Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush for the VERY first time in 5 ½ years said he will veto the bill providing for Stem-Cell research. About 2/3 of Americans want this bill passed as does the majority of Congress. Again we have Bush and the far right making a ridiculous argument that this will destroy human life.

The truth is that the stem-cells that would be used to help find cures for many types of human suffering are the unused cells from in-vitro fertilization that will NEVER become human life. These cells are frozen and at some point will be DESTROYED. What Bush and the radical right is saying is DO NOT USE THEM TO HELP SAVE LIVES JUST LET THEM REMAIN FROZEN AND LATER DESTROYED AS MEDICAL WASTE!

It appears that even though the majority of Americans and the Majority of the Congress want this bill approved, Bush will use his FIRST veto to prevent this life-saving research. I hope EVEY member on Congress who does not vote to override the threatened Bush veto is swept from office if they are up for re-election in November.

We have a President that is truly out of touch with our country on almost EVERYTHING!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 18, 2006
You show your stupidity.

No, Col, you show yours. As LW said, there is NO ban on stem cell research. None. Any attempt to prove otherwise is just a politically motivated lie.

So your wife has cancer and your step son has diabetes. That's called "life", Col, and it affects every single one of us. It is NOT the government's job to babysit every single damned American without the motivation to work to create a better life for THEMSELVES. Early death has another name for it, Col; it's called "natural selection", and, frankly, you should embrace it rather than attempting to arrest it!
on Jul 18, 2006

Better look at what the Senate majority leader and Doctor said-- Without a change the research will be hampered. Since the majority wants this bill I guess the majority want to use our tax dollars. The majority want an end to the Iraq war and want to STOP spending our tax dollars in Iraq. Here again Bush fails to do the will of the American People.
on Jul 18, 2006
It is the responsibility of our form of government to do the WILL OF THE PEOPLE! The WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS TO ALLOW Federally Funded Stem-cell research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jul 18, 2006
It is the responsibility of our form of government to do the WILL OF THE PEOPLE! The WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS TO ALLOW Federally Funded Stem-cell research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.) Calling it "the will of the people" is an outright, bold faced LIE, Col. There has not been a single election on the matter, and the truth is, you do not know. You CERTAINLY do not have access to enough people to state that it is the "will of the people", and, frankly, I'm pissed off with you telling me what I think, Col!

2.) No, it is not the government's job to do the "will of the people", Col. The Constitution limits the powers of the government for a reason, and NOWHERE in the US Constitution is there a clause allowing the government to fund all experimental research. You can look all you want and not find it.

3.) If the "will of the people" was found to be extermination of all liberals and deportation of all minorities, would you endorse it, COL? I would hope not, for obvious reasons, but your sanctimonious reliance on "the will of the people" as a guide would indicate otherwise, even though you, nor ANYONE ELSE IN THIS COUNTRY can rightly claim to know the "will of the people" on this matter.

4.) I am sick and damn tired of your claiming omniscience, Col. Coming to the debate is one thing, but you claim to be the spokesman for all of America. If that were true, your book would have outsold "the Da Vinci Code", Col. Your presentation of yourself as this country's Messiah would have MUCH more merit if your book had placed, for even a week, ANYWHERE on the Amazon.com bestseller list. You accuse Bush of lying, when your entire blog is nothing but a string of lies, most of which are easily disprovable.
on Jul 18, 2006
The majority of the people we elected to pass our laws ( Congress) have said they approve this law. That is called a Republic. Bush can have his personal religious conviction but he has NO RIGHT to impose that belief on anyone else. In addition poll after poll on both the stem-cell and the Iraq war show Bush is out to LUNCH! We have not had a President that was so far from what the majority want on almost EVERY subject:

Amnesty to illegal aliens
Border security
Social Security
The economy
Stem-Cell Research
on Jul 18, 2006
Col, please tell how you know what the majority wants? The majority of people in this country elected the President and Congress. We have already addressed your cut and paste claims in another thread which you ignored.

Tell us again col what the democrats have done in the past and what their plan is now to solve these "problems" that you keep cutting and pasting into different articles.

What a sad individual you are.
on Jul 18, 2006
The majority of the people we elected to pass our laws ( Congress) have said they approve this law.

That is actually not even CLOSE to what you said, Col. And besides, my other objections stand. The fact is, federally funded stem cell research falls outside of the Constitutionally outlined powers of the federal government.
As to the rest of your comments:

Amnesty to illegal aliens Bush has not proposed amnesty to illegals. I don't agree with his plan, but it falls far short of amnesty. This is more political spin.

Border security Yes, Bush is out of touch on this one, but it's a fair bet MOST bureacrats are. Bush is hardly unique in this regard.

Deficit Hold on a second. Bush has reduced the deficit and you're implying he's against deficit reduction? This doesn't make sense. Now, I'll admit Bush is a poor fiscal conservative, but he actually is lowering the deficit.

