Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Ken Lay the biggest contributor of George W. Bush Convicted!
Published on May 26, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday one of the Bush Base was convicted in two trials- One before a judge for personal fraud by making false statements to his bank and the jury trial in the ENRON case. Between the two convictions the former Bush supporter could spend 30 years for the first conviction and 176 years for the ENRON conviction in prison.

Here is an example of the type of person that Bush calls the elites- the Haves and the Have Mores - ”His Base. I wonder if Mr. Lay or his side kick Jeffery Skilling can make enough contributions to the GOP to BUY a Bush Pardon?

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 27, 2006
I support punishment of ALL officials that break our laws Republican and Democrat.

Then why do you single out democrats? Where is the articles about the corruption of the democratic party?

Bush and Cheney DID LIE. They had the Intel that clearly showed that Saddam had NO nuclear weapons and that he had NO military capability to attack this country. Despite having that information they told us that Saddam was such a threat we had to invade Iraq in early 2003 to prevent those mushroom clouds from appearing over our cities from an attack by Saddam. THAT WAS A LIE that has cost us almost 2,500 lives, 18,000 injuries and Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.

Democrats said the same thing. Gen. Zinni said the same thing. Most intelligence agencies around the world believed Saddam was a threat. There is no evidence of any intentional lie on the part of Bush or Cheney. You have never proved that and everything you say is your opinion, nothing else.

Yes Bush was AWOL when he did not report for drills for 5 months and failed to report for a training exercise that his unit was participating in 1972. ANY other member of the Guard would have been either placed on Active Duty at that time for failure to attend drills or would have received punishment to include an Administrative or Bad Conduct discharge. What no other officer that did what Bush did would be granted is an EARLY HONORABLE Discharge. I was a Reserve Unit Commander at that time and KNOW what the procedures were for members of the Guard and Reserve that did the kinds of things Bush did in 1972 and 1973.

You have been proved wrong on this so many times I have lost count. Bush received honorable discharge. He was never considered AWOL except by Dan Rather. Col, you don't speak for the Guard. As a matter of fact all you do is disgrace them everytime you mention this.


The polls I am talking about are ALL the polls not just a single poll including the Fair and Balanced polls from FOX!

Why do you bring up Fox News? Since you are a liberal I guess you believe Fox works for Bush right?

Col, I have shown time and time again the polls you show are from 1000 Americans, and most of them oversample democrats to get the answers the want. Bush won a large victory in November. No matter what you talk about Bush you never criticize democrats. All you talk about is how they should be in power without once questioning anything they do. That is why you are a political hack.
on May 27, 2006
" The Enron scandal was the largest failure in our history."

'nuf said. With that, anyone that took high school history class should be able to see the farce this is.
on May 27, 2006
The Intel and the military assessment of Saddam was far different then Bush pictured. There was some Intel that said he had some WMD. There was NO INTEL that said he had a nuclear program like Bush and Cheney said with their mushroom Cloud scare tactics. That was a LIE pure and simple. Also the Military assessment at the time showed Saddam had NO OFFENSIVE capability so HOW was he a threat?
on May 27, 2006
Bush may have received an Honorable discharge the point is that his conduct did not earn an Honorable Discharge. The reason you all do not want to admit that he did not obey orders and regulations is that would mean he should NOT have received the Honorable discharge and with out that he could not have run for ANY Office. He got the Honorable Discharge the same was he got into the Guard with the help of Daddy's contacts. If Bush was named Smith, he would NEVER have received an Honorable discharge!!!!!!
on May 27, 2006

Show me one corporate failure that was larger in dollars or number of people injured then ENRON.
on May 27, 2006
There was NO INTEL that said he had a nuclear program like Bush and Cheney said with their mushroom Cloud scare tactics. That was a LIE pure and simple

Col, was this statement a lie. Just answer the question without your usual BS rhetoric.

"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
on May 27, 2006
Col, this is why you are a political hack for the democratic party.

Documents obtained by TIME show the energy giant enjoyed much closer ties with Clinton Administration regulators than was generally known. Long before Cheney's task force met with Enron officials and included their ideas in Bush's energy plan, Clinton's energy team was doing much the same thing. Drafting a 1995 plan to help facilitate cash flow and credit for energy producers, it asked for Enron's input—and listened. The staff was directed to "rework the proposal to take into account the specific comments and suggestions you made," Clinton Deputy Energy Secretary Bill White wrote an Enron official.


