Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush for the VERY first time in 5 ½ years said he will veto the bill providing for Stem-Cell research. About 2/3 of Americans want this bill passed as does the majority of Congress. Again we have Bush and the far right making a ridiculous argument that this will destroy human life.

The truth is that the stem-cells that would be used to help find cures for many types of human suffering are the unused cells from in-vitro fertilization that will NEVER become human life. These cells are frozen and at some point will be DESTROYED. What Bush and the radical right is saying is DO NOT USE THEM TO HELP SAVE LIVES JUST LET THEM REMAIN FROZEN AND LATER DESTROYED AS MEDICAL WASTE!

It appears that even though the majority of Americans and the Majority of the Congress want this bill approved, Bush will use his FIRST veto to prevent this life-saving research. I hope EVEY member on Congress who does not vote to override the threatened Bush veto is swept from office if they are up for re-election in November.

We have a President that is truly out of touch with our country on almost EVERYTHING!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 18, 2006
If there was ever an article that cemented the fact that you're nothing but a RINO, this would be it.

Having said that, I applaud President Bush for having the balls to stand up for what he believes in, no matter how unpopular it might be. That takes more guts than most of his detractors want to give him credit for having.
on Jul 18, 2006
don't worry about the Col, Chaos....if Bush was to stand up and say, "let's do all the Stem Cell Research we possibly can", Col would be complaining that Bush is doing genocide against Americans....

If you wanna know what the Col stands for, just find out the latest on Bush, then go the complete opposite....
on Jul 18, 2006
don't worry about the Col, Chaos....if Bush was to stand up and say, "let's do all the Stem Cell Research we possibly can", Col would be complaining that Bush is doing genocide against Americans....

If you wanna know what the Col stands for, just find out the latest on Bush, then go the complete opposite....

Yeah, I know all that. I've butted heads against him often enough that now I just read, shake my head, wonder how such a clue-less wonder survived for so long in the military. Then I stop, think about a large part of the officer corp that I've met (and as a gov't contractor and an Army brat, I've met more than a few) and realize that he'd fit right in with most REMFs. Which isn't so strange as he WAS a REMF.

It just sickens me that someone can be so deluded and filled with hate that NOTHING can be seen as good from the object of hatred.

As much as the poor guy gets ridiculed around here, I don't hate him. I pity him. I mean, wrapping so much into hating aguy that's not going to be leaving in 30 months is just pitiful.

Although, like torturing a bear ... it can still be rather entertaining in a sick, twisted way.
on Jul 18, 2006
wrapping so much into hating aguy that's not going to be leaving in 30 months is just pitiful.

Let's hope that he'll latch onto the next President with as much hatefilled glee. Otherwise he'll have no agenda.

Okay, now on to the topic at hand:
The truth is that the stem-cells that would be used to help find cures for many types of human suffering are the unused cells from in-vitro fertilization that will NEVER become human life. These cells are frozen and at some point will be DESTROYED. What Bush and the radical right is saying is DO NOT USE THEM TO HELP SAVE LIVES JUST LET THEM REMAIN FROZEN AND LATER DESTROYED AS MEDICAL WASTE!

If you want to debate stem-cell research and its ethics, that's one thing. But as always you want to discuss Bush's political position on this issue. Maybe he's representing America. I know I'm one of your so-called 1/3 who thinks stem cell research is an affront to nature and should be banned. So I know he's representing ME by vetoing (or threatening to veto) this controversial legislation.
on Jul 18, 2006
Maybe he's representing America. I know I'm one of your so-called 1/3 who thinks stem cell research is an affront to nature and should be banned. So I know he's representing ME by vetoing (or threatening to veto) this controversial legislation.

But that's the splendid part about the way this country is set up. I'm in that 2/3 (hmm . . . the word majority come to mind, anyone?) that believe that it is anything but an affront to nature. It's a way to help some of the less-fortunate souls in this world. So he's opposing me and my opinion my threatening to veto this controversial legislation.
on Jul 18, 2006
hmmm....I am seeing majority and minority thrown around here...San Chonino....what are your views on same sex marriage? Just wondering....
on Jul 18, 2006
I know I'm one of your so-called 1/3 who thinks stem cell research is an affront to nature and should be banned.

I'm curious as to what makes stem-cell research an affront to nature?
on Jul 18, 2006
Another example of when you can not refute the facts you attack me. The issues are clear:

The majority of Americans want the Stem-cell research

The majority of Congress wants the Stem-cell research

The argument that it will destroy human life is untrue because the stem-cells that would be used to further this research will NEVER become a Human Being and will at some point be destroyed. Thus, is it better to use these Stem-cells to help people or just allow these same Stem-cells to be destroyed without helping anyone like Bush and the far right wants?

This is a real simple issue-- The stem-cells are not and will not become a person and thus the BS that allowing their use will destroy human life that will NEVER exist is untrue!
on Jul 18, 2006
Another example of when you can not refute the facts you attack me. The issues are clear:

As usual I have to make a fool of you right after you always say something stupid.

