Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Ken Lay the biggest contributor of George W. Bush Convicted!
Published on May 26, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday one of the Bush Base was convicted in two trials- One before a judge for personal fraud by making false statements to his bank and the jury trial in the ENRON case. Between the two convictions the former Bush supporter could spend 30 years for the first conviction and 176 years for the ENRON conviction in prison.

Here is an example of the type of person that Bush calls the elites- the Haves and the Have Mores - ”His Base. I wonder if Mr. Lay or his side kick Jeffery Skilling can make enough contributions to the GOP to BUY a Bush Pardon?

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on May 26, 2006
How pathetic. All you liberals complained about is how Lay was going to get off because of Bush. He gets convicted and you still complain. Col, Bush was elected by the majority of people in this country. I guess all them are the have-mores right.

You are a sad individual.
on May 26, 2006
So if Jeffery Dahmer voted Democrat, can I say that Hillary's base includes gay, serial-murdering cannibals? Wanna go back and talk about Clinton's Chinese friends?
on May 26, 2006
Felons, illegal immigrants, hookers, and terrorists are the voting base of the democratic party. I guess you don't have a problem with that.
on May 26, 2006
How many of Clinton's entourage ended up in jail? Weren't many of those folks big contributors to his campaigns? I don't think Dems want to paint themselves with the moral character of the people who are their biggest cash cows.
on May 26, 2006
Ken Lay gave Bush about $700,000 dollars. This is the type of person that is a part of the Bush base. If Bush had his way there would be no regulatory authority. After all we should just let business operate with no control. The market place will take care of ALL. Here is another person that made millions and screwed thousands of the little guys while he got rich!
on May 26, 2006
If Bush doesn't pardon them, will you retract your insinuations?
on May 26, 2006
Too friggin' bad for the purposes of the morally corrupt author of this article that all of the wrong doing occured during Clinton's watch, and all of the prosecution occured during Bush's.

It's Bush's Justice department that took down these con-men. Remember that.

It was during the heydays of the Clinton years that the shell game was going on at Enron, and during that time a sham house of cards was created, with little or no real money involved. Too bad the Clueless One's favored tax men and women weren't able to actually find out that there was no money at Enron.
on May 26, 2006
In the 2000 election, Gore received over 83% of the prison vote.
on May 26, 2006
BTW - where's your articles about the Chinese contributions to Clinton? The daily sales of rooms at the Whitehouse during the Clinton years? Some comments about Abramhoff and his contributions to buy influence from Dems and Repubs alike?

Didn't think so. You're too morally bankrupt to write on those issues.
on May 26, 2006
Bonus Factoid:

Enron was in favor of the Kyoto Protocol, and the carbon-trading schemes it mandated.

on May 26, 2006

That's great.

Ken Lay perpetrates heinous shenanigans under the Clinton adminsitration. Then he donates huge amounts of money to Bush.

And what does he get in return? An investigation, a trial, and a conviction. From the Bush Justice Department.

If Gene were in any way an honest person, he would be holding this up as an example of Bush's principles and honesty.
on May 26, 2006
Col, I hear a double standard being used in your posts again. Why don't you hold democrats to the same standard?

But this is typical of you.

A democrat says Iraq is a threat, has WMD's, and will use them. No comment.

A republican says it they are a liar.
on May 27, 2006
The Enron scandal was the largest failure in our history. Please do not give me the virtue of Bush as the reason Ken Lay went to trial. He was the LARGEST Bush supporter and an example of the type of GREED that supports Bush and his policies.

There were many scandals investigated during the Clinton Administration and I can not remember ANY where Clinton was found Guilty. None of the issues during the Clinton Administration could hold a candle to the kinds to things that have taken place during the past 6 years. No one died because Clinton lied about having sex like when Bush lied about Iraq being a danger to this country that required us to send our Military to be killed and injured.

I support punishment for ALL officials that break the law. Like Cheney telling Libby about Mrs. Wilson and then outing a CIA agent to the press. There has not been a presidential administration that was more secretive then the Bush administration. They have even been criticized by GOP leaders in Congress because they use Executive Privilege and selective classification or release of classified information to get their way.

Bush and Cheney and not trusted by the majority of Americans and YES that is from Poll after Poll. They all say the same thing and taken together it is clear that the AWOL George and Draft Dodger Dick are about the same place as Nixon and Ague after Watergate. All your continued support for the kinds of things Bush has been doing shows your character. When Bush ran for President in 2000 he pledged that he would not tolerate EVEN A HINT of improper behavior in his administration. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on May 27, 2006
Please do not give me the virtue of Bush as the reason Ken Lay went to trial. He was the LARGEST Bush supporter and an example of the type of GREED that supports Bush and his policies.

Col, why do you ignore everything that was posted to you?

No one died because Clinton lied about having sex like when Bush lied about Iraq being a danger to this country that required us to send our Military to be killed and injured.

Bush didn't lie col. Get over it.

Bush and Cheney and not trusted by the majority of Americans and YES that is from Poll after Poll.

A media poll of 1000 Americans that oversamples democrats. Please be clear about that col.

I support punishment for ALL officials that break the law.

Except for democrats.

They all say the same thing and taken together it is clear that the AWOL George and Draft Dodger Dick are about the same place as Nixon and Ague after Watergate. All your continued support for the kinds of things Bush has been doing shows your character. When Bush ran for President in 2000 he pledged that he would not tolerate EVEN A HINT of improper behavior in his administration. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bush was not AWOL col. Why do you continue to post these rants and stories that you make up? Please tell us which laws Bush and Cheney have broken, and please provide documented evidence of your accusation.

You conveniently ignore all the posts that were made to you. The only joke here is your pathetic posts.
on May 27, 2006
I support punishment of ALL officials that break our laws Republican and Democrat.

Bush and Cheney DID LIE. They had the Intel that clearly showed that Saddam had NO nuclear weapons and that he had NO military capability to attack this country. Despite having that information they told us that Saddam was such a threat we had to invade Iraq in early 2003 to prevent those mushroom clouds from appearing over our cities from an attack by Saddam. THAT WAS A LIE that has cost us almost 2,500 lives, 18,000 injuries and Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.

Yes Bush was AWOL when he did not report for drills for 5 months and failed to report for a training exercise that his unit was participating in 1972. ANY other member of the Guard would have been either placed on Active Duty at that time for failure to attend drills or would have received punishment to include an Administrative or Bad Conduct discharge. What no other officer that did what Bush did would be granted is an EARLY HONORABLE Discharge. I was a Reserve Unit Commander at that time and KNOW what the procedures were for members of the Guard and Reserve that did the kinds of things Bush did in 1972 and 1973.

The polls I am talking about are ALL the polls not just a single poll including the Fair and Balanced polls from FOX!
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