Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

If you listen to Bush rant and rave today about He is the only voice that counts. He is the Boss. He hears the critics but that does not count it sounds more and more like what Bush was quoted as saying after the 2000 election in The Price of Loyalty. That quote was, "we must heal whatever wounds may exist"  Bush went on to say, "At times there would be disagreement and that is OK. If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I am the dictator"

A-Men King George!

I think we should fall back on something else Bush has said time and time again, "We should judge by results". Sounds good to me!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 18, 2006
I guess you lost your sense of humor again. You wouldn't know a joke if it hit you in the face and said "I'm a joke, just like you".

Is this the best you can do? Take sections of a "rant" and use them to push YOUR agenda? You really are a sad person.
on Apr 18, 2006
Really, I'm not a Bush fan, but thanks to the system, he'll never be a dictator.
Just think, in two short years you can work really hard to elect whoever the hell you want! Complaining doesn't do any of us a damn bit of good. Doesn't change a thing. So rather than bitch about it, work for a change!!!!!
on Apr 18, 2006

Really, I'm not a Bush fan, but thanks to the system, he'll never be a dictator.
Just think, in two short years you can work really hard to elect whoever the hell you want! Complaining doesn't do any of us a damn bit of good. Doesn't change a thing. So rather than bitch about it, work for a change!!!!!

on Apr 18, 2006
I won't stop at saying vote to make changes for the better, I say we should all participate in making this country a better place to live and our Gov't something to be proud of. We Americans have forgotten what it is to fight for our own freedoms and rights, we let the Gov't do all the work and look what that has done for us. Not one candidate from any party is worth voting for and can't even be trusted anymore. But I blame us, the American people, for sitting on our fat lazy butts and letting this happen. We all got use to thinking that voting was all that needed to be done.
on Apr 18, 2006
I for one did not just sit and do nothing. Say what you will, I have looked into the results of the policies we have been following and have made them public with my Blogs and books. You can bellow all you want, the issues I have talked about are important and I have documented the results of what Bush has done to this country. We will be feeling the impact of his policies LONG after he leaves office on Jan 20, 2009.

Keep my Blogs and look back in a few years. I will bet that most of what I have predicted will become fact and history will look back and evaluate George W. Bush as the WORST President in our history.
on Apr 18, 2006
Col, my post was not directed to you in particular. I was refering to the ignorance of most American people when it comes to politics and who they vote for. I also did not just include Bush but any and every person ever voted in to Presidency and future Presidents. I am talking about people going out to vote simply because they feel they have to and not knowing why or who they really are voting for. The Gov't has become a corrupt system; and I don't mean these past 6 or 7 years, I mean for decades now; and that's a shame. We allowed thsi to happen and continue to allow it.

Now if anything I said offended you it may be the truth then, otherwise you need not to defend yourself. You can blogg all you want, you can point out everything you want, you can write all the books you want, maybe you should look and realize that your effort alone is not doing anything. And the way you express yourself by costantly sounding like no one ese knows but you, you'll never get anyones attention.

We shouldn't have to be forced to choose the lesser of 2 evils. We should not have to deal with having one guy, that sucks, simply because the opponent was worse. We should not have to wait 4 or 8b years to see something better. But this is exactly what we get when wer, the American people, do nothing. When I say nothing, I mean not doing something that will realistically and drastically make changes or at least be noticed. Blooging and writting books has never had a major effect in changing anything, so all your work if futile and don't try to convince me that your book had good intentions when money was they main motivation regardless of the outcome.
on Apr 18, 2006
After all your bloggs and books Gene, I am sure that I will not be voting for George Bush in "08".

Now why don't you write on supporting someone that could be elected to the Presidency in 08, for a change.

You seem to be very good at tearing people down, let see you use your powers for Good.
on Apr 18, 2006
Only I know what my reasons for writing my book but I can assure you the money was NOT the prime motivation. I agree too many vote and have no idea what they are voting for but do so out of some sense of party loyalty. I was a member of the Republican grass roots organization in the mid 1970's and am very disappointed at what the GOP has done; I am convinced we must have a split in the power between the two parties.
on Apr 18, 2006
Don't hold your breath, Lee. Personally, I'm quite pleased he told the press to take a leap. They're not in charge, though God knows they think they deserve to be.
on Apr 18, 2006
We have a man in charge that has produced results like we see day after day in Iraq; a trade deficit that is off the scale; a $600 Billion dollar annual deficit and $3.00 gal gasoline. Yes Bush is responsible for all those GOOD THINGS.
on Apr 19, 2006
Only I know what my reasons for writing my book but I can assure you the money was NOT the prime motivation.

