Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

If you listen to Bush rant and rave today about He is the only voice that counts. He is the Boss. He hears the critics but that does not count it sounds more and more like what Bush was quoted as saying after the 2000 election in The Price of Loyalty. That quote was, "we must heal whatever wounds may exist"  Bush went on to say, "At times there would be disagreement and that is OK. If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I am the dictator"

A-Men King George!

I think we should fall back on something else Bush has said time and time again, "We should judge by results". Sounds good to me!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 20, 2006
Everyday I get up and put on my mask too. Character is who you are when no one is around (quote from someone?).

Maybe you use blogging to vent your frustrations. I don't agree with alot of what Bush is doing but as an American Citizen he is MY president. I will support him and will dilegently pray for him. Didn't like Clinton either but still recognized that he was my president. whinning and throwing frivilous rants do not promote unity.

I imagine no one here from JU community that works with you and the only fruits we see from you are from JU. It is clear to see that you have one motive. Bash Bush! You say you are positive then how about showing the JU community this side of you? Show us that it is more than just a mask at work. What do you say?

on Apr 20, 2006
#16 by Adventure-Dude
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ah, words of wisdom. I agree, if he only spent more time talking about some of the good things, which are also truths, then maybe he wouldn't be getting slammed at all times. For some odd reason he feels that only he is right and that everyone should follow him. Not everything sees the US in the same way and so he should not be so snotty as to making everyone else sound as if they are all stupid and he is smart. We all see things differently and that is our right as American citizens and those from other countries as well.

He is very unfair in his opinion cause he doesn't see it as an opinion but as the supreme truth and he can not be denied. But hey, it gives us something to play with when he post. we all use him as a target to release fustrations and that is why, I believe, we all can't stop replying to him. He'll never get it though.
on Apr 20, 2006
What I just posted about the economy and jobs is not my opinion. I have researched the issue and have presented ALL the sides not just that we added 5 million jobs during the past 2 years. IT IS NOT MY OPINION THAT POLL AFTER POLL SAYS THAT SAME THING. It is not my opinion that the jobs being created pay less then the jobs that were lost. It is not my opinion that average weekly wages are not up but down slightly. Open your eyes and look at the TOTAL picture. If it does not reflect well on Bush that is the way it is. All you want to do is tell me I am Bush Bashing for telling it like it is. That is what Bush does-- He attacks the messenger or changes the subject (or classifies the information or claims executive privilege).
on Apr 20, 2006
Talk about a dictator?
on Apr 20, 2006

You have definitely helped me see the light. I will attend all the protests I can to ensure that Bush/Cheney doesn't get reelected in 2008!
on Apr 20, 2006
All you want to do is tell me I am Bush Bashing for telling it like it is.

Name me ONE article you wrote that DOESN'T paint a negative depiction of bush?
on Apr 20, 2006

Umm, Maybe if we all promise not to vote for George W. Bush in 2008, COL will go away.
on Apr 20, 2006
For some odd reason he feels that only he is right and that everyone should follow him. Not everything sees the US in the same way and so he should not be so snotty as to making everyone else sound as if they are all stupid and he is smart.


I agree with you. One thing it seems that Col overlooks is the fact we all think with (what I call) a relational database. Everything we say, think, even how we listen is all based upon the relational database with collective experience (direct and indirect). We can only relate to one another through our experiences.

One can become blinded by complete light and one can become blinded by complete darkness.
on Apr 20, 2006

Umm, Maybe if we all promise not to vote for George W. Bush in 2008, COL will go away.

I will be interested in what Col will write about Jan 09. And then when GW passes away will he still rant? It is rare to see one's hatred for a man run so deep. It is not a healthy obsession. IMO

on Apr 20, 2006

Therein lies your "biggest" mistake! ALL polls are opinions! Whether yours or someone elses.
on Apr 20, 2006

My conclusions are NOT predicated on polls. Data from Treasury, labor dept, studies by the Brookings institute. Statements from recognized experts are not polls.
on Apr 20, 2006

It's because you are using it to strengthen your agenda.

You have definitely helped me see the light. I will attend all the protests I can to ensure that Bush/Cheney doesn't get reelected in 2008!

I second that.
Name me ONE article you wrote that DOESN'T paint a negative depiction of bush?

Don't hold you breath.

Umm, Maybe if we all promise not to vote for George W. Bush in 2008, COL will go away.

Only if Micheal Moore leaves with him.

