Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Ken Lay the biggest contributor of George W. Bush Convicted!
Published on May 26, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday one of the Bush Base was convicted in two trials- One before a judge for personal fraud by making false statements to his bank and the jury trial in the ENRON case. Between the two convictions the former Bush supporter could spend 30 years for the first conviction and 176 years for the ENRON conviction in prison.

Here is an example of the type of person that Bush calls the elites- the Haves and the Have Mores - ”His Base. I wonder if Mr. Lay or his side kick Jeffery Skilling can make enough contributions to the GOP to BUY a Bush Pardon?

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 30, 2006
How do you ignore that Ken Lay was the largest contributor to Bush and was just convicted as a person that caused financial harm to tens of thousands?

I don't ignore it. I just think you're ascribing meaning to this fact where no such meaning exists.

We already know that corrupt people donate money to politicians. What makes this particular story stand out isn't the corruption, which is commonplace, nor the donations, which are normal, nor even the size of this donation by itself.

Rather, what makes this story interesting is that in spite of the record-breaking size of the donation, the recipient went right ahead and busted the donor anyway.

No matter how you slice it, Gene, the only reasonable conclusion is that Bush disapproves of Enron just as much as you do--more, even since you didn't have to overcome millions of dollars of donations, in order to get your Enron-hate on.

It's easy for you to hate Enron, who have never received anything from them. Imagine what a man of principle it would take to hate Enron after receiving so much money from them.
on May 30, 2006
When you look at the administrations actions to give tax breaks to Big Energy and to conceal their actions, the question is WHY. For example the White House went all the way to the Supreme Court to keep secret the names of the people Cheney used to develop the first energy give away. The entire way Bush and the GOP has passed laws the benefit certain groups make it clear, their actions are paid for by contributions like the one Ken Lay made! Say what you will, the Democrats do not pass give away tax breaks to Big Business and the wealthy. They tend to want to expand welfare and social help. We need policies that do not favor the rich and that do not go off and create new spending programs like the Prescription Drug Plan that Bush and the GOP failed to explain where the money is to come from for that new entitlement program. Do any of you Bush supporters know how we are to pay for the Prescription Drug plan?
on May 30, 2006
Say what you will, the Democrats do not pass give away tax breaks to Big Business and the wealthy. They tend to want to expand welfare and social help.

Perfect reason not to elect democrats. The last thing we need is to expand welfare and social programs. Democrats are typically anti-business and their plans to tax small businesses shows that.

Once again you completely ignore all the posts directed at you. You ignore every single thing that doesn't relate to somehow blaming Bush or the republicans for something.

Why do you keep ignoring this?

Documents obtained by TIME show the energy giant enjoyed much closer ties with Clinton Administration regulators than was generally known. Long before Cheney's task force met with Enron officials and included their ideas in Bush's energy plan, Clinton's energy team was doing much the same thing. Drafting a 1995 plan to help facilitate cash flow and credit for energy producers, it asked for Enron's input—and listened. The staff was directed to "rework the proposal to take into account the specific comments and suggestions you made," Clinton Deputy Energy Secretary Bill White wrote an Enron official.
on May 30, 2006
"35. To help push through energy initiatives in Africa, Clinton's Energy Secretary (and Monica Lewinsky's job counselor), Bill Richardson, visited Nigeria in August 1999.

"As a result of Secretary Richardson's visit to Nigeria in August, we have embarked on a bilateral cooperation program. The Department is developing an action plan with the Government of Nigeria, which will be coordinated with USAID. Cooperation could include: restructuring and privatization; rural electrification; deployment of clean energy and renewable energy technologies; promotion of energy efficiency; and development of an independent regulatory authority.

This initiative, coordinated by Richardson, led to $882 million dollars in power contracts for Enron from the government of Nigeria: Enron, an oil and gas firm in Houston, has signed a power purchase agreement to supply emergency electricity to state-owned power utility Nigerian Electric Power Authority (NEPA) through 30MW power barges located on the coast of Lagos State. Enron and its Nigerian joint venture partner signed the $82 million deal with NEPA and the power ministry in the capital Abuja. Enron and the Lagos state government entered a joint venture earlier in 1999 to build an $800 million gas-powered plant with capacity for 540 Megawatt (MW) to augment supply to the city.

Unfortunately for Enron, the Nigerian Government cancelled these contracts in April 2000. As a further reward for their generosity to the Democratic Party, Clinton Administration Special Envoy Thomas Pickering hustled off to Nigeria (on the taxpayer's dime) to plead Enron's case."

Looks to me like Enron got a LOT more for their campaign donations from Clinton than Bush.

"Clinton officials publicly helped Enron win the contract in India as well as in Indonesia. Enron had received U.S. government funds to build power plants in China, the Philippines and Turkey. Enron also won contracts in Pakistan and Russia while accompanying senior U.S. government officials on state trips. In June 1996, four days before India granted final approval to Enron's project, Lay's company gave $100,000 to the DNC. Source: Time Magazine"

"Ken Lay hired Betsy Moler, Clinton's deputy energy secretary, as a consultant. She was accused of stopping Energy Department counterintelligence chief Notra Trulock from briefing Congress early on about Chinese espionage and security lapses at Energy's nuclear weapons labs Source: Houston Chronicle"

*Yawn*... what's the point...
on May 30, 2006
I never said Clinton solved the energy needs or was not impacted by donations. However, the extent of the Republicans is the issue. Why would anyone give big oil a $12 Billion dollar tax break with the profits they are making? They have all the profits they need to build more refineries and look for new energy sources. The Democrats would NEVER have passed such a bill. What we need is a split in the power because if either party has control we get screwed.

