Bush for the VERY first time in 5 ½ years said he will veto the bill providing for Stem-Cell research. About 2/3 of Americans want this bill passed as does the majority of Congress. Again we have Bush and the far right making a ridiculous argument that this will destroy human life.
The truth is that the stem-cells that would be used to help find cures for many types of human suffering are the unused cells from in-vitro fertilization that will NEVER become human life. These cells are frozen and at some point will be DESTROYED. What Bush and the radical right is saying is DO NOT USE THEM TO HELP SAVE LIVES JUST LET THEM REMAIN FROZEN AND LATER DESTROYED AS MEDICAL WASTE!
It appears that even though the majority of Americans and the Majority of the Congress want this bill approved, Bush will use his FIRST veto to prevent this life-saving research. I hope EVEY member on Congress who does not vote to override the threatened Bush veto is swept from office if they are up for re-election in November.
We have a President that is truly out of touch with our country on almost EVERYTHING!