Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on June 25, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

It Is OK to have KILLED U. S. Troops in Iraq!

By COL Gene
Posted Thursday, June 15, 2006 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

It looks like what I posted in my Blog on 15 June is about to come true (see above)

Yesterday the Iraqi Prime Minister announced he was ready to enact his amnesty plan that would allow Iraqis that have KILLED American Troops to be forgiven. Bush must object to any such plan in the strongest possible terms. To have an American President Support a government that would condone the killing of our troops is TREASON!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 05, 2006
I will STOP criticizing Bush When he begins doing what is best for this country and stops applying policies that only benefit his rich supports.
on Jul 05, 2006
I will STOP criticizing Bush When he begins doing what is best for this country and stops applying policies that only benefit his rich supports.

You are so dramatic. Bush is doing good for this country no matter what you or any other looney left liberal thinks. Criticize Bush all you want col, nobody here cares. Go over to the DU and would probably sell a couple of your books.
on Jul 05, 2006

If you think the Iraq War, The increased debt, Energy policy and unprotected borders is good for our country, you are NUTS!
on Jul 05, 2006
If you think a democrat will do better than you are crazy.
on Jul 05, 2006
If you think the Iraq War, The increased debt, Energy policy and unprotected borders is good for our country, you are NUTS!

Classic. The War in Iraq in not good for anyone but sometimes it has to be done cause we are human and fighting is in our nature. It's the only way to make people understand and see the realities of the real world.

The increased debt is shrinking so you need to get you stories straight you nut case.

the energy problem was gonna happen regardless of who was president. It is our fault, the American people, for becoming so dependent on it. We don't even make the effort to change. I see very few electric, hybrid or E85 cars on the streets today. Why? Because we all complain they cost too much. Funny, I guess money is more important than the enviroment or our independence of gasoline.

And the unprotected border thing? It's true that it's a bad thing. I can give you that much. I would like to see more done, though many news reports say that since the National Guard was sent that they have stopped many more illegals from coming in and many say they are too afraid to try. So once again you are crying a river for nothing.

on Jul 05, 2006
Charles, c'mon. Any good therapist will tell you you've got to stop holding back. Just let it out. It'll be alright.
on Jul 06, 2006

I do not know if a Republican or Democrat can do better but I know that we can not allow more of the inept leadership that has existed since 2001 in our country to continue!!!! We also need policies that are more centrist and not either to the far right or far left. I believe we need a split in the power to FORCE some compromises on policy.

on Jul 06, 2006
Col, we know what policies you want and they are far left based. This country elected Bush twice, get over it already. Bush will be in office until '08,
and there is nothing you can do about it.
on Jul 06, 2006

Congress enacts the laws and we can change our policies in 2006 not 2008.
on Jul 06, 2006
Congress enacts the laws and we can change our policies in 2006 not 2008.

Wow! A flash of brilliance. Now, here's a little fact that you keep avoiding, Gene. Taxes - are laws. Tax breaks - are laws. Emergency spending measures to rebuild the New Orleans levies by stacking 10's and 20's (non-consecutive serial numbers and unmarked) on top of each other - are laws. Money allocated (or not allocated) for particular programs? Oh, right. These are laws, too.

Who are laws passed by? That's right! Have a cookie. Congress passes these laws.

If Congress is the one who passes the laws that you like bitching about so much, why, oh, why do you keep saying "it's all Bush's fault!!"?????

Since you've proven that you can understand how our government REALLY works, why do you insist on making such a mockery of yourself by ignoring the 535 people in Congress that are equally (if not more so) culpable?
on Jul 07, 2006
It is you that do not understand how things have been working (or not as the case may be).

What I described is the way the founding fathers designed our republic. The problem is that Bush and the GOP have subverted that system in the following way:

Bush has set out the policies like taxes, spending and Iraq, etc. and then the Congress has passed the policies as Bush suggested without the independent action the legislative Branch should exercise. In fact when Congress has not acted to pass into law the policies the way Bush demanded, the cry is that Congress was NOT supporting the President. That was true with Social Security and Energy.

What needs to happen is Congress must set policies that reflect what is NEEDED and WANTED by the MAJORITY of Americans NOT what Bush wants enacted into law. The policies that have been passed since Bush took office have been almost 100% Bush policies and they have been a dismal failure.

We need a change in Congress in November 2006 to STOP the one sided way our government has been operating to benefit the wealthy and big business while ignoring the needs of the MAJORITY of our people!

on Jul 07, 2006
What needs to happen is Congress must set policies that reflect what is NEEDED and WANTED by the MAJORITY of Americans NOT what Bush wants enacted into law.

People vote these politicians to represent them, not what a biased media poll tells them. Which is what you are basically saying.

The policies by Bush are not a "failure", they are only a "failure" in your opinion.

Here you again talking about the wealthy and big business. Your advocacy of high taxes do NOT benefit the majority of people in this country.

I notice you never address what democrats will do if they regain any type of power.
on Jul 07, 2006
The issue is NOT MEDIA POLLS but what the Majority want from their government. What we are getting is NOT WHAT THE MAJORITY WANT!

If the Democrats regain power there will be a need to modify the policies and compromise not just pass what the GOP wants to pass. That will move us to a more
centrist policy and be a better fit with what the majority want. The majority of Americans are NOT either to the far Right or Far Left. What we have is a government that
Acts as if most people are to the far right which is NOT THE CASE!
on Jul 07, 2006
The issue is NOT MEDIA POLLS but what the Majority want from their government. What we are getting is NOT WHAT THE MAJORITY WANT!

The majority of the country voted this government in. What do you know about what people want? You know absolutely nothing about the average American.

If the Democrats regain power there will be a need to modify the policies and compromise not just pass what the GOP wants to pass. That will move us to a more
centrist policy and be a better fit with what the majority want.

If the democrats regain any power all they will do is complain and do nothing as usual. I bet if they were all democratic policies you wouldn't be complaining.

The majority of Americans are NOT either to the far Right or Far Left. What we have is a government that
Acts as if most people are to the far right which is NOT THE CASE!

I guess you didn't read the DNC statement that said they believe the majority of America is conservative and "moderate". Once again
I bet you wouldn't be complaining if it was a liberal President.
on Jul 08, 2006

In 2000 the majority DID NOT vote this government into office. In 2004 there was 52% that voted this government in and 48% that wanted NO PART of Bush and the GOP Policies. Since Nov 2004, many Bush supporters have changed their mind about the way Bush has handled the policies of our country and he does NOT have the support of the majority!

Since the Republicans have PROVEN they can not handle the job, it is time to see what the Democrats can do!

I do not care what the DNC has to say. That fact remains the MAJORITY do not support the right wing conservative policies that have been put into place and I do not believe the MAJORITY support big give away policies of the far left. A split in the power will FORCE compromise and result in more MODERATE policies!
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