Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

There is a gross misunderstanding of a democracy. Some believe ANY form of government that is put into place by a popular vote is a democracy. To be a democracy, EVERYONE must be given certain BASIC rights under the government formed. The right of FREE SPEECH. THE RIGHT TO VOTE. THE RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and THE RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS at a minimum. If in an election the majority selected a Dictatorship, a Communist form of government or a Monarchy, the resulting government is not a democracy. In fact the most likely consequence of the voters choosing a Theocracy, Dictatorship, Communist government or a Monarchy is that if in the future the majority wanted a different form of government, they would be prevented from selecting that new government by another vote. It would require a popular uprising to effect a change in the type of government.

The form or government that has resulted from the Bush policies in the Moslem world so far has created governments where the rights are predicated on a religious creed which in the case of Moslem countries is Islam. Any laws passed by the legislative body and all judicial rulings must conform to Islamic Law. If there is a conflict between the secular laws and the religious law, the religious law is supreme. That is true in the case Abdul Rahman in Afghanistan. It is true in the government elected in December in Iraq and it is true in the government elected in Palestine.

There is a basic conflict for Bush who is now faced with a dilemma. Even if he is able to get Rahman freed, the issue is not settled so long as Islamic law is the controlling principal in these countries. What we have accomplished is created three new governments like the government in Iran. In no way has the Bush policy in the Moslem World created free democratic governments that have reduced the danger to America!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 27, 2006
The man that was to be put to death for selecting Christianity did not select death for his religious belief. This country can not support any government that would kill someone because they change their religion.
on Mar 27, 2006
You didn't select Bush, either. Does that mean we don't have a Democracy? I didn't select Roe v. Wade to be the standard judgement of abortion. No Democracy? Representitives of this man approved the nation's constitution, and from what I can see it is demostrative of the will of the people there.

No one said we had to support them, but only hypocritical pig bullies would tell them they had the choice and then deny it because they didn't do what you want. Know anyone like that?
on Mar 27, 2006
No one is telling me that if I were to change from being Lutheran to Roman Catholic I would be arrested and killed.
on Mar 28, 2006
Guys, guys, and gals, your wasting your time. Don't you see that you already made your points and corrected Col several times on here. He will not give in. His mind is set and that will not change, yet that does not make him right.

Who's the one who thinks we should leave Iraq to fix themselves? Same person who thinks we should impose our values on the rest of the world. Strange, how come we help African people so much with the kind of Gov't they have? Why doesn't Col complain about that? How come we have so many "Made In China" products that we buy with the kind of Gov't China has? Why does Col not argue about that? It's called nit-picking, only looking for the issues on TV to justify his hatred towards Bush.

The thing is, I don't care for his hatred towards Bush. He has the right to hate the guy. He has the right to want someone else in charge. My problem is is that he makes every American look bad by the way he describes what happens around the world and how we are responsible for it. Terrorist succeeded in convincing Col that they are not the bad guys, we are. Devide and conquer, that is the terrorsit plan and it is working. The US has become weak because we no longer stand by each other. We are cutting our own throats, we are doing a better job than terrorist could.
on Mar 28, 2006
The US has become weak because we no longer stand by each other. We are cutting our own throats, we are doing a better job than terrorist could.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

What happened to 'United we stand.' What I find interesting is the fact that many talk like they would do a much better job at the President position but in reality are just a bunch of whiners. All too much I see the BOTH sides of Gov't sitting back and whinning. Doesn't suprise me as a little research on Roman history one will see a nice parallel. We have two people looking at a run down barn and both are telling each other how they would fix it. They argue and argue but then the barn comes tumbling to the ground. But instead one decides to take action while the other sits there and criticizes while mocking the one man struggling to fix the barn. Two hands make the work load lighter. Just not sure where this perspective was lost.
on Mar 28, 2006

There is a UN document that sets out the rights a government must guarantee to be considered a democracy. Today the Sec of State was discussing that on Meet the Press and Chris Mathews. One of those freedoms that MUST be guaranteed is Religious Freedom. Given the concepts that our country is based upon, we CAN NOT support governments that would put to death a person for changing their religion. We have helped create three Theocracies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine that violate the most basic freedom upon which our society is predicated. To support governments like in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine would be to turn our backs on our most basic principals which we hold as UNIVERSAL!

Since "when" do we give a rat's butt what the UN thinks?
on Mar 28, 2006
Bush is doing his best to create a theocracy here too. At least he's consistent.
on Mar 28, 2006
wow...that is a nice blanket statement....the Democrats are all about turning us into an athiestic society hell bent on destroying moral values...

see, I can do that also.

But, really....just in what way is Bush "doing his best to create a theocracy here too"? I would really like to know when we are all supposed to bow down to our knees and worship God...what time of the day is that again?
on Mar 28, 2006
But, really....just in what way is Bush "doing his best to create a theocracy here too"? I would really like to know when we are all supposed to bow down to our knees and worship God...what time of the day is that again?

It's right because a liberal SAYS it's right...they don't need no steenkeeng evidence!
on Mar 28, 2006
Bush is doing his best to create a theocracy here too. At least he's consistent.

I consider this to be an ignorant reply. Instead of actually pointing out the things they don't like about Bush, they say things that are not true but sound really bad as to make Bush sound like some kind of monster. Hello people, Bush is only 1 man, human, meat and bone. Just like I say to all Cubans about Fidel Castro, I say to you: "If you don't like him, get rid of him. Stop whining like babies about how bad he is and actually stand up and do something about it."

This is the kind of thing my 7 year old would say about someone.
on Mar 28, 2006
Stop whining like babies about how bad he is and actually stand up and do something about it."

Ah but DJ that brings in accountability. Too many out there with a poor me and it's all their fault attitude. I wonder how many have petitioned or called up congress or taken any kind of action. My guess is the majority are too busy whinning rather than doing.

do something about it."

My sentiments exactly.
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