I agree with you. One thing it seems that Col overlooks is the fact we all think with (what I call) a relational database. Everything we say, think, even how we listen is all based upon the relational database with collective experience (direct and indirect). We can only relate to one another through our experiences.

Exactly, not everyone sees things the same way. I personally believe that the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq were not in vain, I believe we did something good even if not with the whole truth. That is my perception of the war and he can not deny me my belief.

One can become blinded by complete light and one can become blinded by complete darkness.

I hate to say it but in his case he was born blind. The idea that everyone has to see the world thru his eyes alone is enough to make me wanna puke. To ignore and push aside other peoples opinions only to look at what feeds your need is wrong, it's like passing a chinese dish for McDonalds simply because you like it even though you never tasted the chinese dish before and won't know if you like it as well.

My conclusions are NOT predicated on polls. Data from Treasury, labor dept, studies by the Brookings institute. Statements from recognized experts are not polls.

It's all about how you intepret them Col. Can you explain why do some people see the economy bad and some see it good? because everyone looks at it in different ways and therefor get different opinions.

Here's an idea:

What color would you say this is?

This is Fuchsia, but many people would call this pink. See what I mean?

BTW, statements from recognized expert are opinions and studies from the Brookings institute are just that studies, opinions from the insitute depending on their findings from their experiments(by experiments I mean things like polls). I thought you were smarter than that.

Because of you it has to be done.

definition of poll: an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people Link

You see opinion, not fact.
on Apr 20, 2006
It is not my opinion that the jobs being created pay less then the jobs that were lost. It is not my opinion that average weekly wages are not up but down slightly.

You DO have an opinion, however, about who is to BLAME for those "non-opinions" and you bleat it incessantly. The existence of A & B does not prove B caused A, however, no matter how often & how loud you scream A & B. I happen to believe our economy could have been a whole lot worse off but for the actions of the Bush administration in the wake of 9/11.

These two "facts" in particular are the result of sweeping forces in the global & US economies, not administration policy, and could not have been avoided. Delayed a bit, perhaps, but not avoided.
on Apr 20, 2006

You requested a Blog that did not reflect negatively on Bush. Ask you shall receive:

Solve the Energy crises
By COL Gene
Posted Saturday, February 05, 2005 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

Restore the Café standards and make them apply to all cars, trucks and SUVs.

Establish new targets for increased miles per gallon for each type of vehicle over the next 10 years.

Establish tax credits for car manufacturers who achieve the established standards.

Establish tax surcharges to car manufacturers who fail to meet the new mileage standards.

Utilize the additional tax revenue from surcharges to help fund the tax credits to corporations who achieve the new Café standards.

Provide federal subsidies to more fully utilize available coal supplies to create the energy needed wherever possible. Subsidies should be used to help provide for clean air equipment and to research new methods of utilizing coal in a non polluting way. Tax credits should also be used to convert existing oil and gas fired generators to coal and with the cost of transporting coal from the source to the user.

Provide subsidies to help car manufacturers develop cars and trucks using alternate propulsion systems such as fuel cells and hybrid/electric vehicles.

Provide subsidies to develop long-term renewable energy supplies including geothermal, wind, direct solar conversion, cold fusion, fuel cells etc. The objective would be to reduce our dependence on foreign oil as well as provide for the sale of the new technology and equipment to other countries. This would have the obvious advantage of not only solving our energy problem but eliminating many of the political entanglements that our dependence on Middle East oil creates. In addition, a reduction in the purchase of foreign oil would help our balance of trade as we sell the new technology and equipment to other countries. Thus this strategy would be a win-win-win-win situation for our country by enhancing employment, corporate profits, reduce our trade deficit as well as simplifying some of our political entanglements.

Encourage the development of natural gas in areas controlled by the United States

Encourage the development of additional oil supplies that are under the control of the United States and do not endanger the environment.

Carefully evaluate any new or renewed agreements to provide United States produced energy to other nations. Our objective should be to first provide for energy independence before pledging our assets, especially oil and gas, to other countries

on Apr 20, 2006
Kind of facetious considering the author has no respect for democracy, doesn't respect the outcome of elections, would gladly strip the executive brance of power any time the president did something he didn't like, makes unconstitutional excuses to toss out the president in an effort to overcome elections he lost, etc., etc.

The Col doesn't need anything but a hate for the current President to start demanding we cast off the rules and do whatever it takes to put someone he approves of in office. He most certainly has no right to call anyone else a 'dictator'...
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