The majority of Americans want the Stem-cell researchThe majority of Congress wants the Stem-cell research

That doesn't mean Bush has to agree with them, just like every other ASmerican, he has the right to his own opinion and beliefs, it just so happens that he also has a little bit of power to exercise those opinions and beliefs.

The argument that it will destroy human life is untrue because the stem-cells that would be used to further this research will NEVER become a Human Being and will at some point be destroyed. Thus, is it better to use these Stem-cells to help people or just allow these same Stem-cells to be destroyed without helping anyone like Bush and the far right wants?This is a real simple issue-- The stem-cells are not and will not become a person and thus the BS that allowing their use will destroy human life that will NEVER exist is untrue!

You should do you homework before you open you narrow minded mouth.

From http://stemcells.nih.gov/ Link

Where do stem cells come from?
Pluripotent stem cells are isolated from human embryos that are a few days old. Cells from these embryos can be used to create pluripotent stem cell "lines" —cell cultures that can be grown indefinitely in the laboratory. Pluripotent stem cell lines have also been developed from fetal tissue obtained from fetal tissue (older than 8 weeks of development).

What classes of stem cells are there?
There are three classes of stem cells: totipotent, multipotent, and pluripotent.

1-A fertilized egg is considered totipotent, meaning that its potential is total; it gives rise to all the different types of cells in the body.
2-Stem cells that can give rise to a small number of different cell types are generally called multipotent.
3-Pluripotent stem cells can give rise to any type of cell in the body except those needed to develop a fetus.

In other words you ignorant fool, there has to be a fertilized egg in order to have stem cells, in other words the first few days of what would become a baby. Technically an abortion done on purpose just to get stem cells. Of course the stem cells will never become humans but they need one to get them, a live one. Regardless of what you want to believe it will still need the destruction of human life to get them.
on Jul 18, 2006
Gene, are you aware that the Bush administration is in favor of funding for stem cell research, and has in fact approved funding for a number of stem cell research programs?

Are you aware that these Bush-funded programs, including research into stem cells taken non-destructively from sources other than embryos, have so far shown more promise, and resulted in more medical advances, than the embryonic stem cell research?
on Jul 18, 2006
Are you aware that these Bush-funded programs, including research into stem cells taken non-destructively from sources other than embryos, have so far shown more promise, and resulted in more medical advances, than the embryonic stem cell research?

Even more interesting is that stem cells can also be taken from adults without having to kill them. And Bush is in favor of this as well.

IV. What are adult stem cells?
An adult stem cell is an undifferentiated cell found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ, can renew itself, and can differentiate to yield the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. Some scientists now use the term somatic stem cell instead of adult stem cell. Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin (the inner cell mass of the blastocyst), the origin of adult stem cells in mature tissues is unknown.

Research on adult stem cells has recently generated a great deal of excitement. Scientists have found adult stem cells in many more tissues than they once thought possible. This finding has led scientists to ask whether adult stem cells could be used for transplants. In fact, adult blood forming stem cells from bone marrow have been used in transplants for 30 years. Certain kinds of adult stem cells seem to have the ability to differentiate into a number of different cell types, given the right conditions. If this differentiation of adult stem cells can be controlled in the laboratory, these cells may become the basis of therapies for many serious common diseases.

on Jul 18, 2006
San Chonino....what are your views on same sex marriage? Just wondering....

Same-sex marriage is one that I have trouble defining my views on . . .

From a purely political standpoint, I would support it.

From a purely religious standpoint, I would oppose it.

Because I am both a religious and a political creature, I have troubles coming to terms with it. But, when in doubt, throwing down with God on your side is usually a safe bet . . . so, when pressed, I would have to say I'm against it.
on Jul 18, 2006
ok....i was just wondering....

in this country, the majority doesn't usually get what they want...
on Jul 18, 2006
Charles C

You show your stupidity.

The stem cells that are proposed and that I mention in my Blog to be used are the remaining cells from in-vitro fertilization. These cells are not to be implanted and become a human being but will be destroyed at some point as medical waste. Please explain WHY the use of these left over cells from in-vitro that will be destroyed should not be used? Bush is entitled to his opinion but not to impose it on the reminder of us given the fact that both the Congress and majority of the American people want this bill to become law.

I have a wife with cancer and a step-son with diabetes. The use of these cells could help relieve the suffering I see EVERY day in my family you flaming A*s. Look at what the major leader of the Senate who is also a Doctor said. As I said Bush as usual is out to lunch and it will be a GREAT day when that idiot returns to Texas!
on Jul 18, 2006
What LW said.

Sorry, COL...there's no Constitutional right to MY money. Bush just ain't coughing it up!

I am a huge PROPONENT of stem cell research, but NOT ON MY DIME! The government needs to stop funding every pet project of every American; it's bankrupting us.
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