Social Security Actually, Bush's plan is contrasted with the total absence of a plan on the left. Bush is trying to plan for the future, when the money my generation has paid in won't be there and the government will either have to VASTLY increase taxes or eliminate our benefits altogether. Social Security is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever invented, Col, and we're going to go broke if we keep trying to sustain it.

Energy Bush has done absolutely nothing to prevent the free market from developing alternative energy sources, Col.

The economy I have to admit I don't get this one, Col. Are you saying the majority of the Americans want the economy to get WORSE? I don't see how a growing economy is against the wishes of the people.

Stem-Cell Research Again, Bush hasn't banned stem cell research, Col. You're going to have to try a LOT harder.

Trade Sorry, but there doesn't seem to be a majority consensus on ANYTHING in this area.

Jobs It's not the government's duty to provide jobs, Col. It's the government's duty to provide a fertile climate for free enterprise, which Bush and company are definitely doing. This is the first presidency EVER where I have seen an unemployment rate under 5% touted as 'high unemployment". Why don't you go look at France's unemployment figures for comparison, Col?

Environment Bush has not enacted ONE policy that has harmed the environment, Col. The fact is, no matter what you and your whacko, far left fringe want to think, the environment's doing pretty damned good. Smog levels are way down, the bald eagle and American Bison are off the endangered species list, our rivers aren't catching fire from the pollutants...I could go on and on. All you can "point to" is global warming, and that is a debatable one at best. As Baker pointed out, the fact that we can point to a time in the earth's history when temperatures were this high (and civilization wasn't really likely to be culpable), could indicate that we are going through a warming cycle rather than a crisis. To present scientists as united in this discussion is yet again misleading, Col.

You have completely proven yourself incapable of taking an objective look at ANYTHING, Col. You believe only in information from left wing sources, and select information at that. The sad thing is, you're able to put together a persuasive, compelling argument, but because the sources of your argument are questionable at best and completely wrong at worst, your arguments unravel quicker than a $5 sweater in a roomful of kittens.
on Jul 18, 2006
Col you are losing it.
on Jul 18, 2006
The Congress has said they approve this bill. They are in touch with their constituents and I assume know what the people that elected them want. The objection Bush has is biased on his religious beliefs. He has NO right to impose his religious beliefs on the country!
on Jul 18, 2006
The objection Bush has is biased on his religious beliefs. He has NO right to impose his religious beliefs on the country!

1.) prove Bush's objection is based on his religious beliefs

2.) prove that the founding fathers never intended for leaders to guide the country based on their beliefs. you CAN maintain a wall of seperation between church and state, but religious beliefs DEFINE who you are.

3.) The Constitution provides a means by which a veto may be overridden. If Congress can't muster the votes to pass it over Bush's veto, then clearly your sanctimonious claim of federally funded stem cell research being "the will of the people" is spurious, at best.
on Jul 18, 2006
Charles C

You show your stupidity.

The stem cells that are proposed and that I mention in my Blog to be used are the remaining cells from in-vitro fertilization. These cells are not to be implanted and become a human being but will be destroyed at some point as medical waste. Please explain WHY the use of these left over cells from in-vitro that will be destroyed should not be used?

Your worse than my wife. You just love it when I prove you wrong don't you? Here, stick this in your pipe and smoke it you sorry excuse for a military soldier.

From CNN.com Bush threatens veto on stem cell research bill
Friday, May 20, 2005

The scientific community complains many of those stem cell lines are contaminated and could not be used for research. A study published in January in the journal Nature Medicine said all those lines are contaminated.

From a year ago, they complained about the stem cells being contaminated. So what exactly do you want to do with them now that the scientific community does not want them and want new ones? You ignorant fool.

Bush is entitled to his opinion but not to impose it on the reminder of us given the fact that both the Congress and majority of the American people want this bill to become law.

Hello, anyone out there? Ever wonder why the President has the power to VETO it? Because he is entitled to do so and most if not all of the things he does come from his own opinion. Who has ever heard of a President who believes one thing but votes for another? Oh yea, democrats.

I have a wife with cancer and a step-son with diabetes. The use of these cells could help relieve the suffering I see EVERY day in my family you flaming A*s. Look at what the major leader of the Senate who is also a Doctor said. As I said Bush as usual is out to lunch and it will be a GREAT day when that idiot returns to Texas!

Not offending your wife and kid, you are not the only one in the world with sick family members. This statement alone makes you a selfish person.

Besides, this whole stem cell science is not a miracle cure, it's not something taht will yield results in a month or 2. This type of research can take years and even decades before any real progress can be made. Either way, stem cell research is not illegal, it can be done. Bush just doesn't want taxes to be used for it, you know that thing that keeps making the deficit get bigger that you cry so much about, or is the fact that the deficit is shrinking giving you an excuse to complain about Bush not giving more federal funds? What a jack-ass.
on Jul 18, 2006
The Federal Government funds all sorts of Medical Research. Show me where the Supreme Court said Congress can not use tax dollars to fund Medical Research using Stem-cells.

The Bush proposal would grant people that have violated our laws citizenship. That is a form of amnesty and most do not agree with him on this issue.