And your publisher. You couldn't assure me anything if God came down and told me so. Your credibility went down the drain a long time ago Col.
on Apr 19, 2006

I agree with you. People are ignorant when it comes to voting and I agree that American's are lazy when it comes to rights. But wouldn't you agree that it is due to a lack of self accountability meaning that we the people don't keep the politicians and officials in gov't from doing their own interest agendas? Very Passive.

BTW I find your posts interesting and commend you on the level of respect that you show.

You seem to be very good at tearing people down, let see you use your powers for Good.

Most definitely!


I have read many of your posts and one question comes to mind. Do you see ANY good in people? You are one of the most doomsday and negative person I have seen on here. In fact my thoughts go towards that you are a troubled individual and get satisfaction by ranting and pissing around about how terrible one person is. Maybe I am wrong but this is the person I perceive you to be. JMHO.

on Apr 19, 2006
It is true I see very little of value in Bush or what his policies are doing to our country.

It is interesting however in that most people who have worked with me have told me I was a very positive person to work with and for. I have a CV with comments about me and my performance that placed me at 99 out of 100 and 100 out of 100. That was true in both my military career and in the profit and not for profit sectors. These comments came from senior military officers as well as from the President of a college and a multi-billion dollar bank as well as other very senior people. I have a series of awards that fill the four walls of my home office. I have been certified for positions up to COO and senior executive service levels in the government. I was nominated for Flag rank in the Army and was given three commands. Self evaluation is not very accurate. If you were to read the comments of as many as 100 very senior individuals over a 40 year period, I doubt that your conclusion would be anything but that all those evaluations would say I was a very positive and highly effective executive that was able to work with and motivate subordinates while exceeding the expectations of my superiors.
on Apr 20, 2006
It is interesting however in that most people who have worked with me have told me I was a very positive person to work with and for. I have a CV with comments about me and my performance that placed me at 99 out of 100 and 100 out of 100. That was true in both my military career and in the profit and not for profit sectors. These comments came from senior military officers as well as from the President of a college and a multi-billion dollar bank as well as other very senior people. I have a series of awards that fill the four walls of my home office. I have been certified for positions up to COO and senior executive service levels in the government. I was nominated for Flag rank in the Army and was given three commands. Self evaluation is not very accurate. If you were to read the comments of as many as 100 very senior individuals over a 40 year period, I doubt that your conclusion would be anything but that all those evaluations would say I was a very positive and highly effective executive that was able to work with and motivate subordinates while exceeding the expectations of my superiors.

Sorry Col, but when you're in the business of making money for other people and doing jobs that make those above you look good, obviously they will praze you with awards, speeches and letters. That doesn't mean everyone likes you or loves you. That doesn't mean that everything you say or do is right or wrong and that certainly does not make you superior to everyone which is what you sound like you are trying to imply.

You don't have to be negative to every person in the world to be seen as a negative person, but you yet have anything, at all, good to say about anyone in the Bush administartion. As far as you're concerned the Bush entire administration is like that movie Con Air where every worst criminal was place on 1 single plane. No one is good as far as you're concerned and that's why people just won't take you serious.
on Apr 20, 2006
When you take an honest look at our country and the issues that impact most of us every day, they are not better today then in Jan 2001. I hear conservatives ask why the polls shows the majority are not happy with the economy for example when we have a rising stock market, GDP is growing and we are creating new jobs.

If you take the time to look you can answer that question posed by many conservative that love Bush.

The average working person has not experienced a higher weekly wage. The jobs that have been created are paying about 20% less then the jobs that were lost. More then a million average people have lost their health coverage and many more are losing their retirement benefits. The fact that GDP or the stock market is up does not enable either the low or middle income family to experience the GOOD LIFE. To have employment just equal to 5 1/2 years ago we are short about 1.5 Million jobs. Yes we have created over 5 million new lower paying jobs but we should have created 1.5 million more just to be equal in numbers. When you add the lower pay and fewer benefits, it is no surprise that many people are not pleased.

Almost ALL the very wealthy have experienced REAL improvement during the past 5 1/2 years. The only group whose net worth has increased since Bush took office are the wealthiest 10% of Americans.

These are the facts. I guess 900 people out of 1,000 would not look at those results as very good. The truth is I have provided the entire truth not just elements of the truth. When you look at everything and see how the Bush policies have impacted the VAST MAJORITY I can understand why they are not jumping up and down for joy.
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