Oh wait, there's more.

Enron showed its gratitude. At Christmas 1995, documents show, it donated an unknown sum of cash in O'Leary's name to a charity called "I Have a Dream." And when Clinton ran for re-election a year later, the company made its largest single contribution ever—$100,000—to the President's party.
on May 27, 2006

Show me one corporate failure that was larger in dollars or number of people injured then ENRON."

Worldcom, for one. They'd claimed like 10 billion more in assetts than they were worth, and had to pay something like 700 million to the SEC to pay back investors that got screwed, and supposedly that wasn't nearly equitable to what was lost. They had billions in debt when they went under. It is the largest bankruptcy in US history if I recall.

If you want to go way back, you could go back to a time when people actually WERE ruined, like starved to death or killed themselves ruined instead of just losing their retirement. The Credit Mobilier (sp?) scandal stole tens of millions, in 1870's dollars, from investors and bankrupted a railroad. Lots of politicians were found to have been bought off.

If you wanted to you could find tons of heinous business scandals that left untold numbers of lives in the wreckage, and tons where politics was directly involved. You don't want truth, though, you want any accusation you toss at Bush to be the worst instance ever. Even if it isn't, you'll claim it is.
on May 27, 2006
all the scandal you are whining about every major one, all the books being cooked all the lies being told. not one happened on Bushes watch you fecking MORON, all of them happened on Clinton's watch you IDIOT, but I am sure you will ignore this because you never argue with FACTS you imbecile. you will just go merry and happy on your way masturbating to the mantra... OH GEORGE i LOVE YOU! i WANT YOU! you make me whole! oh Bush you make me fee just like a woman.
on May 27, 2006
The idiots on this Web sight are a GREAT complement to Bush and the scandals that surround his administration. There are also some Democratic crooks but nothing like the current GOP Crooks. The Democrats screw people one at a time and the Republicans screw everyone all at once. The next president will be faced with cleaning up the greatest miss management in our history!

When Bush was at Harvard he told his Economics Prof that things like the SEC and government regulation was unneeded. He said people were poor because they wanted to be poor. He said Social Security and Medicare were socialism and the FDR was to blame. What Bush said in his late 20’s is what he is trying to do now. Destroy this country for ALL but his wealthy Base! I do not know how many of you have a net worth above 10 Million and an annual income above $200,000, but for those that do not, you are supporting someone that will be to your determent in the future. Just wait until this country wakes up to what Bush has done to the financial health of this country. It is a disaster.
on May 27, 2006
He said people were poor because they wanted to be poor.

Which is true.

Destroy this country for ALL but his wealthy Base! I do not know how many of you have a net worth above 10 Million and an annual income above $200,000, but for those that do not, you are supporting someone that will be to your determent in the future. Just wait until this country wakes up to what Bush has done to the financial health of this country. It is a disaster.

Statements like this show what looney things you believe. Yeah col, Bush is destroying the entire country just so the rich can have it all for themselves. Do you realize how stupid statements like yours are?

As every single post you make you still ignore everything that is posted.

I see you completely ignored post #22.

on May 28, 2006
Enron is bad news, but Bush may have received campaign contributions but that does not make him culpable for the offences of Enron. Bush is perhaps guilty of many many acts, but the Enron Scandal does not have the paw prints of Bush.
on May 28, 2006
What I said is Lay and people like show the type of people that are the base that put Bush into office. Look at the Abramoff scandal and how closely it is tied to the conservatives.

As to my comments about how Bush and the policies are destroying our country just look at what is coming in Medicare, Social Security and the huge increase in the interest that will be required because of Bush and his tax and spend policies. Add the fact we are ignoring the need to rebuild the infrastructure in this country even though we can send tens of Billions to Iraq to rebuild their infrastructure and you have a MAJOR DISASTOR that will result from Bush and the policies the GOP had pushed into law!
on May 28, 2006
"I see you completely ignored post #22."

And #23.
on May 28, 2006
What I said is Lay and people like show the type of people that are the base that put Bush into office. Look at the Abramoff scandal and how closely it is tied to the conservatives.

And felons, hookers, illegal immigrants, and terrorists are the one's who put democrats in office. Which do you prefer?

Why do you keep ignoring post #22 and #23?
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