Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Ken Lay the biggest contributor of George W. Bush Convicted!
Published on May 26, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday one of the Bush Base was convicted in two trials- One before a judge for personal fraud by making false statements to his bank and the jury trial in the ENRON case. Between the two convictions the former Bush supporter could spend 30 years for the first conviction and 176 years for the ENRON conviction in prison.

Here is an example of the type of person that Bush calls the elites- the Haves and the Have Mores - ”His Base. I wonder if Mr. Lay or his side kick Jeffery Skilling can make enough contributions to the GOP to BUY a Bush Pardon?

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 28, 2006
I did nor say ENRON was the ONLY scandal but it was one of the largest in Dollars and I believe it was the one that impacted the most people Investors and employees. ENRON did take place on the Bush Watch!
on May 28, 2006
No, Col, it wasn't. I suggest you compare the impact on investors and employees that were scammed now, as opposed to those who were scammed in the late 1800's. Adjust the millions earned by robber barons for inflation. Understand that there was no social security or any other safety net for those people.

No one is starving to death because of Enron. As I said, there have been scandals that torpedoed entire industries, and politicians found with their hands in the till. You can't say for a moment that Enron was more destructive or effected more people than any other scandal in history.

And, again, you knowingly lie when you say that Enron took place on the Bush watch. Enron was PROSECUTED on Bush's watch. Enron started cooking the books back in 1997. The investigation was in full swing in 2001. Why do you think that Ken Lay and the rest did their cut-and-run? It was those investigations that uncovered the fact that Enron wasn't successful and led to the stock selloff in the first place.

I had heated arguments two or three years ago right here with people who claimed that Bush had secretly killed Lay's prosecution, or that Bush would pardon him. Where are the dumbasses now when they are proven wrong?
on May 28, 2006
Investors and employees. ENRON did take place on the Bush Watch!

This statement once again shows you see nothing but "blame Bush". As it's been pointed out to you, Enron was a major contributor to democrats, and these crimes that were committed started way before Bush. As Bakerstreet has pointed out Enron was caught and prosecuted under Bush. I don't see you giving that credit to him.

Either way, you are trying to link a scandal to Bush where there is none. Failed again col.

I had heated arguments two or three years ago right here with people who claimed that Bush had secretly killed Lay's prosecution, or that Bush would pardon him. Where are the dumbasses now when they are proven wrong?

Exactly. How many claimed Bush would let Lay go to trial, and all the other factless allegations. What a bunch of idiots.
on May 28, 2006
A few points to consider, re: Dems and Enron. Well, 50 points, actually.
on May 28, 2006
The Col's argument tarring Bush with Enron consists entirely of two words: Kenny Boy.

Those two words have trumped all facts for those who wish to hate Bush. Nothing else matters.
on May 28, 2006
In case it needs to be more clear, the media participate in this guilt-by-association-athon by almost never printing Lay's name without the qualifier "often referred to as 'Kenny Boy' by President Bush," at least once just to be sure we get the not-so-subliminal message. It's apparently worked on the Col, who certainly never lets inconvenient facts stand in his way. He has a mind shut tighter than Mother Theresa's vagina.
on May 29, 2006
No one said Bush would tried to prevent the prosecution of Lay. What I said is Lay and Abramoff are the type of people that make up the Bush Base. I am not going to get into semantics as to which scandal was the biggest. Enron was a VERY MAJOR scandal that impacted a lot of people. Abramoff is another person, tied to the GOP that has used MONEY and POWER just like Bush and many people were harmed. Those that are not VERY wealthy that support what Bush and the people like him in the GOP are fools. What Bush and the wealthy conservatives are about will harm this country in the long run and harm the VAST MAJORITY of people in this country so the privileged few can become MORE WEALTHY!
on May 29, 2006
What I said is Lay and Abramoff are the type of people that make up the Bush Base.

And you are once again wrong.

hose that are not VERY wealthy that support what Bush and the people like him in the GOP are fools.

Wow col. You just called a lot of Americans fools. So what col, people who are not wealthy should support democrats? You posts are getting more wacky every time.
on May 29, 2006
Col, why do you keep ignoring the posts that counter your ridiculous accusations here?
on May 29, 2006

It is YOU that is WRONG. Lay and Abramoff are very much part of the Bush Base. Ken Lay was the largest contributor to Bush. He gave Bush about 3/4 of a million dollars.

Yes a lot of people voted for Bush and his policies are directly opposite to what they need. The one encouraging thing is that only about 30% of Americans are still fooled which is better then the 52% in November 2004. It is hard to admit you are wrong but as the results of the Bush policies unfold, only the most stubborn will not admit that Bush is NOT helping the country and is only helping the wealthy in America at the expense of everyone else.