Bush has NOT reduced the deficit. He is still running a $500 billion annual deficit, has added 3.5 Trillion to the National Debt and his most optimistic plan only reduced the annual deficit to half the past rate. He never stops adding to the cumulative debt nor has any plan to pay down the enormous debt he and Reagan have imposed of our country.

The limits imposed on stem-cell research is making =real progress impossible. Look at what the senate Majority Leader said today.

Bush has done absolutely NOTHING to make us less dependent on Oil and the Oil industry is anything but a free market and is screwing 100 % of 100% of the time.

Bush has backpedaled on so many environmental regulations it is hard to know where to start. Former sec Whitman was fired because she would not dismantle the existing regulations as fast as Bush wanted.

Since Bush took office the trade deficit had doubled.

The way Bush has manipulated the economy has benefited the wealthy and business and left the average American with nothing. In five years the Average weekly wage has not increase while corporate profits and executive compensation has gone through the roof

on Jul 18, 2006
The Federal Government funds all sorts of Medical Research. Show me where the Supreme Court said Congress can not use tax dollars to fund Medical Research using Stem-cells.

This is part of the problem, Col. Just because nobody's challenged it does not mean it is automatically within the government's Constitutional authority.

The Supreme Court has also upheld Bush's NSA wiretap program, COL, yet you and others still insist that it is illegal. I find it interesting that you accept the Supreme Court's action or non action as the final authority on what is right when they render a verdict you accept, yet you challenge that authority when they do not.

The Bush proposal would grant people that have violated our laws citizenship. That is a form of amnesty and most do not agree with him on this issue.

No, the Bush proposal would impose a stiff fine on people who have violated our laws, and start them on the ROAD to citizenship. HUGE difference there.

And it is here where you show your remarkable inconsistency, COL. On the one hand, you support the rights of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, who have TAKEN ARMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, and on the other you support the mass deportation, without due process, of 11 million illegal immigrants who came here to get a job. I honestly don't get how a roofer poses a bigger terror threat than a Hamas terrorist.

Bush has NOT reduced the deficit. He is still running a $500 billion annual deficit, has added 3.5 Trillion to the National Debt and his most optimistic plan only reduced the annual deficit to half the past rate. He never stops adding to the cumulative debt nor has any plan to pay down the enormous debt he and Reagan have imposed of our country.

Potato, Potahto, Col. If I have noticed anything about the economy, I hae noticed that the Democrats use one set of books, the Republicans another. The truth is, the only form of "deficit reduction" you and your DNC cronies will accept is massive tax increases that will cripple the middle class. The fact that you will then give proceeds from those massive increases back to the poor does NOT mitigate your theft in any way.

The limits imposed on stem-cell research is making =real progress impossible. Look at what the senate Majority Leader said today.

Really? There are no wealthy individuals willing to fund stem cell research? Dana and Christopher Reeve are both dead, and left a substantial estate. Why didn't they use that estate to start a stem cell research facility if they were so passionate about the matter? Things that make you go hmmmmm...

Bush has done absolutely NOTHING to make us less dependent on Oil and the Oil industry is anything but a free market and is screwing 100 % of 100% of the time.

That's not Bush's job, Col...that's OURS. There is a free market that gives us choices to use energy sources that make us less dependent on foreign oil, yet, remarkably, we all sit on our asses waiting for the government to solve our problems. Tell me, Col, how is your home powered for electricity? Wind or Solar? If you're on the power grid, you're nothing but another of the millions of hypocrites who are unwilling to put your money where your mouth is!

I never said the oil industry was a free market, Col, only that a free market allows us the power to make alternate purchasing decisions.

Bush has backpedaled on so many environmental regulations it is hard to know where to start. Former sec Whitman was fired because she would not dismantle the existing regulations as fast as Bush wanted.

Another instance of "it is so because I say it is so". No examples, talking points regurgitated from your DU cronies, and entirely without substance.

Since Bush took office the trade deficit had doubled.

Again, two sets of books

The way Bush has manipulated the economy has benefited the wealthy and business and left the average American with nothing. In five years the Average weekly wage has not increase while corporate profits and executive compensation has gone through the roof

I must be an "above average American", Col, because the economy hasn't "left me with nothing". Nor has it left anyone I know "with nothing. Since I live in one of the more impoverished areas of the country, I find your assertions impossible to believe, not just difficult, Col.
on Jul 18, 2006
Anyway, Col, I'll release you back to your liberal dreamworld. I just didn't want your remarks going unchallenged!
on Jul 18, 2006

Better look at what the Senate majority leader and Doctor said-- Without a change the research will be hampered. Since the majority wants this bill I guess the majority want to use our tax dollars. The majority want an end to the Iraq war and want to STOP spending our tax dollars in Iraq. Here again Bush fails to do the will of the American People.

What a fool. As if the pharmaceutical companies taht stand to make the most money off of this (as LW stated) couldn't afford it. What a dope. Everything here is just plain stupidity.
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