Supporting a government that KILLS its people for their religious beliefs. That is the height of hippo racy. Any American that could embrace such a practice ha no right to be considered an American!
on Mar 26, 2006
"Supporting a government that KILLS its people for their religious beliefs."

So does the UN. Again, you might take a look at how many nations in the UN are democracies based upon your definition. the UN puts Libya in a rotating position to oversee human rights, and you claim it is worth deferring to? Come on. You like the idea that China rubber hoses Falun Gong members to death, and then votes in the 'arbiter of Democracy' you look to as a standard?

Selling out your ideals to other nations just so you can impose yours on Afghanistan is sad, and borderline treasonous. The UN is sprinkled with nations that would gladly crush democracy to see their own interests prevail. Shame on you, Col.

Let the Afghani people rule their own nation, and don't be what you claim to hate. Afghanistan beats up on the poor Christian guy, and you impose yourself on Afghanistan. As I said, at least they are minding their own business.
on Mar 26, 2006
I do not give a rats a*s how many countries would support such an opinion. For ANY American with the rights we enjoy supporting such a practice is totally unbelievable. You should be ashamed of you selves!
on Mar 26, 2006
You're a liar, a pathetic rotton liar. No one here supports someone being murdered for their beliefs, and when you say so you just betray the weakness of your argument.

Democracy is laughed at in these areas because they say it isn't really self-rule, it is the imposition of western values disguised as self rule. Listening to you and others who redefine Democracy as being your system of values, they're right.
on Mar 27, 2006
Thick as a brick is what comes to mind, with the sound of a flute & visions of Ian Anderson running through my head, when contemplating Gene.
on Mar 27, 2006
" Thick as a brick is what comes to mind, with the sound of a flute & visions of Ian Anderson running through my head, when contemplating Gene."

I really don't mind if he sits this one out...
on Mar 27, 2006
There is a basic conflict for Bush who is now faced with a dilemma. Even if he is able to get Rahman freed, the issue is not settled so long as Islamic law is the controlling principal in these countries. What we have accomplished is created three new governments like the government in Iran. In no way has the Bush policy in the Moslem World created free democratic governments that have reduced the danger to America!

The above from my Blog and is the point of the Blog. We are told that we went into Iraq to help spread democracy in order to make us safer. We are NOT spreading anything like Democracies. We did enable the people in these three countries to select new governments and they DID NOT choose a form of government that is anything like a Democracy that will make us safer. They have ALL chosen governments that are like the government in IRAN-- A Theocracy predicated on Islam. That makes our policy a failure and the latest rational for invading Iraq a farce!
on Mar 27, 2006
There is a basic conflict for Bush who is now faced with a dilemma. Even if he is able to get Rahman freed, the issue is not settled so long as Islamic law is the controlling principal in these countries. What we have accomplished is created three new governments like the government in Iran. In no way has the Bush policy in the Moslem World created free democratic governments that have reduced the danger to America!

The above from my Blog and is the point of the Blog. We are told that we went into Iraq to help spread democracy in order to make us safer. We are NOT spreading anything like Democracies. We did enable the people in these three countries to select new governments and they DID NOT choose a form of government that is anything like a Democracy that will make us safer. They have ALL chosen governments that are like the government in IRAN-- A Theocracy predicated on Islam. That makes our policy a failure and the latest rational for invading Iraq a farce!
on Mar 27, 2006
...I guess you'll just make up your own definition of theocracy to go with your made-up definition of democracy. How about Col Gene's guide to Political Science, next time you write a book, so you can get all those scholars and the rest of us on the same page...
on Mar 27, 2006
this morning a bird flew into my patio door and brokes its little neck and it's ALL BUSHES FAULT!!!!
on Mar 27, 2006
There are some real pieces of work on this Blog Site. I did not make up the definition of Theocracy. I just reported what the political experts have been saying. I DO KNOW THAT ANY GOVERNMENT THAT WOULD KILL SOMEONE FOR CONVERTING FROM BEING MOSLM TO CHRISTIN IS NOT WORTH AMERICAN LIVES TO SUPPORT.
on Mar 27, 2006
Umm, your candle lost its flame, Col. Read the news; the case was DROPPED. We're supporting WHAT exactly?

You really shouldn't waste your time, Col. You need to get to work creating your article on how Bush should be impeached for interfering in Afgahni domestic issues rather than let them self determine their own path.
on Mar 27, 2006
You'll notice that Gene hedged his position so that he could still Bash Bush, whether the guy was released or not. Probably after he heard the news, is my bet. What a turd.
on Mar 27, 2006
I am aware this case was dropped over the pressure Bush brought. That does not change the issue of applying Islamic Law to the people of Afghanistan. The very same issue will be present the next time a similar situation occurs.
on Mar 27, 2006
The people in Afghanistan are Islamic, Col. Just because they choose different values than you doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to choose.
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