As I said if you have a net worth of $10 Million or more and an annual income above $250,000 you will be helped by the Bush policies. Most everyone else will either get a trickle or no help. I see no one commented on the data I posted from the Dept of Labor that PROVED that Average Weekly Income DID NOT INCREASE IN THE PAST 5 YEARS! Great Job Mr. Bush!!!!!!!!
on May 29, 2006
It is YOU that is WRONG. Lay and Abramoff are very much part of the Bush Base. Ken Lay was the largest contributor to Bush. He gave Bush about 3/4 of a million dollars.

So what col? Who cares how much he donated? The democratic party got money from him. The democratic party base is felons, illegals, and hookers, do you have a problem with that?

Yes a lot of people voted for Bush and his policies are directly opposite to what they need. The one encouraging thing is that only about 30% of Americans are still fooled which is better then the 52% in November 2004. It is hard to admit you are wrong but as the results of the Bush policies unfold, only the most stubborn will not admit that Bush is NOT helping the country and is only helping the wealthy in America at the expense of everyone else.

Bush policies have benefited me tremedously, and I'm not part of the evil rich. For you to say only the wealthy are benefiting in this country show what a hack you are.

Where did you get your 30% number col. Another media poll which oversamples democrats I bet? Complain all you want about Bush, but democrats will be even worse.

As I said if you have a net worth of $10 Million or more and an annual income above $250,000 you will be helped by the Bush policies. Most everyone else will either get a trickle or no help.

That's a lie col. We have all shown data that shows everyone who pays taxes have benefited. It just doesn't fit into your DNC talking points.

I see no one commented on the data I posted from the Dept of Labor that PROVED that Average Weekly Income DID NOT INCREASE IN THE PAST 5 YEARS! Great Job Mr. Bush!!!!!!!!

You are the ultimate hypocrit col.

I see you still haven't commented in the last three posts made to you. We did comment on your data and showed you how people have benefited. I guess you only see things that fit your DNC talking points.
on May 29, 2006
Things col hasn't commented on.

Post #35

Post #21

Post #22

Here's from another thread.

Another statistic often overlooked by Bush critics is that average earnings of rank-and-file private-sector workers have increased since Bush took office, though modestly. Even after adjusting for inflation -- including the rising price of gasoline --those earnings are up just over 1% since January 2001, despite the recession and the initially slow recovery.

And that is just in this thread. Answer it hypocrit.
on May 29, 2006
"I am not going to get into semantics as to which scandal was the biggest."

Urm, but you already did when made the assertion that:

"The Enron scandal was the largest failure in our history."

...and then reiterated it in the face of facts otherwise by saying:

" I did nor say ENRON was the ONLY scandal but it was one of the largest in Dollars and I believe it was the one that impacted the most people Investors and employees."

Now that that you realize it wasn't, you don't want to get into it. Akin to that, you are now saying:

" No one said Bush would tried to prevent the prosecution of Lay. "

...when in the original article you said:

"I wonder if Mr. Lay or his side kick Jeffery Skilling can make enough contributions to the GOP to BUY a Bush Pardon?"

The tactic of making and assertion and then acting as if people are distracting from the conversation when they address it doesn't work. You use the most twisted, inflammatory facts and language, and then when you get called on it, you pretend it isn't up there in black and white. As if we should just accept that everyone lies through their teeth to make political points.

Our hardliner Republican friends don't give you enough credit. You know exactly what you are saying, and you aren't brainwashed enough to believe it. You're just brainwashed enough not to mind overstating and outright lying to sway people's minds.
on May 29, 2006
The Issue with ENRON was Ken Lay who was the biggest supporter of Bush. The issue is not WHEN but WHO and the WHO was The Presidents biggest financial contributor Ken Lay Founder of ENRON that was just convicted of 29 counts. That takes care of 31.

What issues are in 21 and 22? The posts are not numbered.
on May 29, 2006
The Issue with ENRON was Ken Lay who was the biggest supporter of Bush. The issue is not WHEN but WHO and the WHO was The Presidents biggest financial contributor Ken Lay Founder of ENRON that was just convicted of 29 counts. That takes care of 31.

Col, this whole post, like your others, is just stupid. So what if Lay was the biggest Bush supporter. It has no meaning at all. Like I said, felons and illegal immigrants make up the base of the democratic party. Are you ok with that?

Was this person lying.....

"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."

and....post #22

Documents obtained by TIME show the energy giant enjoyed much closer ties with Clinton Administration regulators than was generally known. Long before Cheney's task force met with Enron officials and included their ideas in Bush's energy plan, Clinton's energy team was doing much the same thing. Drafting a 1995 plan to help facilitate cash flow and credit for energy producers, it asked for Enron's input—and listened. The staff was directed to "rework the proposal to take into account the specific comments and suggestions you made," Clinton Deputy Energy Secretary Bill White wrote an Enron official.
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