Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on June 25, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

It Is OK to have KILLED U. S. Troops in Iraq!

By COL Gene
Posted Thursday, June 15, 2006 on Bush Truth
Discussion: Politics

It looks like what I posted in my Blog on 15 June is about to come true (see above)

Yesterday the Iraqi Prime Minister announced he was ready to enact his amnesty plan that would allow Iraqis that have KILLED American Troops to be forgiven. Bush must object to any such plan in the strongest possible terms. To have an American President Support a government that would condone the killing of our troops is TREASON!

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 08, 2006

In 2000 the majority DID NOT vote this government into office. In 2004 there was 52% that voted this government in and 48% that wanted NO PART of Bush and
the GOP Policies. Since Nov 2004, many Bush supporters have changed their mind about the way Bush has handled the policies of our country and he does NOT
have the support of the majority!

Since the Republicans have PROVEN they can not handle the job, it is time to see what the Democrats can do!

I do not care what the DNC has to say. That fact remains the MAJORITY do not support the right wing conservative policies that have been put into place
and I do not believe the MAJORITY support big give away policies of the far left. A split in the power will FORCE compromise and result in more MODERATE policies!
on Jul 08, 2006
NO PART of Bush and
the GOP Policies.

Oh, I don't know, Gene... some of 'em might have wanted some part of Bush & his policies. Then again, you are the king of meaningless but sweeping generalities.
on Jul 09, 2006
The public has scene the results of the Bush policies in energy, trade, jobs, budget, border security, education, Social Security and Iraq. The VAST MAJORITY
and they do not like the results and WANT A CHANGE!!!!!
on Jul 09, 2006
Since the Republicans have PROVEN they can not handle the job, it is time to see what the Democrats can do!

The public has scene the results of the Bush policies in energy, trade, jobs, budget, border security, education, Social Security and Iraq. The VAST MAJORITY
and they do not like the results and WANT A CHANGE!!!!!

We know what democrats can do col. That's why Republicans have power.

Let's see col. What did the democrats do about border security in the 8 years of a democrat administration? What did democrats do
to solve any of the problems you listed above? The only things democrats are guaranteed to do is raise taxes, which is what you want anyways.

I do not care what the DNC has to say. That fact remains the MAJORITY do not support the right wing conservative policies that have been put into place
and I do not believe the MAJORITY support big give away policies of the far left. A split in the power will FORCE compromise and result in more MODERATE policies!

You haven't shown that as fact. Where you are getting this fact from? The media polls you love so much?

In 2004 there was 52% that voted this government in and 48% that wanted NO PART of Bush and
the GOP Policies. Since Nov 2004, many Bush supporters have changed their mind about the way Bush has handled the policies of our country and he does NOT
have the support of the majority!

In 2004 the majority of people voted Bush back into office even with all the bs like your blogs. Bush lied, worst economy since Hooover, but
democrats still couldn't beat him. And these are the peopel you want in office. What a joke.
on Jul 09, 2006
Geez, this thread is still alive? Makes me wonder...

Then again, you are the king of meaningless but sweeping generalities.

Heh, yeah... that's Gene for you. King Gene of colonel generalities... wait, would that be GEN Gene of Kingly colonelness?

COL Gene:
The public has scene the results of the Bush policies in energy, trade, jobs, budget, border security,
education, Social Security and Iraq. The VAST MAJORITY and they do not like the results and WANT A CHANGE!!!!!

Guess we'll see in November if the "VAST MAJORITY" is as pissed off as you hope they are.
on Jul 09, 2006
The country is the looser. The debt, lack of border control, Iraq War, lack of an energy policy from the two former oil men. The list goes on and on. Bush and the GOP is a failure.

To continue with policies that have totally failed to solve our problems would just be dumb. I hope we see a change in Novenber 2006!!!!!!
on Jul 09, 2006
Not that it will have any effect on you, Gene, but you should take a look at this:


Seems the deficit is shrinking a lot faster than expected, thanks to those evil undertaxed rich folks & corporate ripoff artists you love to hate.
on Jul 10, 2006

I read that article and what that said is that the GROWTH in the deficit is less then projected. That is good but does not solve the problem of the existing deficit
nor does it come even close to balancing the budget to STOP adding to the deficit. The issues is very basic-- If we spend "X "Dollars we MUST TAX "X" dollars.

That is what Bush and the GOP in Congress refuses to do. Since January 2001 will have added about $5 Trillion to the $ 4 Trillion Reagan added to the debt. These two irresponsible presidents have created 90% of the TOTAL National Debt!!!!!!!!!!! The American taxpayers will be paying the interest on this debt for the next 50 plus years!!!!!! Since Reagan we have paid $6.5 TRILLION in interest. The amount of interest over the next 25 Years will be far greater because of Bush!
on Jul 10, 2006
That is what Bush and the GOP in Congress refuses to do. Since January 2001 will have added about
$5 Trillion to the $ 4 Trillion Reagan added to the debt.
These two irresponsible presidents have created 90% of the TOTAL National Debt!!!!!!!!!!!
The American taxpayers will be paying the interest on this debt for the next 50 plus years!!!!!!
Since Reagan we have paid $6.5 TRILLION in interest. The amount of interest over the next 25 Years will be far greater because of Bush!

Isn't that the same budget deficit that you think Clinton conquered and Bush screwed up? Can't have it both ways, COL.
on Jul 10, 2006
Gloom and doom. Ever wonder why people like you don't get elected col?


on Jul 10, 2006

I hope you and the other Bushies enjoy paying all those tax dollars to pay the interest Bush and Reagan added to the Federal budget!!!!
on Jul 10, 2006

At the end of the Clinton term we finally balanced the annual budget and stopped adding to the deficit. The first year Bush took over, we returned to the same problem that Reagan created in 1981.

Reagan added 3 Trillion to the total debt and Bush will add over 4 Trillion and leave with an unbalanced budget and continue the march to more debt!

In 1980 the national debt was under 1 Trillion.

When Reagan left office it was 4 Trillion.

When the Bush 41 and Reagan terms were over the debt was 5.7 Trillion and by the end of the Bush 43 term it will be 10 Trillion! The annual interest went from 90 Billion in 1980 to $500 Billion in 2010.
on Jul 10, 2006
I hope you and the other Bushies enjoy paying all those tax dollars to pay the interest
Bush and Reagan added to the Federal budget!!!!

We will...but only because, "YOU'LL" be paying it too!
on Jul 10, 2006

You are such an ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jul 10, 2006

I hope you and the other Bushies enjoy paying all those tax dollars to pay the interest Bush and Reagan added to the Federal budget!!!!

What a ridiculous statement. Regardless of a deficit or not I will still pay taxes. If it was up to people like you
we would all be paying higher taxes.

I'd rather pay taxes on a deficit than spending it on welfare or any other useless entitlement program, I will tell
you that.
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