Bush is president now and he and Cheney were the OIL Men. They have done NOTHING to help the energy needs of this country and have no plan but to tell us we are addicted to oil. All Bush wants is to give the oil companies tax cuts and drill in Alaska. The estimates I have scene as to the potential oil in Alaska is a drop in the bucket to what we need to become independent of foreign controlled energy. When Bush could have required higher mileage on car and SUV’s he refused to act. Had he required higher mileage standards in 2001, we would be seeing the impact today. The way Bush and Cheney helped find a REAL solution to our energy needs is a perfect example of the total incompetence of the Bush Adminisdtration!!!!!!!!!!
on May 30, 2006
dance, dodge, dance... when one argument is defeated claim a different one was the point...

You aren't claiming to do a damn thing about the oil problem either, and nothing you've suggested would do anything more to solve it. The Clinton administration fed China and played to China and now China has doubled their use of oil, and will double it again in just a few years. Bush at least gives breaks to American companies. Clinton spent their time arranging business marriages, and often with nations we must now compete with to get our oil.

You couldn't make your point about Enron, now you are shifting down to your taxes and oil dance. If I bothered to address it you'd just shift to something else.

Let the dittoheads bother with you. Bloggers that read and acknowledge arguments are worth my time. You do neither, so I'm not going to waste it.
on May 30, 2006
You have NEVER proven me incorrect you simply attack me of try and shift the issue. You just keep supporting Bush which shows just how little you either care or understand about the Harm this man the GOP that support him have done to our country!
on May 30, 2006
lol... someone's obviously not following his own conversation. You just keep trying to pass off the idea that what you wrote in the blog above isn't the issue once someone hoists you on your own petard.
on May 30, 2006
They have all the profits they need to build more refineries and look for new energy sources. The Democrats would NEVER have passed such a bill. What we need is a split in the power because if either party has control we get screwed.

They can't build new refineries because of the leftist environmental wackos.

Bush is president now and he and Cheney were the OIL Men. They have done NOTHING to help the energy needs of this country and have no plan but to tell us we are addicted to oil. All Bush wants is to give the oil companies tax cuts and drill in Alaska. The estimates I have scene as to the potential oil in Alaska is a drop in the bucket to what we need to become independent of foreign controlled energy. When Bush could have required higher mileage on car and SUV’s he refused to act. Had he required higher mileage standards in 2001, we would be seeing the impact today. The way Bush and Cheney helped find a REAL solution to our energy needs is a perfect example of the total incompetence of the Bush Adminisdtration!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah col, because years of democrats helped us get off foreign oil.

You have NEVER proven me incorrect you simply attack me of try and shift the issue. You just keep supporting Bush which shows just how little you either care or understand about the Harm this man the GOP that support him have done to our country!

I have proven you wrong about 5 times in the past couple of days. Bush is hardly perfect col, but he's far from doing this "harm" that you keep complaining about. There are so many good things about this country that you refuse to acknowledge. All it is with you is "blame Bush". You NEVER HOLD DEMOCRATS accountable for their actions. Where is your comments about the corruption that's finally being exposed? You are silent as usual.
on May 30, 2006

You have NEVER proven me incorrect you simply attack me of try and shift the issue. You just keep supporting Bush which shows just how little you either care or understand about the Harm this man the GOP that support him have done to our country!

BS! Try reply #55
on May 31, 2006
Something else is always the issue with Gene. I've begun to think that he's in reality an Ivy League class project designed to test the theory that simple repetition is the key to successful propaganda.
on May 31, 2006
Something else is always the issue with Gene. I've begun to think that he's in reality an Ivy League class project designed to test the theory that simple repetition is the key to successful propaganda.

N'ah, that's giving him too much. I say he's actually just a retired "colonel", who sudddenly was recruited by the DNC to prove they are...difficult. Yeah, that's it.

on May 31, 2006
It's time again. He has been proven wrong in this thread. It's either time for another useless thread about Bush, or he will disappear for a few days.

I bet we will see another Bush bash thread by today.
on May 31, 2006

Today we know the truth that there was no threat from Saddam in March 2003 and no amount of BS can alter that fact. There were many Democrats and Republicans that believed that Saddam was the danger Bush and Cheney claimed in 2002-2003. The problem in you assertion is that ONLY Bush and his closely held staff (which did not even include Powell) had intelligence that disproved the assertions Bush and Cheney were making about Saddam's nuclear program as well as other WMD that Bush and company claimed was a danger to the U.S. There was also the Military Assessment that the Pentagon provided Bush that Saddam had no ability to attack anyone in 2002-2003 and had not recovered from the 1991 war. The Democrats and MOST of the Republicans were not provided that information and the people that had this information were muzzled by the fact this intelligence and military assessment was classified. That even prevented it being debated in Congress prior to the War resolution. ONLY Bush had the power to keep classified that information that did not support his position. If the Congress had ALL the military assessments and Intelligence in late 2002 and early 2003, the Vote to invade Iraq would have been VERY Different. We went to war with only SELECTED INFORMATION available to Congress and that was 100% because of Bush. Even Powell was out of the loop and has now admitted that he was not told everything. He admitted the biggest mistake of his career was the speech he gave before the UN supporting the War on Feb 5, 2003.

I love the way you dance around and change the subject, fool! That was NOT your original premise this was:

There was NO INTEL that said he had a nuclear program like Bush and Cheney said with their mushroom Cloud scare tactics. That was a LIE pure and simple

So the INTEL that these dems had was wrong?
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